OHIO Action Aert: SAVE SB 17 and HB 45

Stop the presses!

Everyone needs to read this:
We normally view legislation as a two-party mechanism where more often than not, bipartisan decisions are made. It has recently come to the Cleveland Gun Rights Examiners’ attention that there are not two, but three parties in Ohio’s General Assembly.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: OHIO: Another One Bites The Dust! - Cleveland gun rights | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-cleveland/ohio-another-one-bites-the-dust#ixzz1MBTaDenD
As reported in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, House Speaker Batchelder said that he is going to conference with Senate President Niehaus as to which bill will proceed (HR 45, or the Sentate version S17) and expects it to be acted on and sent to the governor next week. Batchelder also spoke to Gov Kasich who assured him he would sign the bill in its current form. :)

SB17 passed through both chambers today and is headed for Governor Kasich's desk (he said that he will sign it) :D

Small steps, but at least we're making headway.