Ok, I'm am totally green


New member
No, not with envy (but with all you guys going to Africa...how can I not be??), I'm inexperienced! As in..majorly! I've heard "in the lungs" and stuff like that all the time...but I am not sure where EXACTLY to put the bullet.

If you could just mark with a red spot (or spots) or something on the picture below...it would do a lot for me. Thanks!!


GREEN: Nervous system kill zone.
RED: Respitory system Kill zone.
Blue:Cardiovacular kill zone.

I hope this image works, Haven't posted pics yet in this forum.
Well that was an udder failure, will somebody please tell me what I did wrong? Do I have to have the pic posted on the net to use it?
Gotta be an http link my friend. If you like, just attach the file to an email and send it to me -- email is in my profile.

Art....you had me rolling with that one!!! Oh my gosh...I believe the saying goes, "You owe me a keyboard!" When are you going to come out with your autobiography? :D

Too funny...you are just too funny!

Actually, if you find a nice, cooperative yodeldog who will pose like that, my target would be the left edge of the white patch below his ear. In essence, cut his throat and don't spoil the hide.

Fat as that dog is, he'd probably be real tasty. Dunno if coyote is as yummy-tasty as mountain lion.

Try "The Perfect Shot: Shot Placement for African Game", by Kevin Robertson (yes, I know - this old boy isn't African). It's very informative, excellent photography, and the anatomy applies worldwide. You can clearly see the "vital triangle" as explained by Robertson, in your picture.
Hope this helps Hueco, Just aim for the red!!
This dog now blesses my wall courtesty of a .338 Win Mag, at with 250gr. It was about a 30yrd shot :D

I'd aim for the head, but then I'd likely be shooting either a 6PPC or a 6BR, 55 gr. Nosler, likely at around 4,000 fps or so...

If I was shooting the .308 at longer range, or the .223 at shorter range, I'd go for the front shoulder...
The tendency, at least mine, is to place the bullet too high. Our eye wants to bisect the game's torso from spine to shoulder. Cooper correctly points out that 1/3 up the body from the sternum, along the lines of front leg will catch the "boiler room" of most broadside game.

I personally think Robertson's The Perfect Shot is great for Africa game....but, again, he seems to favor shots that are high...in the aorta rather than the heart. In the Pic above, Robert's cross hairs are spot on....resist the temptaion to raise the sights the additional 2" that would get you to the midline.

Finally, in deference to a Kudu I once knew: remember that you must sight on the animal as a 3 dimensional object. Seldom will the perfect broadside afford itself. If you look at the animal 3 dimensionally and picture the boiler room, your cross hairs may find their way to the front of the shoulder or rear of the ribs for a heart shot.
Dang BadMedicine! If you'd shoot those pesky coyotes BEFORE they sneak in to raid your kitchen, they wouldn't get all over the walls! ;)
Aw, Son, he was just afeared that he might just wound that yodel-dog if he used some pip-squeak thutty-aught-six. He worried that he couldn't hit the dog when it charged!

:), Art