Ohio gathering at Hunter's Lodge on the 24th


New member
Here’s the address and phone number for Hunter’s Lodge.
Either Yahoo or Map Quest can provide a map. The directions are pretty straight foreward. Take route 8 to the Tallmadge Road exit, get off and go East on Tallmadge road. When you come to the Tallmadge Circle, go halfway around to East Ave. East Ave has a gas station on the North corner, if you miss it, just keep going around the circle. Go across the railroad tracks, and turn into the shopping center on the right. Hunter’s Lodge is at the back end of the shopping center. If you need to ask directions, mention that Hunter’s lodge used to be Russo’s Gun Store.

Hunter’s Lodge
137 East Avenue
Tallmadge Ohio 44278

The date/time is March 24th 2:00 PM to 4:00PM. I’ll be there a bit early (hey, I gotta practice some so’s I don’t get shown up right ;) ?) There’s usually 2 guys working there on Saturdays. The younger fella with the black hair and stash is Jim, the older crusty, but very affable fella is Stoney. Just tell them you’re part of the group Rich (that’s me) has reserved the lanes for.

The Range Rules: Basic overview.
Eyes and ears at all times inside the outer door of the range.
Eye protection has to have side shields.
You can bring your own ammo, either jacketed or lead. You may only pick up your own brass. They sell the fired brass to defray range costs. If you save your brass, be sure to ID it somehow.
The range is a cold range. No loaded and holstered guns. Unloaded and holstered are Ok, and you can load, holster and draw inside the stall.
Only 2 people are permitted per lane. Since they only have 7 lanes, and we have 3 (possibly 4), it might be crowded at times. I’ve been there times when I had the whole range to myself for hours. I’ve also been there and had to wait for an hour to shoot. Go figure.
Shotguns,handguns, pistol caliber rifles are permitted as long as they are under 2000fps./2000ftlb ME.
Rapid fire IS permitted,,,,within reason. Double tap or hammer to your heart’s content if you’re able. Just remember, if you hit one of the hangers you own it (they can charge you $10.00 for one.)

Again, we have 3 lanes reserved from 2:00PM to 4:00 PM, and a semi reservation on a 4th, traffic permitting. Like I said, I’ll take the 4th lane, and whoever wants to shoot that lane with me gets to shoot for a flat charge of $5.00, but we have to give it up if asked.
Here’s the original 8 for Hunter’s that the reservations are made for:

Ray HP

You can contact me via grn_lantern@hotmail.com and I'll reply via my normal e-mail instead of the hotmail account.

Possibles and addons as of right now are LilJoe and his wife, and Couger. Somehow we’ll fit everybody in.
I’ll let someone else handle the Tusco end for the 25th.


To be fair to others who may want to show up and are afraid of overcrowding, please take me off the list you specifically reserved for. It is looking like I may be out of town that weekend. If I return in time, I will make every effort to be there as an "add-on."

HOPEFULLY, I'll still be able to make it and see you all there!! Odds are even better I'll be back for the Tusco shoot.

Stay safe,

10/4 Roger D. (Shows MY age huh ;))
Like I said, stuff comes up. If you can make it we'll find room for ya.
Hunter's Lodge

Looks like I'm going to be a no-show for the 24th. Can't get off work that day. Good luck and have fun guys!

No problem. Maybe next time around the timing will be better.

You guys going to Medina or OGCA have a good time. Looks like I'm in the same boat as Cougar this weekend. Mannnnn, paying bills and putting food on the table sucks at times. Maybe if i'd voted for Algore, I could get a gubmint freebie and not have to work :D

LOL! Het Al, you'da got my vote if I could kick back, suck off the gvt and go to gun shows with all my free time :D

sorry. Sleep deprevation is not a good thing. Makes me goofier than usual :D
I just got back from OGCA and Medina. Surprisingly enough, I managed to walk out of the OGCA show without really buying anything. Didn't see anything that just jumped up and screamed "BUY ME BUY ME TAKE ME HOME!!!". I did spend some cash at Medina stocking up on ammo. Oh yea, and somehow, TheBluesman managed to get into the OGCA show. Talk about lowering your standards!!

Man, was that place crowded or what?!!!
I didn't see anything I really needed to have ;) So I left with most of my cash also. Bought some 9mm brass, $10 K
and some .32 FN ammo.
There certainly were a lot of people at the show. It was a royal pain trying to get into the IX center. Between the gunshow and the outdoors show traffic sucked.
See you there!

Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Probably can't stay too long myself - have a bachelor party to go to later in the evening. There are only a few things in life better than shooting. :)
I'll be there tomorrow around 2pm or so. Gotta clean the pistolas tonight. I'd be embarassed to let anyone see how dirty they are. :o

BTW, Falconer, I resemble that remark! ;)

See ya tomorrow.

Anyone going to Niles before the Lodge? I'm going to try and stop in early. Look for a big guy in a BSA motorcycle shirt. See you all soon,rain or shine.
Non gun-

A BSA shirt?!?!
Temptation is setting in big time here since there's a 1970 BSA Thunderbolt in the paper for $2500.00. I'm almost tempted to sell something I know I'll regret...good thing it isn't a '68 Lightning or a '68 441 Victor Special.
Post-Meet Report...

We had a great turnout! I counted ten people in attendance, but I may be off a bit. Thanks to RAE for doing all the legwork, and for "hosting" us, and thanks to Falconer for the idea of an Ohio meet. :)

We were shooting for about two hours, and I estimate that we sent about 30 pounds of lead and copper downrange in that time. ;) We were limited to three lanes at first, but the last hour we were able to use five of the six lanes.

A few memories while they are still fresh...

I got bit by falconer's .41 Magnum Ruger Blackhawk. It's not real common to get your left thumb knuckle cut by a revolver, but I did it on the first shot and made it look easy. :o

Engineer let me shoot his Makarov, and it was love at first shot. My mind is made up now. I'm gettin' one (maybe two). Thanks again Ed! :)

Dirty Trick of the Day Award goes to RAE. Rich set up Falconer with his 4" .44 Magnum. After Tom sent five big bullets downrange, his muscles were pretty tense. Then Rich gives him the Davies .22 Derringer. You know what they say about muscle memory... It's true! I thought Tom was going to fall forward against the tray shooting that little thing! ;):D;)

FWIW, I put four rounds through the derringer and didn't even hit the target all four times. One shot, with the target about two yards away, keyholed about 8" high. The other shot hit about 3" high. Rich had me check out the rifling in the barrels. I noted that it (singular) was quite subtle. Thanks for bringing that along, Rich. :)

I was very impressed with our group. Everyone was extremely friendly and very safety conscious. It is a rare occurance to go to a range for two hours and not get swept by somebody's muzzle.

By the end of the range session, we had three or four pistols at each lane and everyone was offering to let everyone else shoot whatever they wanted. I got to try a Ruger P944, a S&W 66 with a sweet trigger, a Ruger P90 and the afore mentioned Derringer and Makarov. Falconer fell in love with a Glock 19 and we all drooled over hksigwalther's (I think) 44 magnum Desert Eagle. That was a very :cool: finish to the day!

Y'all have fun at the plateshoot tomorrow!
