OK so I was wrong I could not stop at one....

Why limit yourself to just .357's??? There are so many different models and calibers to chose from that it is jut like eating only one particular dish for dinner.

I started many years ago with a 6" model 10 that I bought new in 1980. Since then that gun has left, but it sparked an interest in me that got me into collecting all sorts of revolvers.

I just picked up a 1901 vintage, Model 1899 First Model Target, I really wasn't in the market for one, but there it was, and at a very good price. Now I have to buy another Smith soon as I have 13 of them and need one more to bring it up to an even number.

OP: They are addictive! I've got seven .357s, and am still looking for a good 4" model 19 at the moment.

Diggler, here is one to whet your appetite: