Oh look, Kofi Annan is still at his anti-gun thing...

Those who beat their guns into plows will plow the fields for those who don't.

Where is that quote from?

You like that?

Sorry, I dont rate a two bit crackpot getting a little publicity by making gatars out of AKs to be anything more than an amusing joke with no relevance to the lives of Americans whatsoever.

WildbutheythesunisshiningandkofiisasstupidaseverlifeisgoodAlaska TM
Thomas Jefferson, no less. And it bothers me because I believe that the 2nd Amendment is merely a recognition of not merely an invention of rights of man which extend to all countries and all people, and in many places of the world the right of a person to keep firearms to repel the predations of criminals, terrorists, and despots. Unlike us where it's mostly hypothetical, it's a day to day fact of life for many of the world's people. Ask Israel. Ask Panama. Ask newly freed Iraqis. If you're unarmed in a disturbingly high portion of the Earth you're likely to be shot by those who are neither unarmed nor interested in your right to live. Kofi is flatly stating he doesn't give a crap about the lives of those he confiscates from--their lives aren't worth protecting.
So if Jesus says hey dudes beat your sword into plowshares and Jefferson says, no way dude, that will make us all slaves, who wins?

WildanswerthatoneAlaska TM
I'll take it that I misheard Jesus rather than booking a one way ticket to ask him for clarification in person. He can punk slap Mohammed for me up (or down) there while I deal with what the latter sends my way.
Wildalaska said:
So if Jesus says hey dudes beat your sword into plowshares and Jefferson says, no way dude, that will make us all slaves, who wins?

Funny you say that WA, Jesus actually told his disciples to "pack heat" when they went out into the world according to the bible...
The passage from which the "beating swords into plowshares" was taken is a prophecy/vision from the prophet Isaiah (Is 2) concerning the end times
My guess is we still have a bit of time left so don't go ruining good steel.

"You pawned a Hatori Hanzo sword? That sword was priceless." "Not in El Paso it ain't. I got me $250 for it."
KB Vol2
Manedwolf, I understand that you obtained this from Reuters, but I would like a link or reference to the specific story that you used. I hate trying to guess at what other people are reading or referencing. Thanks.
If you don't know much about the Bible, you're better off staying away from the subject. Christianity is a good deal more complex than the Liberals realize.

One example: Jesus Christ was hardly a pacifist.
LightningJoe: One example: Jesus Christ was hardly a pacifist.
I'm with you, Joe. I sincerely doubt that Jesus was smiling when he threw the merchants out of the temple.

Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36
Yumm biblical debate...I love it...

Christianity is a good deal more complex than the Liberals realize.

And a lot more complex than the believers realize too:D

WildahtehgoodolddaysdrinkinwiththejesuitsAlaska TM
If you haven't mastered the sword of the spirit, don't swing it too hard. That's all I'm saying. That thing will give you a nasty cut, if you don't know what you're doing.