Old 1858

It kinda looks like an ASP/Euroarms Remmie, especially if there is a step down from the frame to the barrel on the top. It's hard to see from the photo (not enough contrast behind the gun).
The grip escutcheons are correct and it looks good. However fakes do abound and some are very good. If there's no trace of barrel address and the inspectors marks are missing it could sit there til it rots. This is an original, it looks comparable to the one the OP has.

Every single photo of an original Remington I have see so far shows a smooth slope to the barrel at the top of the frame. There is virtually no step up (or a small one) where the barrel screws into the frame on the top as in the Uberti Remingtons. The photo you have posted looks like an ASP/Euroarms/Pietta that have more "meat" above the barrel.
Top is a original.


One on the right is a original


My Euroarms From 1974
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If we're going to pick nits the correct name is Remington New Model.

You're absolutely correct, my apologies. Below is the barrel rollmark from mine. The inspector marks on mine are "A" on the barrel and trigger guard, "R" on the charging handle, "W" on the frame and "P" on the cylinder (all I could easily find, there may be more).

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With all the good information I would have to say this is the real deal. But I'm not going to buy it as I want a shooter more than something to look at and say "look what I've got, it's the real thing".

If anyone is interested and wants the guys phone number I'll give it to you by pm.
Easyest way to find out if it's real, take out one of the screws and see if it's metric or standard !!! Metric is European mfgr.