Olbermann is really mad!!

Whats your point? Olberman's comments were dead on, In my opinion. But some still think Bush is a good president. So some will disagree.

Billo, Just wanted somebody to bully and give opinions on what he thought his guest's father would think. He's a punk!!!
well I agree with Olberman and I am a American, screw all the other titles. All I know is the person in charge has really screwed up this country over these last 8 years. and if his vision of the NAU happens R.I.P. America

Agreed. There was nothing in the video that wasn't true. And I suspect there are a lot of Bush underlings sweating the possibility of the next administration being Democrat and an Attorney General digging through all the illegal and corrupt acts of the last 8 years and maybe several pols going to prison.

Whats your point?

My point is that Olbermann is unwatchable to, by his ratings, apparently a lot of people. It's one of those times that "shoot the messenger" is quite appropriate.

There aren't many that think Bush is a good president. Don't need some journalist to help us figure that out using grade school vernacular.
And I suspect there are a lot of Bush underlings sweating the possibility of the next administration being Democrat and an Attorney General digging through all the illegal and corrupt acts of the last 8 years and maybe several pols going to prison.

Do you have anything interesting to add to this thread other than your rant about how bad a President GW is? Spare us the conspiracy and wonderings of who will turn up something bad about a President after he leaves office...I am sure you could fill a library with stuff Clinton did during his eight years. Its a terrible argument to use.

History will determine how good of a President GW was, not you my friend.

Back to the topic...

His message gets lost in it.

Spot on IMHO...without the right delivery, the message is worthless. May be true, but at that point who cares after the tirade.
History will determine how good of a President GW was, not you my friend.
Negative. The electorate will judge his presidency and cast their votes accordingly. This judgement will be passed regularly over the coming years and the Republican party (rightly or wrongly) will reap the punishment.

I have a little more to add to this thread beyond "how bad a President GW is". His behavior has been abysmally un-conservative and he has materially damaged the Republican brand name, perhaps for decades.
This is not what Republicans are supposed to be about and I won't sugarcoat my opinion of a man I detest. I'd rather denounce him and work to get the Republicans back to conservative values and policies and restore the reputation he trashed.

So back to the original topic:
Is there anybody here who disagrees with what Olbermann's saying rather than how he's saying it?
History will determine how good of a President GW was, not you my friend.

Negative. The electorate will judge his presidency and cast their votes accordingly. This judgement will be passed regularly over the coming years and the Republican party (rightly or wrongly) will reap the punishment.

I have a little more to add to this thread beyond "how bad a President GW is". His behavior has been abysmally un-conservative and he has materially damaged the Republican brand name, perhaps for decades.
This is not what Republicans are supposed to be about and I won't sugarcoat my opinion of a man I detest. I'd rather denounce him and work to get the Republicans back to conservative values and policies and restore the reputation he trashed.

Exactly. You beat me to it.

My first Presidential vote was for Barry Goldwater, who was my kind of Republican. I didn't bolt the Republican party until GW, although his daddy pushed me pretty close to the edge. But now, with GW, saying I was a Republican just became too embarrassing.

Olbermann is a left-wing tool who wouldn't say squat about it if a Democrat was stealing Americans' civil liberties the way Bush II has, but that doesn't make George W. ("the Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper") Bush any less culpable for doing what he's done. Just my .02 as an outside observer.
Olbermann is a left-wing tool who wouldn't say squat about it if a Democrat was stealing Americans' civil liberties the way Bush II has, but that doesn't make George W.

I would not call him a tool, but he is undeniably a partisan liberal democrat who as you said would say little if Bush was a Democrat. I watch his show all the time, while I might disagree with him on some issues, for the most part he is spot on about the mishandling of the war on terrorism and the economy. Rock on Olbermann.
I watch his show all the time, while I might disagree with him on some issues, for the most part he is spot on about the mishandling of the war on terrorism and the economy. Rock on Olbermann.


And if Bill Clinton can be impeached for illicit sex with ugly women, where does that put Bush and his illegal wars, torture, budget disasters, Constitution dismemberment and just plain incompetence.

Where was Olbermann wrong?

