Ok, I'm am totally green

LMAO Art!!!

On a serious note, anybody ever eat coyote? I've always wanted to hunt em but the thought of not eating my game disturbs me.
ArmySon - The way I look at it is you're returning those tasty protiens back into the food chain (provided you don't dump the carcass in the trash). Take the hide and leave the rest for the other critters. But to answer your question, nope, not me! I imagine you could stew it up with a lot of spices and onions and choke it down.


"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie!'...till you can find a rock".
Bumper Sticker
It was like this. We have alot of guns. At home (in Anchorage) We have a Rem. 788 in 22-250. another in .243, and a remington 600 mohawk in 6mm, so those are our deer, and varmint guns. My brother moved out this year and doesn't have any *medium* size guns. He has .338 for moose and bear, and then the .22's and shotguns. So I decide to go to his house for spring break (in valdez, where the exxon oil spill was) and do some hunting. We shot some Snow shoe, and some Ptarmigan,(pics on my web site) but then decided to go out and call for coyote and wolves (can't shoot fox in that unit). We took his pump 12 guage for close quarters, and rabbits and birds, and then took the .338, because it's his only gun with a scope, and lot's of shot's are a ways out there, exspecially wolves. We didn't call any in, but I saw this coyote on the way home, and I popped him. Probably could have done him with the 12 guage, but we had kinda light loads and I didn't wan't to take any chances :D His front leg is completely un-attached except for some hide, the whole shoulder and all the meat was shattered. We skinned him and I washed up the hide and sewed it. I dunno how many of you sew your hides, but it's easy. I just turned him inside out and stitched up the 10" gap, then when they're tanned you can't even tell. It's the primest dog I've ever got tanned. Really thick long hairs. A really pretty skin. what's terrible is this isn't even the first coyote we've taken with the .338. My dad aced one while elk hunting in Washington. We didn't see very many in western washington, so he wasn't going to pass up the chance.
Many different cultures eat dogs - when you realize a hog and a dog have about the same IQ, it sort of evens out. According to Stephen Ambrose's "Lewis and Clark" book, American Indians were pretty big on roasted dog.

Interestingly enough, no one can tell with skelatal (spelling) remains, if the bones (including skull) came from the domesticated dog, wolf or anything in between.

I betcha there is a difference between a Chihuahua or a Peke and a Woof! The narrowness of the nose-bone on a coyote, below (in front of?) the eyes, is noticeable.

I know that mountain lion is among the finest of meats. I don't see why a fat coyote wouldn't be just fine.

Mountain lions kill their own game. Coyotes do too, but they also scavenge road kills and about anything else they can find. they stink so bad I don't think I'd even wanna try it unless somebody else prepared it all and I just had to try a little bite. I've heard that Lynx is good. I'm going to have to try one of those, hopefully this winter :D
A friend of mine was running a hobby trap line a few years ago for fox. The fox around here (Kodiak) tend to eat a lot of decaying salmon that they pick up from the streams and they STINK to high heaven, even the fat gets saturated with that smell.

Anyway, this old Filipino neighbor of his asked him to save the carcasses for him, to eat. He didn't want to do this at first because he didn't think the guy appreciated how bad they were, but this dude was pretty insistent so he eventually brought him 3 or 4 skinned out foxes.
Some time later the Filipino guys wife shows up at the door with a covered dish of fox with all the trimmings, pancit noodles and all that tasty stuff.
I don't know what they did to it but my friend says that it was some of the best meat he'd ever eaten.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
Just an observation, but dogs and woofs ARE different. Woofs are much smarter!

I own what they euphemistically call a "98%" wolf-hybrid. This is a pet wolf that you claim has a dash of dog in it, which makes it "sort of" legal.
This is the best dog I've ever had, incredibly smart, very friendly - everything you'd want in a dog, almost.

When she was younger she had a tendency to take off every chance she'd get and then show up in 12 or 24 hours tired out and reeking from rolling in dead fish or whatever (she doesn't do that any more).

