OHIO Action Aert: SAVE SB 17 and HB 45


Fellow Ohioans,

I have started this thread because I haven’t found anything on the site specifically regarding efforts to support other pro-gun groups that are fighting to try to save SB 17 and HB 45.

Mainstream media is backing the Ohio Restaurant Association in an all out attack in opposing this important legislation. Gun groups such as the NRA, OFCC and BFA are all in a dog fight, writing letters and making calls to legislators and ORA Board Members asking why they oppose the bills and providing them with the numerous benefits that the passing of this legislation would bring to Ohio.

As supporters of Second Amendment issues, I would ask you all to update yourselves and to join in the struggle by writing letters and making calls to your State Representatives encouraging them to support this legislation.

As a columnist, I have written several articles since the introduction of HB 45 and HB 54, which you can read on Examiner. Com, by following the link provided here: Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner Articles.

Here are a couple of useful links: some pro and some anti, that you should visit to get a good feel for what I’m trying to say. These are just a few of the many links that will help you understand the magnitude of the war that’s raging.

What a great idea: a designated shooterhttp://www.cleveland.com/schultz/index.ssf/2011/04/cold_beer_hot_lead_go_together.html• Restaurant opposition might stop gun bill in HouseReptrackerBoycott Ohio Restaurant Association

Hopefully the Mods will post this as a Sticky so that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. These are issues important to us all and deserve the attention of every pro- Second Amendment group across the Nation and particularly within Ohio.
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HB 45 Update

I would like to apologize to everyone for wasting your time updating you on the current gun rights legislation.

There are some new developments, but I'm sure those that are interested will find them.
Watchdog, you are wasting no ones time except your own, and that, only if you consider it a waste.

We have a large and diverse membership. Some of us are old hands at tracking our State legislatures actions. But many are not. Some do not know what to look for and some will not bother to learn. That's just a (sad) fact of life.

I encourage you to continue with your updates. It may be the only way many will know what is going on.

As for stickying the thread? It's a plain fact that most members do not even see threads that are stickied... Let alone take the time to read them. They read what gets bumped to the top. Maybe.

There is also the fact that if we allowed all such State threads to be stickied, where would the "active" threads appear? On page two of the index? Who would be willing to look there? Or would most simply bypass the first page to get to the threads they are really interested in. That would be an injustice to those who aren't interested in what any State is doing but their own and an injustice to those, like you, who are posting info for your State.

As it now stands, anytime someone posts to any thread, it gets "bumped to the top" where all interested parties will read it. Your thread, included.
First issue: you didn't mark it as Ohio-specific.

Second: many moons ago there was a really dumb (and draconian) gun control bill at the Federal level variously known as "HB 45" or "HR 45". It went nowhere, but recurring posts on it years after the fact are kind of an ongoing nightmare.

Here's an example:


So when us "old hands" see a thread with "HB 45" in the title, we automatically think the idiot brigade is back and give it a skip.

If you'd included "Ohio" in the title we wouldn't have been so quick to dismiss it, and you'd have had far more people who are actually IN Ohio click in.

If you're posting state-specific stuff, include the state in the subject.
Ohio HB 45


Thanks for the retitling and words of encouragement. I still need to apologize though. Please understand that for the past couple of months I have run back and forth to Columbus for Hearings, written hundreds of letters and made countless phone calls day after day in support of the 4 2A State Bills. I guess I'm just tired.

I've contacted pretty much every 2A group that I could find to solicit support. I guess a lot of my frustration arises from the fact that I see a lot more support coming from the Southern part of the State than I do in my area, NE Ohio. I know that's in part due to our Mayor and State Representatives.

Anyway, The House is on Spring Break now, slated to return the first week in May. Their first priority is the State Budget, but we are trying to force a floor vote on HB 45 even if it fails because some Republicans are either riding the fence or leaning against the bill.

Elyria Dem. Rep. Matt Lundy has been called on the carpet because he lied on his survey to win the votes of gun owners. The following links will update you:
http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/7775; http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2011/04/26/group-takes-shot-at-lundy-over-concealed-carry-vote/; and my latest article of a series covering the gun rights bills: http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-cleveland/ohio-grassroots-organization-slams-lundy.

There is also a Reptracker here http://reptracker.beingbuilt.net/hb45/ which shows who's on board, who's riding the fence (the ones we are concentrating on with calls and letters), and those who openly oppose the bills.

It's a lot of reading, but worth it to push this legislation forward.
As an OH resident, I am quite interested, and would like you to continue.

I have written to my legislators in support of this.


Word is that the House Republican Caucus will be meeting this evening to discuss HB 45 and HB 54. The in formation comes from OFCC forums.

I had emailed Budp's office a while back a link to Anomaly's RepTracker just so he could see what reps are telling their constituents or whatever help it might be. Much to my surprise, one of the co-sponsor representatives just called me, he was looking at the site and wanted me to explain it to him a little more. He said they are going to use the information at the caucus tonight to hold rep's feet to the fire if they don't match up, mentioning the "number BFA did" on Lundy this week. He said to tell my friends (aka other people on this forum) to turn up the pressure on the maybes, especially the dems. They want to vote on it next week but may decide to go with 17 since already amended and voted on in the Senate. Nice work guys!

