Olbermann is really mad!!

Olbermann is no fan of George and never has been. This isn't his first trip to the rhetorical woodshed. I've posted a few here myself from time to time.
His comments are always dismissed by the Bush apologists as "coming from a sportscaster" so that they never have to argue whether or not he's got a point. Generally speaking, his comments are only heard by those who agree anyway.

Olbermann is certainly no suck-up, tho' he is arguably a partisan Democrat.
I do, but I must stress that I agree with him fully on this matter and I'm not a partisan Democrat.
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Sounds like every other left wing talking head moron.

I appreciate Olberman's stance on our right to privacy and a few other issues.... but overall, he is a far left wing Socialist.

I do agree with Olberman that Bush does not have the right capacity to hold office of President.
well I agree with Olberman and I am a American, screw all the other titles. All I know is the person in charge has really screwed up this country over these last 8 years. and if his vision of the NAU happens R.I.P. America
I find myself in a quandry, politically speaking. I am Conservative to my core. Pro gun, anti-big govt... no taxes/low taxes, etc. However, I find that the Republican party of today has taken a different path than Conservatism such as in the arena of privacy rights and big government. I feel that the Democrat party does a better job on privacy rights than the Republican party. The problem is, I don't trust the democrats because I believe that they are leading this country toward Socialism which is tyranny. But then, the Republicans came up with this whole Orwellian "Department of Homeland Security" bull ****, so I don't trust them at all.

Yikes. What a quandry we are all in.
I do, but I must stress that I agree with him fully on this matter and I'm not a partisan Democrat.

I'm pretty much a news junky. C-Span in the AM, Britt Hume at 6 PM EST, Chris Matthews at 7 EST, Bill O'reilly depending on whats on the networks prime time. Matthews is democratic leaning, I still like him.

I can't watch Olbermann for 30 seconds without feeling the urge to go take a crap or puke. He panders to the far left and from his ratings they don't even watch him.

Bush has not been a good president and has done some arguably stupid things. But, Olbermann's lunatic rants are aimed at the lowest IQ on the other side of the spectrum.

Meanwhile, Bush is still president and Olbermann is still a nobody.
All of which may be true (certain points I do *not* concede), but it doesn't address whether Olberman's argument is correct in this case.
IMO, when you make your point with that much venom or vitriol it means that you're immature or stupid, or your expected audience is, accuracy of message aside.
IMO, when you make your point with that much venom or vitriol it means that you're immature or stupid, or your expected audience is, accuracy of message aside.

Ah, the famous Keith Olbermann "special comments."

I find Olbermann unwatchable/unlistenable, even when I agree with his message or when what he's saying (or at least much of it) is true. It's just...too much. Even assuming you agree with him, his comments are much better cut into smaller soundbite-sized chunks...they can at least sometimes be usable in that form. But an entire minute or two? It's like eating too much chocolate...it just leaves you feeling sick and not wanting more for a very, very long time.
IMO, when you make your point with that much venom or vitriol it means that you're immature or stupid, or your expected audience is, accuracy of message aside.
You could be describing Bill O'Reilly and his audience also.
You could be describing Bill O'Reilly and his audience also

Bill O'Reilly is worse, much worse!!

OK. Do your little YouTube thing and find any segment where he presented his opinion with that tone.

And, do you think if O'Reilly does it also, that makes it acceptable journalistic behavior?

Olberman's demagoguery grates my nerves too

Exactly. His message gets lost in it.
I would like to see bill talk to me like that

I can see you now coming over the table after him.

You see no difference between this incident with a person equating the destruction of the world trade center as being a fair reprisal against the US and Olbermann's lunatic rant against the elected president of the US?

I guess it is fortunate for the Daily Kos and MoveOn.Org that there are people with this perspective and logic. Maybe they can make a little money off of them.