OK Beat me up. I don't like Pythons.


New member
I've owned two. Both accurate. Got em cause I'm SUPPOSED to like Colt Pythons. Still don't.
They don't fit and the hammer seems to take a week to fall.
Wish I had em back so I could sell em NOW.:)

But I can lay em in the center all day with a K frame Smith. And so far I haven't shot it out.
Well, I think we should all acknowledge what we intuitively KNOW to be true...that, while the PYTHON is a superbly crafted revo, we just plain don't shoot 'em as well as the Smith revo's...I don't, anyway, not firing DA...much prefer the Smith lockwork where the cylinder is fully locked into place well BEFORE the hammer falls during the DA triggerstroke...
Shooting the Python, I ALWAYS WONDER..."Will the cylinder lock up this time???"....mikey357
I have a couple of Python's in blue, but I don't shoot them. My Smith 19 and Ruger GP-100...well, that's a different story.
BigG got it right....Colt for auto loaders, S&W for revolvers..would not give up my 586..great gun.......
I like Colts!.............Old Colts that is.

At least the ones that qualify for C&R! You see I prefer the older colts, The officers model match, official police, the trooper, the 357 et al. The police postice is nice too. (And I must admit a soft spot for the Diamondback in 38.) The python is a beautful gun but is way way over priced. I'll stick to the oldtimers thanks!
Would suspect but don't know for sure

that a person could do some reallly good work with a Python. The trouble with that is if you own a Python and actually shoot it, you also need to own a Python Gunsmith to keep it in tune.

At one time, the Colt Target Revolvers ( Pre-Python) made up the majority on firing lines such as Camp Perry. Back then the top shooters could just hand them over to a colt repair person when they went out of time.
Know why Pythons have been "handfitted" for so many years? Colt was too cheap to replace their old, worn out, out of tolerance machinery. So the interchangeable parts didn't interchange without a LOT of filing, stoning, etc. When Colt still had decent people working for them, the resulting guns turned out nice.

The Python's blue was nice, the barrel was good, but the way the lockwork "stacked" in DA drove most people to Smiths.

I also disagree that Colt makes the best large automatic pistols - they did once, but they don't today, not by a long shot. Look up the word "Jammamatic" in the dictionary and you'll find a picture of my Mk IV Series 70. (Or at least, you should.) Or take a look at my buddy's special Gold Cup, with an EIGHT POUND trigger! That's why you're more likely to find a Kimber or Springfield in most gun shops today. With the occasional Baer, Wilson, or other "semi-custom" pistol sprinkled in.
As Chief Dan George said in "The Outlaw Josey Wales" about his hard rock candy: it ain't for eatin', it's just for lookin' through.

I've got a Smith to shoot, and a Python to look at. And, if Mike Irwin doesn't want to look at that butt-ugly gun, he can turn his head. :p
The beauty of this country is that we can afford not to like one brand. At least we have a choice. Go to some countries and it's take it or leave it - that is, if you can have a gun at all.
I guess I don't like em.

Had a chance to buy one for a decent price a while back, but picked up the Dan Wesson 357 next to it instead. Maybe something about the cylinder ratteling:rolleyes: after lockup.
Beat you up Lavan? Well I won't go that far, but consider yourself smacked! A Python is one sexy gun. If yours doesn't shoot well, you can always clean it off and enjoy the inherent beauty of it. Then go shoot your K-frame, which is a fine shooter, but nowhere near as beautiful as the Colt.
Actually I ....TRIED....to like both of em.

The 6" just didn't balance and the 4" .....well......"stacking" ....ain't the word. It felt more like it was ....assembling .....itself.
...eeee......slip.....eeee......groink groink groink....eeeze. Bam.

I held it and looked at it and tried new grips, old grips, another set of wood sanded smooth, a red ramp, a yellow ramp, and looked at it and admired the smooth bright blue and finally said, "%%$#$ it."

But a wee bit too soon for best price. dang.