OHMYGOD!! Senate Repubs are caving...having 2nd thoughts

Dirt, dirt, dirt.

Who do you think clinton has dirt on and how do you think he would use it if his agenda is not followed?

Why was he not impeached? My speculation is that many who would have voted for impeachment did not because they would have gone down with the ship as well because their past actions probably ran close parallels with the president's.

I believe that is why they completely ignored impeaching him on multiple violations of his oath to uphold the Constitution, simply because they were prime examples of the same violations. Congress would have been a ghost town if that had gone through.

Burn them.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited May 14, 1999).]
DC: The public doesn't care. The media do, because he's a LIBERAL serial liar. Unfortunately, the media can SIMULATE the public caring, which leads the sheeple to adopt a caring pose as protective coloration.
And it's not so much that the Republicans have been frightened into betraying us, as that they've been looking for an OPPORTUNITY to betray us, and they think the Littleton massacre gave them an opportunity to get away with sticking the knife in. As the NRA seems prepared to let them. (Since the NRA ok'd it, this betrayal won't be reflected in next year's candidate ratings, remember.)

Never forget: There are maybe a half dozen members of Congress who are genuinely on our side; Most of our "allies" are merely afraid of us, and will turn on us in an instant if they think they can survive doing so.

As for what we could do which would stop this gradual erosion of our rights, the first thing that springs to mind could get me arrested for merely SAYING, but the second is, STOP VOTING FOR THE LESSER OF OUR TWO ENEMIES!!!!! The Republicans have not been our friends for a long, long while, and the time is very near now when they won't even bother pretending they're not our enemies. And at that point, we lose all political leverage within the major party system, and our only hope will be that the Libertarian party supplants one of the major parties. Or else the alternative we all know, but can't talk about without getting arrested....
there you go Brett!!!!

by the way, i been meaning to tell you, you got a good 1st name, even spell it right! :)

fiat justitia
Once again I call for civil disobiedience and jury nullification. We must let them know that we are not going to take it anymore. Also remember that our weapons are to be used for defensive purposes only. Thus the above is the only course left. We need to do as our forefathers did.


By saying that they are not listening to us, I meant that they are not responding in an acceptable manner. They are listening and they are responding.
Longhair: Can't take credit for the name, it was my mother's idea. On account of her favorite TV show, the Maverick brothers; My brother's name is Bart.
It is all well and good for us to share our outrage with each other over the latest series of sellouts by the Republicans. Do not forget however how many Democrats vote against us every time. They also need to be defeated at the polls. Write your Senators, thank those who stood with us, chasten those who turned on us. If nothing else you might feel better. I feel total frustration also. My two Senators are Boxer and Feinstein. To add insult to injury, my Congressman is George Miller (ultra leftist who shares a D.C. pad with none other than Chuckie Schumer). Top that for a lack of representation. We can only work with what we've got, and PREPARE for the worst. IMHO we cannot just give up, which is what the anti's are counting on.
One other thing, I see a lot of excellent arguments and points made on this board. I would like to encourage everyone to write letters to the editor of whatever newspaper you can every chance you get and share these arguments and points with them. At least it is a public forum and may reach people who wouldn't otherwise hear our point of view from anyone but the media and corrupt politicians. Probably futile, but we have to do what we can.

[This message has been edited by Idaho02 (edited May 14, 1999).]
From :Ivan8883 5-14-99-611PmEDT The Repubicrats are as treacherous and as cravenly evil as the Comunist Demagog Party. The Senate is like the old Roman Senate who gave away the Roman Republic to the Emperor System, whichn is what we have in this so called free nation. Laws are now made by decrees either from the Emperor in Washington or by the many mandates from the corrupt Representatives in Congress or by the Black Robed Thugs in the Amerikan Judicial System(Actually, we as a nation have been under martial law or Admiralty Court system since the reign of that other DictaTOR FDR) With Foreign Troops in this country already by the tens of thousands(To be used to collect the SHeeples weapons), with Executive Orders ready to go into place whenever our Emperor decides to declare the National Emergency(Perhaps Y2K or maybe some STAGED Terrorist Act or Acts), Our Nation is behind the Eight Ball. Ben Franklin, when they asked him what kind of a government did you give us, said "A REPUBLIC<IF YOU CAN KEEP IT. Well, guess what? We NOW have a MOB DEMOCRACY and the next step ,always proven in history, is DICTATORSHIP! I have been fighting this this Beast System asbest I can for years and it is a losing battle tying to wake up the Masses(Masses are ASSes as William Cooper used to say) Sorry for Rambling, but God Save THE Republic even though the Republic really has ceased to exist!
gentlemen, if you can keep it."

