My dream..... isolated house, porch with 1000 yrd field and games!!!
I will build a shotting bench with guns rack next to it, each rifle sight in Bull Eye for different mark, from 400 to 1000 yrd.... !!!!!
Back to reality, several caliber named are suitable for 1000 yrds.
Personally I shoot only up to 450/475 yds once to see the results of 2 rifles, .300Win Mag and 7Rem.Mag. ( almost impossible here to find places over 200 yrd. even when you go up noth the only places would be across lakes . ) . After the initial adjustment setting, I was able to print 3.5 to 3.75" groups of 3 shoots with both guns, rested on sand bags over the hood of the truck .
I find .300WM is pleasent to shoot and is not brutal as many portray it . To me the 7mm Rem.Mag as a little more kick....figure out! Both burn reasonable ammount of powder... by comparison the .270 W is really smooth and use less powder, 308 easy on powder and low recoil not to forget the 6.5 Swede is even smoother and cheaper on powder.
If you like big guns .300 Rem.Ultramag, not much worst than .300WM in the recoil department, but burn powder big time... my son got one not long a go... 67 cartridges reloaded out of one pound of powder!!
The best would be after you decided on the cartridge go to a gun club and
ask the members that have your selected choice if you could try few shoots..... Good luck.