The weird thing was, to get away, she learned how to manipulate various mechanical devices. We actually spied on her to learn how she did this. She could manipulate the spring clip on her run line as quickly as you or I could with her paws.
Later when we fenced the yard, she learned how to open the gate which had a little bar you had to push to one side and then lift - she figured that out within an hour or two.

Another time I had put several hundred pounds of caribou in a shed back there. She got in somehow and helped herself to 25 pounds or so of meat. I thought I'd maybe left the door open so I made sure it was closed and then the following day kept a close eye on her and eventually caught her with her mouth around the knob trying to twist it.

She's older and mellower now and obeys me 100% (unless food is involved).

They're amazing animals, my hat is off to anyone who gets a wolf in a fair-chase manner.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
I know a guy here who claims his dog is 98% woof. I think it's actually a big malamute, and he just wants to brag. He got it from somebody moving to the states, and they may have told him it was a wolf to get him to take it, by any account it isn't more than half, because it has the husky mask.
Are the fox on Kodiak really ugly? A guy I knew who went there on a hunt shot a couple that we're just horrific looking. They were black and white and red and orange, and grey, and they looked like those god-aweful african wild-dogs :) They were'nt just cross-fox like the one I aced, these were strange. His guide said because of the "shallow" gene pool on the islands alot of the fox get inbred and retarded. Have you noticed this? I dunno if that's the real reason, because if it was, why wouldn't this effect the bear and deer? lemme Know what you think, being from there and all.
There are a lot of weird looking foxes out here, but they are not retarded or anything.

The deal is that they were introduced by the Russians and they only planted really prime foxes like silvers, blacks and cross. They planted different types in different parts of the islands. Well, over the last 150 years these animals have cross-bred and you get some really weird mixes depending on where you go.
Its funny because in some areas you get all crosses, or all silvers and in aother places you get these weird looking critters like your friend shot.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
I couldn't tell by the way you wrote it, but you do know that blacks, silvers and crosses are all just different color phases of the red fox, don't you? Kinda like in the black bear you can get black, brown, cinnamon, blue, and kermode. Say a black and a red fox breed. They could get like 4 reds and a black, all reds, all black, or maybe some silvers in there litter. It has to do with dominant and recessive genes. You get more silver foxes up north, and nearly all red down south (the states). But other than the pictures of his foxes, and a few other skins, I have never seen different "patches" of color. Usually you get one of the other, depending on what genes the parents have. When a white and black couple have a baby you don't get the "cow" or "dalmation" pattern. I've never shot one of these strange looking dogs, but maybe someday I will. Only problem is that kodiak is all draw for bear there now, and I wont be paying $2000. for a mongrel fox hunt :) Do you know if they've done any studies on this stuff? I read a study on the cactus hermaphridite deer, and it was really interesting. At the sports show this year in anchorage I saw the rack of one shot on kodiak, VERY STRANGE, they score really high in the none tipical points.
Yes, I know they are all red foxes. But the Russians had bred them up and down the Aleutians into little narrow genetic pools that would only throw one color. Thats still true, depending on what island you hit out there, you'll find one predominant type of fox on each.
The same thing is true on the Kodiak archipelago, except that they've managed to spread from one island to another and interbreed.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
Oh, brown bear is not a draw for residents on the road system here. And there are some really remot sections of the "road system" that you can only get to by boat - the bear hunting can be excellent if you bring a boat.

As for the deer, theres a local sporting "expert" who claims the genetic pool is too narrow and they are throwing too many infertile deer, and odd deer like the one you mention.
F&G claims otherwise, saying that the number of mutations are statistically the same as any deer herd anywhere.

Its a 3000 square mile island - thats bigger than some states. And theres variation in rack size and body size (at least) depending on what part of the island you hunt.

Take your pick.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
The hermaphridites, known as cactus deer, are born without nuts. And they never go into the rut, so they never scrape the velvet off their antlers, and when they shed the velvet holds the old shedded antlers on, while they grown new ones. so the old buck have like 4-5 years of antler growth hanging off their head. They look really funky, but because of the velvet there is no way to tell which antlers are this years, that's why the score so high. I wanna get one, Seen a few pictures and racks, but never a live one. someday :)