Okay, fess up...


New member
Who here carries a single action revolver for self defense? :D

(not meant as a flame. A SA revolver killed ya a hundred years ago, and it'll still kill you a hundred years from now...)
My current truck gun is a stainless .357 Vaquero. It's reliable, solid, and easily the one gun I have the most confidence in.
You should have asked ok who here is a fool. A single action revolver is not a definsive sidearm anymore. A da revolver is still a viable option but a SA give me a break.
I must've forgot...

You need at least five extra seventeen round magazines when you carry. Never know when you'll be attacked by hoardes of ninjas, or have to take on an entire street gang by yourself (who will, naturally, be all unarmed and will keep coming after you after you shoot the first one or two that step forward).
I don't know if you consider ths CCW

Sometimes I carry the 45 LC Bisley behind the seat of my Jeep. I go thru some rough neighborhoods (projects in Gary, IN). My pocket carry is a Kel-Tec .32.

However, if I had a car-jacker come up to the driver's door (which happened once), I want something a little "stronger" than the .32. I suspect that if the would-be thief saw the barrel of the 45 his attitude would be immediately adjusted.

Probably isn't macho, but I'd just as soon avoid trouble as be in the middle of it. I have a 1911 (which I also carry), but there's just something about that big cylinder turning. Kinda like racking the slide on my 870. Also, having a barrel the size of a stovepipe adds to the effect.

Before anyone gets into an uproar over a "SA", I guess I should say that the only time I could justify using deadly force would be maybe 10 feet or less. I pity the fool that gets in front of just one 250 grain XTP at 5 feet.
The moment I have the cash together, I intend to build a CCW SA based on a Vaquero, 4" to 4.6" barrel, radically improved Tritium sights, with a .45ACP cylinder FINELY polished so the rounds drop free, and reloaded with modified GI 1911 mags altered so that rounds can be thumbed in fast. Done right, the reloads should be shockingly fast for an SA.
Well...you asked....and as for killing ya a hundred years ago...you're right, but don't forget, the other guy had the same weapon....just ask the Taliban if superior weaponry makes a difference...
Have done, not lately.....

Frankly, a serious caliber SA revolver is fine for self-defense. Very reliable, adequate accuracy, easy to handle.

Of course, if you are attacked by a regiment of Red China Army, or if you miss a lot, another 50 - 60 rounds make you feel safer. You're not, by any measure, but you'll feel so.

If one is going into an "area" known to be dangerous, by whatever standards you apply, one should be armed with devices suitable to the occasion. A handgun is for emergent circumstances.
True...and well stated....but I'm not talking rounds...I carry a 5 shot 442 much of the time....it's the cocking and recocking that I find a hinderance in a close quarter situation...time is our other enemy on the street......stay safe
Hey Redneck2.

Hobart here.

I know what you're talking about and I agree with everything you say,
but I gotta add,

anything that's Big, Bad, n Ugly works real good in Da Region.
and reloaded with modified GI 1911 mags altered so that rounds can be thumbed in fast. Done right, the reloads should be shockingly fast for an SA.

Sounds like putting a laser sight on a recurve bow or a scope on a muzzle loader. Its time to face the fact that this weapon system is no longer a good choice for defence.
Don't laugh, but there is/was a famous New Orleans custom gunsmith who carried a Manton single shot percussion pistol as his defense gun. I heard from somebody who saw him shoot it, that a mugging attempt would NOT be a good idea.
I fail to see how this could not be a viable means of personal defence. The best weapon to defend yourself with is the one you are most familiar and confident about. I know i can get a SA into action just as quickly or quicker than I could most DA autos. This may not be true for all people, and thats ok as well. Use what you personally use best. I know my SA is going to fire when I pull the trigger, and I know that .357 Magnum rounds will do all I need them too. Is a SA the best handgun for war time combat? No, and I realise that if I am called into that type of arena I'll have to settle for some other cartridge and platform. But for personal use in personal situations, my SA works the best for me.
355Sigfan, you're missing some things:

If you know what you're doing with one of these suckers, "first strike speed" is the highest of any handgun system. Only the 1911 comes close. Go check out a Bob Munden videotape at a gun show or something.

Ever shot an SA? Ever felt what they're like in the hand, how naturally they point, how since the cylinder is locked in place, on average they're more accurate than DA wheelguns?

Or let's talk power level. A Ruger SA in .45LC can throw a 325grain hardcast at 1,300fps, that's factory ammo (Buffalo Bore) in a factory gun. In a smaller package than most .44Mags, with hotter ammo, and with the Bisley grip more comfortably. It's possible to shoot that stuff one-handed, with a Bisley variant. You can't get factory .44Mag fodder that hot, because the smaller case volume leads to higher pressure. Put that same Buffalo Bore fodder in an N-Frame S&W chambered in .45LC and you'll very quickly find out why the stuff is labeled "Ruger ONLY!!!". Yes, it works in Ruger DAs too but that's only because the Ruger DAs are over 10oz heavier than their SAs and a lot bulkier.

With slight tuning, Freedom Arms .454s are known to be capable of 2" groups. Not at 25 yards - at 100. (A few have managed true MOA, with some more tuning :).) It's possible to get that out of a Ruger, although once you've done the necessary custom barrel and linebored cylinder, you've spent as much as you would on an FA.

No question, you have to make a commitment to mastering 'em...but it's worth it.
Jim March

I have a colt cowboy its a nice gun but its no defensive firearm. Yes bob munden is fast with a SA Jerry Mikilek is fast with a DA Rob Leathem smokes them both with an AUTO. Who cares about the powerfull 300 grain plus loads unless your in bear country. And if you are the DA revolver is a better choice as its awfull hard to shoot a SA one handed while the bear is bitting you. The DA can work just fine with one hand.

Not for CCW, but my "fishin'" gun is a Ruger Bis-Hawk .45

How convenient! You can kill the fish AND fry it at the same time.

I lug a blackhawk .357 hunting and fishing and in the bush.. and it's gonna have it's place in the car.. but it's just a tad big for CCW...

(although it might come in handy next time a Moose wonders down Main Street...)
355sigfan - "hard to shoot a SA one handed"

Ya mean ya sposed to use more than one hand?
Someone gotta gimme all the rules so's I don't break none!
(hold on der brer bear, gotta check da rules)