They will be using he RepTracker to help the undecided's to make up their minds. Here is a link to the RepTracker: http://reptracker.beingbuilt.net/hb45/.

Thank You so much for all your work in the trenchs.

Ohio has a long ways to go in our fight to gain our complete freedoms the 2nd Amendment refers to. Guys like you, fighting for those rights are the reasons we're as close as we are to obtaining those freedoms.

Rep Tracker is a fantastic idea.

Phone calls and letters in process, ASAP.

Again, Thank You for your ongoing efforts....

Ohio SB 17 and SB 61

Upon returning from Spring Break, The House of Representatives referred these two bills to the Committee on State Government and Elections. There was also a Republican Caucus meeting scheduled for last night, May 3, 2011 to discuss HB45 and HB 54. As the results of the meeting becaome available, I will post them.
I, too, live in northeast Ohio and I have been following the developments closely.

I am fortunate that I live in an area where both of my representatives are very supportive of 2nd Amendment rights.

I have also written many responses to news stories and columns, especially in the Plain Dealer, that advocate our rights.

I am in the good fight with you, and I thank you for your efforts, Watchdog.

Please continue to keep up informed. I've been following this closely and I have emailed my rep several times to encourage him to push this forward.

If I am reading the 'rep tracker' correctly, it would seem that there are already enough votes to pass this bill. Why aren't they calling for a vote?!?
Ohio Pro Gun Bills

Nothing new from the House. The Senate Bills 17 and 61 were assigned to the Committee on State Government and Elections on Tuesday, May 3, 2011 but no hearings are on the schedule for this week.

I published this article mostly to amuse people, but also as a recap of what has happened up until now.

The gun-owners, armed to the teeth with years of gleaming statistics of licensees abiding by the laws of the State, the success of similar legislation in other States, economic impact and reduction in crime, stunned its opponents from the opening gavel.
I would like to thank everyone for your hard work and support in the fight for our 2A rights. Anomaly over at OFCC deserves the credit for the RepTracker. It has been and continues to be a very important tool as Rep. Bubp is using it to "hold people's feet to the fire." Keep up the good fight all.
SUPPORT Rae Lynn Brady for House District 57

I know this has nothing to do with current legislation; however, I believe it is important for Ohioans. You are aware of the contoversy with State Rep Matt Lundy lying to get endorsements of gun owners. I took to the lieberty of contacting his 2010 opponent and she is willing to make another run, but she needs our support to mount a successful campaign. I am willing to do everything I can to help, from soliciting donations, to passing out flyers door to door, working town hall meetings, etc.

I ask you to join me in trying to send another 2A Rep to the Statehouse in Columbus. She has the highest rating from BFA without an endorsement.

I am sharing her email with you and circulating it amoung 2A groups. Please pass it along to any organizations that you know of.

Hello Mr. watchdog:
Thank you so much for the email. I have been asked by several people to run again because of Lundy's voting this year. I am seriously thinking of running again. There are so many problems facing the State of Ohio and things are getting tougher each year. I came really close, closer than the Democrats thought I would, so I think another run might be in the mix. I planned on working with the people in District 57 and if I run again will do so again. The biggest problem running is the funding. Things are tough and the funds are not readily available. That is probably going to be the biggest factor if I take it on again. Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you.
Rae Lynn Brady

For those unfamiliar with Lundy, my article here gives a brief summary from yesterday's town hall meeting. http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-cleveland/ohio-legislature-sorely-misinformed-about-house-bill-45.

Thanks everyone.
F.O.P. Opposition to SB17/HB45

The F.O.P. has been the strongest opposition to these bills, but my burning question is WHY?

Read my article, watch the video and then you decide.

So what’s the real deal as to why the F.O.P. Union is so opposed to these bills? Is it a genuine concern for the public that gun-owners might be drawn into gun-fights with drunken patrons. Is it that some people may not be comfortable knowing that someone sitting next to them may be carrying a concealed weapon?

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Is the F.O.P. Trying to Protect us from Gun-owners or Police? - Cleveland gun rights | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-...ct-us-from-gun-owners-or-police#ixzz1LpfDnKjd
According to the Buckeye Firearms Assn, the vote has been scheduled for tomorrow. This corresponds with what I heard this morning from a state rep on the radio who said they were going to get a vote set up sometime this week.
May 11, 2011 Vote on HB45/54

The bills will be voted on Wednesday at 1:30 PM.

The right to remain armed would also extend to the employees of these establishments such as cooks, wait staff, coat check, maintenance personnel and others. It would also apply vendors such as food and beverage delivery, repair services, etc.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: House Bills 45 and 54 Go Up For Vote - Cleveland gun rights | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-cleveland/house-bills-45-and-54-go-up-for-vote#ixzz1LzUpCO3W