Okay to sell handgun w/o FFL?

That's not a sale, it's a gift.
a whole new set of rules.

Same set of rules. The transfer MUST to through an FFL in the receiver's state of residence. The only exception is if the owner dies and the receiver is inheriting the firearm.
Generally legal as long as the person isn't a felon, is age 21 for handguns, no mental judgements against him.

The 21 age requirement is a state requirement. In Michigan you can do face to face sales on handguns from non ffl's at 18. I bought 3 before turning 21 and had no problem doing the registration paperwork. Which never made sense to me, I could buy from Joe Schmuckzy but not a legitamate dealer.
"Generally legal as long as the person isn't a felon, is age 21 for handguns, no mental judgements against him."

Never take legal advice from a guy whose user name would purposely lead you to believe that he's a lawyer, yet he can't spell "judgment"; doesn't know that selling to 18-yr-olds is fine in most states; and advocates the assassination of judges.