Sir, I know you not, by prior posts or knowledge gleaned of others. There is more than enough for concern-nay, outrage!- without wide-eyed proclamations of international plots by aliens. Cease and desist.
I stand here as I have always stood; hoping for a change, planning how I may peacefully restore our freedoms, and attempting to do so; and loading my guns.

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

How far? How long? At what point does one say, NO MORE, I ask? When? Will it be when weapons of the type used by the military (and thus the only ones specifically acknowledged as being our right to own and carry) are regulated illegally? Will it be when a graduated income tax is enacted? Perhaps it will be when the government decides it will enact a law that takes our money, ostensibly to return to us at a later date? Maybe it will be when babies are burned because of who their parents were? Or when a mother is shot down, her babe in her arms, because an illegal tax was not paid-and the killers go free? Not then? No?

What if, say- just say- that the president admits to perjury? Well, then, of course, he
would be thrown out of office...but, if he were not? Who would tolerate such an outrage? We would fight then, no doubt? What if this president were also a draft-dodger? (Well, of course we would never elect such a disgrace, right?) What if this man was surrounded by scandal on an unprecedented scale? If he were proven to have illegally obtained files about political opponents in his house? If his closest compatriots habitually died unnatural deaths? If he were accused of rape by more than one- AND WE BELIEVED IT-we would fight then, of course? Surely then? NO? If not then, when??

Where I still a praying man, I would be on my knees. I may have lost my god, but I can
still find my guns. With the record of the past few years in particular, and the knowledge of how despots act, the only way to guarantee that I do not lose them, is to keep them in hand.

I love my country. I can only hope that I will love her enough...and that I am not alone.

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited May 14, 1999).]
If you were going to do it when a mother was shot down with her babe in her arms,you missed a perfect opportunity when Vicky Weaver was killed.
There is no line drawn.There never has been on this issue.I know how you feel because I keep wondering what it will take to awaken the general public and I keep concluding that it will never happen.WE are in this alone.Like so many other forumites I look for what we can do that will have the greatest effect and it seems to be the lawsuits which would force the Supreme Court to rule on the Second Amendment.That would do it.The conspiracy suit should get a lot of attention and might get a ruling that would help us.

Whatever we do we need to unite and do it together.

Better days to be,

Alright, so this thing will most likely become law and require background checks AT gunshows. What about if two idividuals (not licensed dealers) happen to meet at a gun show and then go some place else (across the street maybe?) to accually make the sale/trade? Would that be legal? As far as I know private sales between idividuals is still legal.
You are not alone, Spectre.

The first Revolution was won with only one third of the people for it, one third against it and one third didn't care.

We are alone--all three or four million of us who would fight!

The rest of the sheeple care only about making money and watching TV after giving the government half their earnings. They will watch wide-eyed on the sidelines and wring their hands.

I think it will come to that. Letters and phone calls to corrupt politicians are useless now. They want all the guns.

My advice: buy ammo and wait until the baloon goes up.
Spartacus: Thanks for the clarification. Please accept my apology for questioning your post.

This and a hunnered other reasons are why this former Eagle Scout and Soldier, can no longer salute the flag.
Was it Jesus Christ (weather you believe him to be the Son of God, Jewish Prophet, or wandering Wise Man) who said that we should Love the Sinner, but hate the Sin?
I love my country - but at the same time can't abide it.

Tea Party anyone?


There is one problem with waiting until the baloon goes up. Banning all gun ownership would be the balloon flying...however, this drastic action will not happen. What will happen, is that a single category of guns will be outlawed, until all of them will have been nibbled away. I can demonstrate this:

Fully automatic weapons and "destructive devices" regulated;

Sales of guns through mail halted;

Guns too small not allowed to be imported;

New fully-automatic weapons banned;

Certain rifles arbitrarily banned from importation;

Certain expensive shotguns reclassified;

Weapons bearing certain characteristics, new magazines holding more than 10 rounds, or weapons too heavy outlawed.

Get the picture? By the time "all" guns are banned, there will be none left worth fighting with. Explain again what gun owners are waiting for.

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited May 16, 1999).]