Old age shooters

Doug Ridley

New member
Sitting here every morning reading all the gun advice I got to wondering how many 90 year olds are there out there still shooting. i'm not there yet but will be next birthday. I'm not a great shot but I CAN hit the side of a barn esp. if I'm on the inside. Due to arthritis in my wrist I have had to go to .22s entirely for both range sessions and concealed carry. I feel pretty confident that if I ever am attacked by a barn I can protect myself as I try to get to the range at least once a week. So how about it, how many ninety year olds are still shooting and how many still carry?

The way I feel in the AM @ 65?
I'm seriously impressed that you are 25 years older and getting out to the range weekly.
Sitting here every morning reading all the gun advice I got to wondering how many 90 year olds are there out there still shooting. i'm not there yet but will be next birthday. I'm not a great shot but I CAN hit the side of a barn esp. if I'm on the inside. Due to arthritis in my wrist I have had to go to .22s entirely for both range sessions and concealed carry. I feel pretty confident that if I ever am attacked by a barn I can protect myself as I try to get to the range at least once a week. So how about it, how many ninety year olds are still shooting and how many still carry?
Dang Dude, In a attack, my money is on you. A lot of wisdom and experience along the way. Something tells me, you can shoot a lot better than you are saying. Some jerk that wants to do you harm, might just be barking up the wrong tree.
Bravo to you Sir, my Hat is off to ya.
Will be 72 soon Got rid of the 40 cal .down to 357 mag and 22lr.
Lever action 22 lr and 357 mag
Revolver Ruger SP101 22 AND 357 MAG 4.2
Should cover it just put RED DOTS On levers
"Vintage"; Not old

Old age shooters
First off, I consider myself; Vintage, not old. I still hunt a little, shooting less and teaching regularly. ..... ;)

Most of my shooting buddies have physical issues that hold them back but stil have my grandkids to share good ties .. :)

Be Safe !!!
Not there yet but certainly hope to get there. I am at the age though when I truly understand just how much better somethings used to be; like the ground used to be much closer and easier to reach and the targets used to be more generous than those available today and 50 yards used to be jess over there while today it's a fer piece away.

Today size is less important than it was once but location, Location, LOCATION still dominates. Today my handgun is the sign of failure rather than a sign of success. If I need to use a handgun then it will be because all the other things weren't enough.
Pahoo, none of my shooting buddies have anything wrong with them. But they can't find a pistol that will shoot through 6 feet of dirt. And I don't have any enemies that I know of cause they can't either. But joking aside there are two reasons I try to practice a lot-- 1. I have visions of a pair of 18 or19 year old idiots driving by and saying, "I bet that real old man who lives there has money (I don't) and it would be easy to get in and take it". 2. My son works in the gun industry and furnishes me with lots of ammo that I have to use up.
Heading into my early 60’s and wondering if that Redhawk in 44mag isn’t such a great idea.

God bless and stay vigilant.
I'll be 81 in a few months. Started hunting, reloading and joined the NRA in 1964. Became a Life Member in 1967 - now a Benefactor Member. Got involved in bullet casting about 1971. I have deer hunted in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Ohio. Hunting Ohio with a Ruger Super Red Hawk in 44 Mag until straight wall 45-70 became legal here. Carry gun is a Springfield XDS in .45 ACP. Don't shoot as much as I used to even though I have a 50 yd. range in the back yard that will stop any shoulder fired caliber. I do not plan on giving up anytime soon.
My Dad will be 85 this August. He just bought himself a new S&W 642 snub .38 two years ago, and shoots it annually. Living in Florida, he likes the compact size and power of the .38 Special, as it carrys easily in cargo shorts for CCW.

Lots of "crazy" in Florida, always good to have some insurance in your pocket.
Just about to turn 67 in a couple months and the heavy loads in my .41 mag are pretty much reserved for my Henry. But I still love to shoot stout .357 mag loads, and am mostly burning up a lot of .38sp and 9mm. Lighter recoil sure is more appreciated these days.
I have been 68 for awhile now and have chronic back pain (ATV accident). I hit the range about 3 times a month. I shoot 45acp, 9mm, 357mag, and don't have any problems. Shooting is my favorite hobby.
My original question was How many ninety year olds are still shooting and how many still carry? I'm still wondering. Does anybody know of any?
Not sure I know anyone who lived to 90. The closest I could, possibly, come close to is a guy I worked with, lives in NC, and still goes shooting with his Dad and Mom. He's 74 so have to assume Dad (and mom) are damn close to 90. No idea if they carry.
Next time I talk to him, I'll ask.
I'll be 67 on 7/4 and go to the club every few days to shoot something. Until a year ago, I was riding my road bike 100 + miles a week but tore the Peroneus Brevis tendon in my right foot and I'm now unable to climb and city streets are boring.

I actually told my doctor that if all his patients were like me, he wouldn't have a job.

Im 38 but 21 years in the USMC has left me feeling broken every morning. Good on you for keeping it up. I can only hope to be that spry.