Ok what am I?

Why not just something really simple, like a "free American citizen", free to believe, free to chose, free to argue, free to protest, free to express, free to travel, free to vote, free to own a gun, or free not to own a gun.

This debate is not about preventing crime, its about retaining or letting go of our freedom. The liberal social engineers have sewn a seed of confusion into the American mind through their massive media propaganda machine. Their means justify their intended ends. Lies, deception, fabrications, false polls, repetition, all work to condition our thinking on various subjects, especially about guns and the "gun culture".

When I tell people I scuba dive with sharks, they say I am nuts, and that they could never do that. But their experience is limited to fictional motion pictures or documentaries where videographers put bloody chum in the water inducing the sharks to become aggressive. Some are even afraid to swim in the ocean because of this media induced fear. My own personal intimate close encounters with sharks have proven them to be curious predators who stay outside of their own comfort zone with divers (unless there's fish being hand fed to them). I believe folks who haven't grown up with guns or who have never owned one, and who's only experience with them is through their TV sets, have similar prejudices as with the shark analogy.

But how does someone who hasn't experienced the "truth" shed those fears and prejudices to find out for themselves? Try turning off the TV, go take a gun safety class, or go look at and handle firearms at a local gun shop, check out their range, go watch a skeet competition, or go to a local gun show. See it first hand. I'd bet that if those who have negative impressions, fears, or prejudices about guns before hand, will have a pleasant awakening when they find out the truth. And bring a friend, share the experience.
Miss Demeanors: You have missed a much more lethal weapon that your husband has emptied. If you don't wish to keep a gun handy, take several of the discarded bottles the bum leaves around. Put some water and a little natural human fertilizer in each along with a plastic flower. Put one within easy reach at strategically located positions, when you need a weapon fast it will be handy and looks nice. The broken bottle will be of more use in close quarters for slashing and stabbing than a length of pipe.
By any discription the intact bottle is not classified as a weapon, you can even carry one concealed on the person or in the car. When used as a weapon there will be obvious injury to the culprit to show justification for use of force.
Who knows' maybe the bun will consume one and rid you of a greater danger.
Miss D,
If you still think you need a lable, the one that fits you closest is "Normal". Like millions of other Americans you just don't have the facts. Unlike them, you are looking. It won't be long before your lable will change.
Until then, just be yourself.
Lol Grayfox! I really have nothing against guns that people own, I would never vote to have them banned, I would vote against it. But its going to take me awhile before I ever get one if I do. Till then I just like to hear the different opinions that everyone has, if anything its intresting. I dont get why everyone freaks out at the WB boards. Whats the big deal? I always figured let them say what they gotta say , they are not bad people because they own guns, they have an opinion, but I couldnt hear it over there, everyone just fought like children. Then when I went over to ACME it was so much better, Jeff, Constable, Hunt and others just talked nice, spoke the truth, and look what they have accomplished. I am a senior member at a "gun board". See I am open minded I guess, I am always like that with everything, I believe everyone had an opinion some youmay agree with some you may not, but if you open your mind and listen that opinion may just sink in. I dont know what they are all scared of. I was never afraid, a little pissed when a few came on and said stupid mindless things. But that is just a few out of the bunch. So when I get the nerve, the right time, and someone I trust to take me I will go to a range and this will be the first place I will report back to ! he he :)
"...if I were ever to get a gun, I wouldn't want no wimpy one, not my style!" -Miss D.

HOO-HAH! Sounds to me like you're one step away from being called "A Proud American Gun Owner"! :)

How about a Patriot. Not as term you hear too much anymore but it (IMHO) sums up the desire to see our rights maintained. I have no axe to grind against someone that doesn't want to own a gun. What bothers me is people that take it to the next level and decide that I should not have one either. When I hear someone say they are against CCW because road rage might provoke a shooting, I tell them that if they consider traffic to be a shooting offense then THEY should not carry a gun.
Lol boing! I still have more steps to go but at least I am climbing the latter.
Canobe, (lol) dont worry I am NOT one of those people that would ever take soemone elses right away, to me thats just not cool and to be honest would be pretty stupid seeing that just the BG would have the guns and no one that needs to have the guns! I would then consider moving out of the country! :)
Miss D:
Oh, it isn't wimpy by any means. Comes in .40 S&W, which is the caliber the FBI carries. It's just a little easier to get into battery. (Ready to fire.)
.40 S&W- A forty caliber bullet (400 thoundsandths of an inch in diameter) developed by the Smith & Wesson Company.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited June 27, 1999).]
I have a suggestion for Miss D, which is to go to a gun shop/range and have them show you which end is up about firearms. Take a gun safety/ training course, which may be at a subsidized rate for women, and learn how to shoot, but don't buy a gun just yet. Most ranges I have been to have women working there, if they're smart, since women represent a market for increased sales growth. If no women work there, then choose one w/ good customer service and no "here's what you need little lady" attitude. You sound like you could use more info, and, as with most things, it isn't nearly as intimidating or frightening once you do it.
B Shipley:
To elaborate on your post a little more...
I have found that many people (women as well as men) once they start shooting find it a very relaxing and enjoyable sport, even more so than golf. There are many similar responses to shooting and golf; It's mainly you playing against yourself, putting steel on target, making that little hole in the paper. Much like trying to put that little ball on the green and in the cup. The concentration level, working out at longer distances, clears the mind of many a workweek stress. When everything comes together- sight alignment, breath control, the trigger surprising you that it fired, and a hole in the X-Ring, it's as good as an eagle on the golf course. Better, even because of the settling effect when lining up the shot.

Miss D:
Good responses all here. To really see what shooters are like I do advise taking a gun safety course, just for the experience of seeing what we think of every time we shoot. the awesome resopnsibility of safely handling firearms; the mindset of knowing, always knowing that safety comes first and always; the knowlegde that with training, guns are no more dangerous than any other tool, but again, with training and safety. My handgun is a Glock, the pistol most police carry. there's only 3 rules for the safe handling of this pistol:

1. Keep your finger off the trigger!
2. Keep your finger off the damn trigger!
3. Keep your damn finger off the damn trigger!

Once this is ingrained into your head, the safety of handling firearms is simply there. Combining this with the 4 rules of shooting safety:

1. A gun is ALWAYS loaded. Even if it isn't, it is
2. NEVER point a gun at anything you're not willing to destroy.
3. be aware of what's behind what you're shooting at.
4. Keep your finger off the trigger until you want the gun to go bang.

makes us anal in our consideration of safety. A safety course would show you what each of us thinks about. (Well, that, and where the money will come from for the next gun we want. :) )
(And, how we're going to hide this purchase from our wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend.)
(And, how we're going to weasel out and explain why we ABSOLUTELY had to have this one too.)
(And... )