Ok, If not Ron paul than who do you support ?

If the primary were held today, Who would be your guy

  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 37 48.7%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • Rudy Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tom Tancredo

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Fred Thompson

    Votes: 13 17.1%
  • Mike Huckabee

    Votes: 16 21.1%
  • John McCain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Duncan Hunter

    Votes: 5 6.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My order of preference would of Republican nominees would be:

Ron Paul
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
Tom Tancredo
John McCain
Fred Thompson
Mitt Romney
Rudy Giuliani
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Ron Paul is the only republican that can beat Hillary. The fix is in for her to win if he is not nominated. Hey faithful republican boys! Your party apparatus has betrayed you. They hate Ron Paul. They also know none of their losers can beat Hillary.

Huckabee is a strawman perpetuated and propped up by the media. At the end of the third quarter he was toast. Less than a million bucks in the bank. The establishment saw Ron Paul raise 5.3 million dollars with 1.2 coming in in the last week. Fred had turned out to be a dud and they now had to have someone to distract from Ron Paul. Voila Huckabee. Not only is he a strawman, he's a rip off. He has taken several of Ron Pauls points and used them. Phoney, Iran bombing, tax hiking, capital punishing, pro-life, opportunistic politicking Jesus man. Maybe for the severely deluded he is an alternative. Better quit crying in your beer and get to supporting Dr Paul because if you don't it's gonna be Hillary 08.:eek:
It makes you think, when soo many people say they *would* vote for Ron but they don't think he'll win so they'll really vote for somebody else that "has a chance."

If everybody that wanted him would vote for him he would win!:eek:

Then it's just a question if the la-li-lu-le-lo will let him be president.:(
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Uh, I voted for Paul in the poll, but that kinda contradicts the thread title, so maybe he shouldn't have been included.

I'd eliminate a couple of others because they lack money, and a couple of others because they're northeastern gungrabbers, leaving me with a second choice of Fred Thompson.
publius42 said:
Uh, I voted for Paul in the poll, but that kinda contradicts the thread title, so maybe he shouldn't have been included.

I'd eliminate a couple of others because they lack money, and a couple of others because they're northeastern gungrabbers, leaving me with a second choice of Fred Thompson.

my sentiments exactly, on all counts.
My order of preference would be:

Ron Paul
Fred Thompson
Duncan Hunter
Mike Huckabee
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
John McCain
Rudy Giuliani
I'd vote for Ron Paul or be real tempted to stay home. I might go for Huckabee or Thompson but not with any enthusiasm.
Unregistered has the order perfectly

Who is Ron Paul :rolleyes: -OuTcAsT
:D :D I don't know, some guy I guess.
My Order:
Ron Paul
If not Ron.....I will not vote.

I dont buy a product that is crap....will not vote for one either.
My Order:
Ron Paul
If not Ron.....I will not vote.

I dont buy a product that is crap....will not vote for one either.


It's pretty hilarious what a huge flop Fred Thompson has been... I remember before he actually announced he was going to run, he was all the rage around here, now it looks like everyone's forgotten about him... I guess it was just the "grass is greener" thing.
The level of support for Ron Paul on this forum makes we wonder why I participate in the forum, or even keep reading comments. Not only would this kook not stand a chance against any Democrat, he is so far out of the mainstream of American culture and thought and his supporters make this forum seem like the caricature of the right wing neo-Nazi crazies. And for those of you who keep insisting on saying that if Ron Paul does not get the nomination you will not vote at all, whether you believe it or not you are actually supporting Hilary. I'd say that you will get the President you deserve and laugh at the absurdity of your position, but unfortunately I will be stuck with the President that you deserve as well.
I live in phoenix and yesterday around bell rd and the freeway there was a very large ron paul support group waving signs, getting support, people waving and honking horns. They were on both side of the raod and on the center median and stretched out for more than a block. It was nice to see such a large group of grass roots supporters for a candidate. Maybe.....just maybe this country can be taken back from the corporations. That would be so nice.

Question is though, is he popular with gun owners just because of his gun position? Do gun owners want to abandon the war and become isolationists? There is more to him than just gun rights.
dalegribble said:
Question is though, is he popular with gun owners just because of his gun position? Do gun owners want to abandon the war and become isolationists? There is more to him than just gun rights.

trust me, with plenty of people like vito around, anyone who doesnt know what he stands for in regards to foreign policy must be living under a rock.

vito said:
And for those of you who keep insisting on saying that if Ron Paul does not get the nomination you will not vote at all, whether you believe it or not you are actually supporting Hilary. I'd say that you will get the President you deserve and laugh at the absurdity of your position, but unfortunately I will be stuck with the President that you deserve as well.

thats funny, cause i was thinking the exact same thing about your type. when you go and vote for another loser to keep us heading further and further left even though they are supposed to be "conservative", you will have gotten what you deserve. sad thing is, your going to try to give me what you deserve. 4 years of one of these liberal republicans will do more damage to the conservative movement in this country than 4 or even 8 years of hillary.

im going to vote, i encourage anyone here who is saying that they just wont vote, to reconsider. vote for a third party candidate. if you dont vote, then you arent able to express your displeasure with the party. if you vote third party, you at least have the chance of sending a message to them that you dont like where they are headed and they need to get back to their conservative roots.
And for those of you who keep insisting on saying that if Ron Paul does not get the nomination you will not vote at all, whether you believe it or not you are actually supporting Hilary.

That's only true in swing states. If you live in California, your electoral votes will go to the Dem. If you live in Oklahoma, they're going to the Repub. Only in swing states can you make the claim that failing to vote is voting for Hillary, and even in those states, it isn't the worst thing about abstaining from voting.

I'll vote, and my vote will at least give some clue as to the direction I want politics to go in this country. Silence gives no clue as to why I was silent.