"Anyone here that is willing to take your interpreations of the constitution and use it for their case defense need to have their heads examined."
Actually, I don't think that anybody here has any such intentions -- I know that I don't.
No, I'm interested in in-depth discussion of the Constitution in order to better understand the foundation of the nation, to understand the ideals that the nation was founded on. This is the first step in identifying those areas (and there are many) where we have strayed over the years, and is a prerequisite to any sort of restoration of this nation to it's former glory of liberty and republican ideals. Before we can rightly identify those who are outside of constitutional authority, we have to know what that authority is, what the measure of the rule is. Us, not the legal clerics and priesthood, many of whom are offenders themselves. Hence, constitution study and discussion.
All of this can be done with decency and order, completely within the existing frameworks, there is no immediate threat posed by any such restoration movement to the safety and wellbeing of the common people. Unless, of course, the powers that be stage a coup -- a distinct possibility.
What problems do you have with that? Or are you one of those who stand to be "outed"?