OK Beat me up. I don't like Pythons.

A Thing of Beauty...

This country boy fell in love with the first Python I ever saw. Mike might be exactly right when he says "butt ugly". Everything else is beautiful. But for me the beauty is only skin deep. I have fired Pythons new, well used and expensively slicked up. I can hit with them, but I can't stand the triggers and I don't like the grip shape. The S&W was much easier for me to learn to shoot and other than the depth of the blue ismuch better looking
I guess being a new boy on this forum my opinion doesn't count for much but here it is anyway. My early 70's Python is still the pick of the litter in the safe. I have several mid 20th century Smiths that are not hard to look at but still have a soft spot in my heart for the Python and its little brother, the Diamondback.
Hank B,

Please send me your 70 series "Jammo Matic". I have one made in 1979 Mark IV series 70 nickle plated (supposedly one of the worst years), I shoot low power semi waddcutters 4.0 grains titegroup or W231 with a 200 lswc with a 16.5lb spring, the only thing done to mine was I replaced the collet bushing with an Ed Brown drop in. I also replaced the recoil, and firing pin spring with a wolf. I bought mine used for $400 the shop owner warned me that it would jam also.

Amazingly I can shoot 150 rounds in a session without cleaning, and I dont get a single jam!!! It also works fine with federal hydra shoks, and Hornady XTP handloads!!!

By the way mine rattles badly when you shake it (loose slide to frame fit) and I can still shoot a 2" group offhand at 50 feet.

So e mail me and I'll give you the address to send those horrible colts to so as to alleviate your frustration.:rolleyes:
"Sam Colt invented the revolver"

And was dead for more than 100 years before the first Pythons came out.

Don't see what Sam had to do with it.


I'll turn my head, but I won't cough.

A factory grip that fits no human hand!

A fractory trigger that STACKS!

A fragil action that goes out of time and can be damaged by smacking the rear of the grip frame!

Priced way out of reach or reason!

What's not to like?????
Master Blaster,

I'm glad to hear your .45 works right after you replaced some parts, but I can't help you make it a pair. You see, I don't have that Mk IV Series 70 any more. It was a nickel plated Government model, and wouldn't feed anything - semiwadcutters, any of several different brands of hardball, you name it, it choked the pistol. It went to Colt for their warranty service - make that warranty NON service - twice. The second time they hogged out the feed ramp so much that there was a slight "bulge" even with factory hardball. (And this was COLT's alleged service, not some basement gunsmith!) I tried different magazines, and let different people shoot it - it seldom got through a full magazine without jamming. And IIRC, it NEVER made it through two consecutive magazines without a jam.

I sold it to a guy who needed a base gun to send to a gunsmith for a "combat conversion." He thought that in the process of customizing it, his gunsmith would make it work. Don't know how that turned out.

That was my third - and last - Colt. (I still have a very nice pre-Series '70 National Match, and I regret trading my .22 Diamondback . . . :( )
Colt Fan

Smith and Wesson revolvers cylinders rotate the wrong way, the cylinder latch opens the wrong way, and they're just not a Colt.
Had my Python since late 70's and wouldn't trade it for half a dozen Smith's or Wesson's. Especially NOW!
Mike, I was going to finish that sentence with "and cough" but I didn't want to be tasteless. Thanks for being my stand-in. ;)
Nonsense. Action smooth as butter. Clean,crisp,light trigger pull. Super accuracy. Superior looks. Smithy Wessys,eat your hearts out.
Had 2 on that frame. The 1930s era Officer's Model Match is a gorgeous gun and incredibly accurate, but I only shoot .38 wadcutters in it. The timing on the OP was shot and I got rid of it. Nice for targets, I don't trust one for anything else.