Blues man. I think there were people that want to talk about this subject after all. If it was up to you it appears that the first post would have been the last. I think the least you can do as staff would be to see where a thread goes before jumping on it and making it sound pointless. If it is useless people probably wont pay it much mind. If otherwise it's a good thing. Everyones posts and opinions count. No matter when they discuss them. As an examble I just read all the posts of a new thread talking about what the founding fathers of our country had in mind when forming our government. Too old to talk about that? Must we bring that up again?
My first Presidential vote was for Barry Goldwater, who was my kind of Republican. I didn't bolt the Republican party until GW, although his daddy pushed me pretty close to the edge. But now, with GW, saying I was a Republican just became too embarrassing.

Sorry, but I don't buy into that argument. You cannot just act like a little school girl who nobody wants to play with and take your ball and go home.

"Well if thats how the Republicans want to act, fine by me, I will just become a Democrat." :barf:

You have problems with the Republicans, so do I, but you don't see me throwing in the towel saying well if thats how its got to be, then so be it. Join the local scene, make the changes from the ground up, then one day maybe the party will be more conservative than today and start to get the pendulum swinging the other way. Until then, crying about it helps no one.

As far as GW, yea he's not been who I thought he was going to be as President, he has shown that he lacks a lot of things, my argument about letting history decide is just that. Let's let the future look back and make a non-partisan and biased response about his good and bad he did.

Listening to MSM tell us how bad he is, how incompetent he is, how verbally ineffective he is does nothing.

I'd rather denounce him and work to get the Republicans back to conservative values and policies and restore the reputation he trashed.

My point exactly.
On CNN today
May 1, 2008
Poll: Bush most unpopular in modern history
Posted: 02:30 PM ET

New poll numbers show bad news for president Bush.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — A new poll suggests that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush his handling his job as president.

"No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

"Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon (22 percent and 24 percent, respectively) but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland added. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 66 percent disapproval in January 1952."

CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider adds, "He is more unpopular than Richard Nixon was just before he resigned from the presidency in August 1974." President Nixon's disapproval rating in August 1974 stood at 67 percent.

The poll also indicates that support for the war in Iraq has never been lower. Thirty percent of those questioned favored the war while 68 percent opposed the conflict.

"Americans are growing more pessimistic about the war," Holland said. "In January, nearly half believed that things were going well for the U.S. in Iraq; now that figure has dropped to 39 percent."

The numbers on the Iraq war come on the five-year anniversary of President Bush's "mission accomplished" moment onboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, when Bush proclaimed that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended."

The record low support for the war in a CNN poll could be one reason behind the president's unpopularity, but it probably is not the only one.

"Support for the war, the assessment of the economy and approval of Mr. Bush are all about the same — bad," Schneider said.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted by telephone from Monday through Wednesday, with 1,008 adult Americans questioned. The poll's sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

I guess history is deciding now.............:eek: disapproval rating worse than Truman and Nixon. :eek:
Sorry, but I don't buy into that argument. You cannot just act like a little school girl who nobody wants to play with and take your ball and go home.

"Well if thats how the Republicans want to act, fine by me, I will just become a Democrat."

Where did you get the stupid idea that I'm a Democrat?:mad:

I'm a registered Libertarian and a past and future candidate for State office. If you can't deal with a dying Republican Party, that's fine, but don't blame me for not wanting to go down with that ship.:barf: Blame the guy in the White House. Bon voyage. Have a nice swim.:D


Point taken.;) I should have been nicer. I tried not to make it sound like I was attacking but, I didn't do a good enough job. It is difficult to do at times.

My apologies if you were offended BluesMan. I was trying to make a point.

Now I'll just have to quit posting until I reach that 200 mark! :D
On CNN today
May 1, 2008
Poll: Bush most unpopular in modern history
Posted: 02:30 PM ET

New poll numbers show bad news for president Bush.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — A new poll suggests that George W. Bush is the most unpopular president in modern American history.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush his handling his job as president.

As a Conservative and a Bush voter (Dad in 1988 and Son in 2000,2004), I must say that I agree with this poll. I just don't think the man has a clue. He is very adept at passing executive orders that infringe on our civil liberties though.
Congratulations Winston, by posting that link and generating thirty responses you have quadrupled Oberman's ratings.