OK, it is 13 degrees F, where is your CCW?

4.4 degrees, that's warm. last many days around here.. -15 with a -35 windchill was the worst I saw. Gotta love wisconsin. I guess that's probably nothing compared to Alaska. I'm all happy that it's 10 out and finnally broke out of the single digits of the positive numbers.
Too cold for outdoor crime :)
The cops always love it when we have a good cold spell because crime always goes down! The only arrests they make are the guys wanting to get inside out of the cold.

I agree with most of what AK103K said except the wind chill part. I've worked outside when it was -10F but when the wind was blowing (off Lake Erie) that -10F became -50F, BIG difference! Try spending 8 hours outside in that. It can be done but it's a lot more difficult because exposed skin will freeze real quick. It's impossible to NOT wear gloves in temperatures of -50F whether it's actual temperature or wind chill temperature. Right now it's 12F and the wind chill temp is 3F w/10mph winds. Yesterday it was 6F with wind gusts up to 65mph, that's dangerous.

16 days and counting I'm going to sunny Florida! :D :cool:
Remember to get out and actually SHOOT when it is that cold. I did quite a bit of shooting earlier this winter in 15-20 degree weather (it only gets below zero at night here in Arizona (oh, yeah, I am at 5100 feet)).

I found that I can't feel my trigger reset very well with gloves. I am ok, but still failed to reset very well about twice in 100 times.

No other equipment problems as long as you use name brand equipment and relatively new ammo.

Even in a big heavy jacket WITH a sweater and gloves, my Beretta's trigger guard is big enough that my normal draw is not affected much.
Practice, Practice, Practice

+1 what snolden said! If you don't actually try it you won't know if you can do it or not and I would practice until I could do it in my sleep. :cool:
Doesn’t matter how cold it is under normal circumstances I don’t ever button my coat. The only exception is if I’m going to be outside for a prolonged period of time. As far as going to and from work or out shopping etc. I’m find for the short times I’m outside and if It’s really bad I simply hold the coat shut with my hands. I work security in Akron OH it was 4 degrees F last night and I was going in and out of buildings doing rounds on third shift in short sleeves all night. You just got to build up a tolerance.
It's pretty darned cold here in Indy too. I have a denim jacket with built in holster pockets. I wear a thermal parka under it. I also have a Coronado leather car coat I wear over a parka. I usually then leave the car coat unbuttoned for quick access to my holster compartment.

The denim jacket has zip up holster compartments.