You know, I run traffic everyday just about when I'm on duty. As many cars as I stop for various violations, I run into just about everyone. The truth of the matter is, off duty officers NEVER ask for courtesy. In fact, many times I've written an officer, and later on they appear in court in uniform due to being on duty or what not, and are paying the ticket... I walk up to them and say "Hey sir, you didn't ID yourself?" And they simply say "Well I don't expect courtesy..." So I explain "Well neither do I, but I do ID myself to say there are weapons in the vehicle..etc."
Now you know who DOES ask? Judges, teachers, politicians, and MOST of all, military, ex and current. Especially dependents of those in the service. I always am handed their dependent military ID card instead of a driver's license. I say "Sir, can you please hand me your driver's license instead of this?" and their response "Well can't you cut me a break because of that?" This happens almost on a weekly basis for me. I run into it so often, I am no longer surprised.
And Musketeer, by your silly definition and prejudices, I should not trust ANY citizen and should abhor all people because well, due to my job I run into a citizen who lies and breaks laws everyday. Actually, I run into many. Sorry Musketeer, but your cop-bashing, anti-govt, tin foil hat wearing attitude is absurd. To say "As long as there are any LEOs out there I will not trust the whole profession" is no different than me saying "Musketeer must be a felon because less than 5% of the population in his state commit felonies."
But oh wait, as an LEO I have to treat everyone equally. This must not be a requirement of being a regular citizen. My parents raised me to believe all people are created equal. I wish more parents properly raised their kids.