Ohio gathering at Hunter's Lodge on the 24th

It was very nice meeting everyone. And we hope to do it again. Marci says that the wives need to come next time. And we are looking forward to the plate shoot.
Joe and Marci
Yeah, that derringer after the .44 never fails to get a grin ;). (Dave, I looked real close when I cleaned it! There's a couple lands in there! It's just that one is more pronounced than the other. Kinda gives you an idea of Davies QC though, or lack of I should say.) Gotta agree the whole thing was a blast. It was nice to put a face with the handles. hksigwalther's Desert Eagle was some sweet shooter! Not at all what I expected. I've looked at em before, but never shot one. Man oh man, one shot was plenty for me :) I know deep in my dirty little heart if I had put another shot through that DE, I would have gone into "gotta have one mode". In a way though it's a case of turn about being fair play. hksigwalther, was pretty taken with my Kimber. Judging from the way he chewed the center out of the target w/the Kimber, I'd say he's hooked on getting a Kimber 'bout as bad as I am on getting a Desert Eagle ;) (Nice, Nice shooting Ron). Speaking of nice shooting, I notice TBM(Dave) modestly failed to mention his cloverleaf ;) Counting heads was kinda tough since our group seemed to swallow up everbody else. I have to take your word that there were 10 of us.

Marci's right about the wives. My wife would have enjoyed it. If she hadn't had to work on Saturday she would have been there. Usually I just plop "Grandma Winchester" down with her Buckmark or her Winchester and a brick of ammo and pick her up on the way out ;)

I had a great time. Looking foreward to another one sometime. Thanks to everyone, especially falconer, for suggesting a get together. Have a good time at Tusco.

(BTW, I solved the Shiner "problem". I'm giving it to poor ole Stoney for going crazy tryin to ride herd on us :D He sure looked like he could use a cold one when he was trying to cash everbody out.)
Great day at the range!

It was great to meet all of you on Saturday. I think I echo everybody's sentiments when I say I couldn't have been with a nicer group of people. I especially enjoyed how open everyone was about sharing their guns with everybody else. I know my wallet is going to be cringing soon if I follow up on some impulses (Unfortunately, I think I've fallen in love with the P7M8 - no thanks to Ron :)). The Desert Eagle was a blast to shoot except I think I'll have to do some more wrist curls before I can really hold her steady.

I hope I had some converts, or at least impressed some people with the HS2000. It's really getting to be one of my favorite pistols to shoot now.

I'm going to get the photos uploaded to photopoint soon and once the mailing list gets out, I'll send out information on how to get to it (album name and password). Also - Ron, if you want, e-mail me your photos and I'll stick the in the same album.

Hope you guys have fun at Tusco today.

Left my camera in Parma Hts. Will have to post pics next week.

Will certainly get an HS2000 after shooting Ed's and I think Rich's Kimber has finally gotten past my negative experience with 1911s. Tusco was GREAT, except for the cold, no freezing, breeze, of course.

I'll have bring something bigger (handgun) next time.
What was REALLY great about Tusco was the ability of leaving tens of thousands of dollars of ordnance laying out in the open on the tables, owners walking off to do or watch something else at another section of the complex out of line-of-sight of their property, and come back without them being touched. If only society was like that today.

You know, that was exactly my feeling when I first went to Tusco. We just picked a table, broke out all the AR's, pistols, mags and ammo and left them there as we went between stations during the day. Respect for other people's property - How about that? Maybe us gun-nuts aren't such bad people after all.

Well, I'm back after my hour drive home from Tusco and my 5.5 hour drive to Columbus (damn snow). I certainly had a great time at Tusco and Hunter's. After shooting 3gun's Garand I just gotta go to a CMP match and get one. I also have to get a p7 and a glock 19 now. You people are just trying to put me in debt aren't you?????

I was really really impressed with how well things ran at Tusco, especially being able to leave firearms laying out and not having to worry in the slightest about it. I had so much fun today I totally forgot about my evil plot to "forget" to return dave's rifle.

Also, I don't believe I got to meet Nukem at the Tusco shoot. Introduce yourself next time :)
5.5 to Columbus?
Crud, I hafta be in Lorain by 4:00AM, I best haul.

Sounds like a good time at Tusco. I'm sorry I missed it. The tank/car-crush ended up being called off because of the weather. :(