Ok what am I?

Miss Demeanors

New member
I dont own a gun, dont really want to, but I dont think taking the right to have a gun away is fair. I'd like to try the shooting thing at one point. Am I Anti-gun, pro-gun, anti-owning gun, pro -practicing gun, or what? I guess I dont consider myself anti, I think if you are a responsible person you should have the right to own one, dont have a problem with that at all. I think if you are a kid or teenager carrying a gun to get "respect" then you dont deserve to have one. I think if you are a gun dealer that sells guns to people who shouldnt have them then you should not be a gun dealer nor be allowed to own one in that case. So as you can see I am confused, I dont what to call myself but confused?????? :) So lay your answers on me.
Try "soccer mom" ... This is just the kind of confusion the Democrats in particular want to maintain so they can scare support (when they can't buy it--like with union workers) for more gun control... Good luck.
I believe that you could, at this point, call yourself a "Student of informed thinking on the issue of gun control". It was a stage I had to go through as well! Beats "Confused"!


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

Miss D,

The issue about gun dealers who should not sell to suspicious characters is not as easily resolved as we think. I know of one large dealer who actually hates some of his clients. Like yourself, he believes some folks shouldn't own a gun. Yet, he cannot refuse a sale. Why?

Federal Laws against discrimination. Refusal to sell firearms solely on a race or ethnicity basis is discriminatory and may serve as a basis for a civil rights lawsuit (or regulated by Congress under the commerce clause - but that's another issue). The dealers in the area around Chicago sold to undercover police officers (of immutable characteristics) who wore gang colors. They didn't want to do it, but since the "customers" were under no restrictions to purchase, the dealers knew the ramifications if they didn't sell to them. Ironically, Mayor Daly used it as a basis of the Chicago's lawsuit against gun manufacturers and dealers.

I'm not saying that minorities are criminals or that they shouldn't have guns and there are plenty of legitimate gun owners of all colors, religons, gender, who are responsible gun owners. But sometimes it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the person, regardless of race, ethnicity or national origin is scum. Scum is scum regardless of where it comes from or what it claims to be.

So what's a poor dealer to do? Sell the gun and live with his conscience or refuse the sale and face litigation. I'm sure you agree that there's no quick and easy answer.

One dealer I know dissuades scum by encouraging lots of cops hang around his store and it's well known that off-duty guys frequent his place. There mere fact of a heavy police presence ("May I see your ID please?") serves towards self-policing by criminals. No ordinary criminal would want to walk into a store and see badges hanging on the belts of quite a few customers. This can't always be the case though.

No, I wouldn't say you're confused Miss D. Your reasoning is quite rational to me.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
oops! Sorry didnt mean that about the dealers, I meant if a dealer is ILLEGALLY selling the gun knowing that a particular person shouldnt have that gun. Sorry!
'Realist' or 'clear thinker' comes to mind. :) There should not be a pro-gun or anti-gun side. You either choose to own one or you don't, one should not force ones desires on another.
Amen, Jeff. Couldn't have said it better myself, so I won't! :) :)

Regards - AZFred
You're one of us, you just don't have a gun yet. :)

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
There really shouldn't be a need for labels, as Jeff said.

I own a Dodge pickup truck..I'm not anti-Ford or anti-Chevy...nor do I think I am pro-Chrysler. Until guns became a hot political issue I was neither pro- nor anti-gun. I grew up with them, used them just like I use a hammer or a socket wrench or a paintbrush. This is not a religion and shouldn't be a political issue....a gun is an inanimate object (a tool) and just sits there until it is used responsibly or irresponsibly by some person. It has become politicized because rather than focusing on those people who use the tool irresponsibly, the focus is on the tool itself and upon controlling said tool in respect to responsible users.

Can you imagine the absurdity of getting worked up about hammers?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Amen to what DC and Jeff OTMG had to say! There SHOULD be no labels, owning a firearm is a RIGHT of ours. The whole issue has been too politicized (spank you very much, Clinton).

I, as a woman, feel compelled to own a gun,(living near downtown Dallas) and WOULD NOT hesitate to use it to defend myself and my family.

Try the "shootin' thing:" It's a great stress reliever and a lot of fun! I don't get to do it enough. Go to the range someday, rent a gun, and see if ya like it. From the time my husband first took me, I've been hooked. It has become a favorite pastime of mine.

I consider myself a "gun-totin" mom... :-)and am proud of it!!!! (Mmmm, if only the "soccer moms" at McDonald's knew what I had in my bag!)
MISS. D. Your whatever you choose to be. That right along with others have been bestowed on us from the framers of our liberties. WHAT great documents these are that define our liberties; and yet are flexable enough to withstand the test of time. metal mom huhmmm?.............. I see from one of your posts your from ILL. Welcome neighbor; I hail from IOWA. We need more like you who question something and find out what's really up before passing judgement. 12-34hom - good shooting to you and yours =from the heartland. - out.
Miss D:
how about:
We'll get you to be a likker-swillin' tabacky-chewin' snake-eatin', wild-eyed, bandolero-totin' gun moll soon enough. 'Til then I'd call you concerned, and open-minded enough to want to look at both sides.

Folks: Do we see a Lady Kahr in this ladies future???? :)
Actually you're just another mom trying to do the best she can for her family, like most of us. Control freaks like our politicians love labels because it helps them to compartmentalize everyone and cause division. When you're A or B, it's easier for them to foster an us against them mentality. However, if I have to say you're one thing, it's truthseeker.
You sound "confused", which is not surprisinbg, for unfortunately the subject of "gun control" generates more heat than light. You seem to be seeking information though, which is good. Legitimate academic research, of which there is quite a bit, supports the individual right to keep and bear arms, though the general circulation press, and "electronic journalists" do not mention it. See back issues of The Univ. of Tn. Law School Journal for instance, I believe it was the Spring 1997 issue. Generally, the anti-gunners utilize fear, ignorance, lies and half truths to support their side. One question one might is as follows: Looking at the results promised, as opposed to those actually attained, where has gun control, once enacted, performed as promised? Another is as follows: While they continually beat the drum for more gun laws, spelled restrictions on the law abiding, why is it that the Clinton admninistration has compiled so dismal a record respecting enforcement of existing law as it relates to firearms. The next time you get together with some who are pro gun control, try asking these questions. I believe that you might find the answers, if you get any "answers" very interesting. Finally, you have chosen, for the moment, not to own firearms. Nothing at all wrong with that, it is your decision to make. You also have freedom of speech, which would include criticizing the goverenment. Of course, you do not have to criticize, especially if you should be happy with what government is doing. Nobody should tell you that you cannot speak however, which is in effect, what the anti-gunners are doing. Think about it.

Regards, Alan
Miss D:
Sorry. A Lady Kahr is a small, very high-quality, accurate, very well made pistol with a lighter spring in it for ladies or older people to cock easier.

(Folks, folks. I know it's not actually cocking, but is gets the point across without getting too technical. Imagine how long it'll take a terse, short answer type (!) guy like me to explain "racking the slide"?)