Old age shooters

Until a year ago, I was riding my road bike 100 + miles a week

I was doing that for a while while I lived in Colorado, typically thirty miles a day but then I moved to Japan and the drivers terrified me so I stopped riding. Then I moved to North Carolina and these are not bike friendly roads. Now to make it about shooting: I carried a 642 in my jersey pocket.
Well Doug, I'm pushing 69 and some days feel like I'm 106. Carry every day and shoot USPSA and ICORE in competition. Old knees and some arthritis but I still get out and shoot, Am I competitive, against 25-35 year old's nope but I still have fun. just try to do better than the previous match
My original question was How many ninety year olds are still shooting and how many still carry? I'm still wondering. Does anybody know of any?

Your question asked specifically whether there are any ninety year olds on this forum who are still shooting and/or carrying. So far, there have been reports of eighty, seventy, sixty and even thirty year old somethings reporting that they are still shooting but no ninety year old somethings. If this is a contest, so far you're a winner! Congratulations and keep up the good work!
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My dad was not an avid shooter, but he would go with me to the range occasionally until his late 80s. By the time he hit 90, he had decided that he wasn't strong enough to be safe at the range. His mind was good to the end. He was an avid woodcrafter, but gave up both that and driving, as well as shooting, when he felt he wasn't safe. Very responsible and conscientious fellow by nature, so those decision were very much in character.
I'm 65 and have been having arthritis and tendon trouble in my hands and wrists just the last two years. It hurts to make a fist or squeeze something with my hand. 10 rounds of 44 Magnum and my hands shake too bad to continue. Supported rifle shooting is thus far unaffected.
Hoping to . . .

Turned 70 on my last Birthday. Hope to still be shooting in 20 years.
I have given up on trying to tame the 44 mag. It's actually the second time I've given up on the 44. The first time I thought I was done with 44 until there was a Blackhawk in the LGS case. It's siren call to me was just too strong.
This time I sold off the gun and got rid of all my 44 mag reloading stuff. Got a really nice price on my reloaded ammo at a gun auction.

Life is good.
Prof Young
I'll be 75 in a few months and I'm still carrying my Glock 19s and sometimes Model 60 Smith three inch in summer.

I go out to the range a few times in spring and fall but my skills are lifelong and don't need a lot of tweaking.

I don't plan to change anything.

Elmer Keith was a smoker and a drinker and lived a pretty rough life, but he kept shooting until he had a stroke at age 79.
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I'm 75, live in Ky and shoot daily...we're on a farm here and my range is right out the back door...it's been a daily habit for 33 years now. I'm active with all of my guns, from .22 to .44 Magnum, but seldom shoot anything that chrono's over 1000 fps.

This week, for example, I've been working up loads for a .38 Spl Smith M-36 using Ed Harris' recommended .38 Spl load of 3.5 gr of Bullseye & Lyman's 35891 full wadcutter. A nice load BTW... Also working with a M-66 Smith duplicating the accuracy of that 3.5 gr load but in Magnum brass (~4.0 gr of Bullseye does the trick). It makes for a pleasant day, loading in the basement, then trotting out to my 25 yd range to try 'em out.

I'm restocking my supply of Lyman's 35891 & 358156 gc using an alloy of 50-50, wheel weights to lead as these won't be used for hi-speed loads. I've cast almost 2000 bullets over the past 4 days,...an hour and a half in the am, and the same after my wife heads up to bed in the evening.

For you younger guys, I'd recommend some sort of daily regimen...mine is coffee then a morning walk with Molly, my Shorthair'd pointer....I do ~ 3-1/2 miles and she triples that number! Then chores around the farm...I go armed all the time...carrying whatever's my current interest...for the last month or so it's been my .38 & .357 revolvers...this sort of mental and physical activity keeps me fit and alert to the joys of my wife, and grand children. It's not just the shooting...it's being out there in the fields and woods, still able to do it...

So hang in there...arthritis is my constant companion and maybe yours too, but that's why they invented Tylenol! If you keep busy, keep your mind and hands in shape, you'll be shooting longer than you might have thought possible. It's worked for me and from the 10 yd line, I can still shoot 1" groups with an unsupported Weaver Stance. BTW, don't neglect your hearing protection and get glasses that'll let you keep the front sight in focus...

Best Regards....1st Pic from when I was 68....Ruger .44 Spl @ 25 yds rested. 2nd pic when I was 23 flying for 5th Spl Forces near An Loc, lll Corps, RVN 1970. Sidearm in the pic is an issued Smith M-15...but for most of my tour I carried a Browning Hi-Power in a tanker, cross-chest holster.

Best regards, Rod

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I believe the more things you continue doing outdoors that make you happy, the better your health will be. I am convinced folks mental drive/desire to go and do keeps you young…so to speak. Shooting MOA or Sub-MOA is great, but all shooting is still fun. Any day at the range is better than sitting on my ass aging. I’m 76 and still clearing and stacking trees at the range for the annual bonfire. Chainsaws, timber skids, sledges/wedges are great to keep you active. Everyone doesn’t have that opportunity but you can find something to stay active. I sometime refer to my stay busy plan as dodging and hiding from time. It will eventually win but I ain’t gonna make it easy.
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When my dad was 90 he didn’t carry, but he did fiddle around with the ladies at the retirement residence.
He did have his Colt SAA .45 in house though, but I doubt if he could have handled its recoil.
God bless you all. I’ll be 71 in a couple of months and still work a 40 hour week. Don’t get to the range as much as I would like but still love it and carry every day.
So nice to go see this many responses without reading about a gun running on something.
My tractors, my pickup and my dog run, but my guns shoot. ;)
A short sight radius can be helpful to aging eyes.
I am 57 and still OK shooting all my handguns but really feel like I need a Viagra pill before shooting my Winchester shotgun.
I'm 66 and shooting as well as I ever have, thankfully. I have recoil pads on the shot guns that help greatly, no issues with the heavy hitters (.357 and .44 mag) though I do limit my round count. This after having survived cancer 7 years ago, losing weight that I couldn't afford to and for the life of me can't put back on (5'8" and 130lbs soaking wet), in retirement having gone back to work at a golf course again (of course I'm on a riding mower 95% of the time) but I'm outdoors getting sun and fresh air, eat well and exercise. I too hope to be at it when I'm 90. Hats off to all us old geezers.....
I'm now 71 (and counting) and other than easing back on the .44 Magnum (not that I am involved with anything to require that much killing) I am still shooting a Lightweight Commander in .45 ACP fairly constantly.

I'll check back with you in twenty years to provide an update.