Of Boycotts and Forgiveness

OK, I've been off the net for over a week. Yikes, I've been flamed. Well, OK, probably deserve it, but I still stick by my original contentions. I still think you are mistaken, DC and Grayfox, and I think it is exactly you're kind of thinking that get the Clintons of the world elected. I still think you're thinking like sheep. Yes, we should stand together, WITH MANUFACTURERS WHO TAKE A SOLID STANCE, as does the NRA, and as we do as the rank and file.

DC, what you cannot seem to comprehend is that OUR INTERESTS AIN'T RUGER'S INTEREST. Our interests as gun owners are not one and the same. They diverge sharply. I am a businessman and of course I am going to make decisions to protect my business, and support political measures that keep me in business; as does Ruger. I don't blame them at all for doing so; I do blame US if we don't take steps to make door number 2 more attractive to Ruger (line int the sand re gun control). That way, when they make their (understandably) self-serving decisions, they will be the correct ones, not the incorrect ones. By giving them the "gee, it's OK, those meanie legislators were gonna really hurt you bad if you didn't compromise", we are doing nothing more than encouraging more future acts of appeasement. If they go out of business, it will be a long long time coming, and the remaining companies will inevitably increase their stock via our replacement dollars. In other words, the industry as a whole at any one time will not suffer; it will have the same amount of economic/political power. You guys miss the point: It's not that they will be driven out of business; they won't; instead they will wake up and realize we're serious about protecting our rights, and end their appeasement policies. They will change (unless they're morons, and they aren't). They will be stronger than ever; only difference is they'll appeal to lovers of freedom, and not just the sheep of the world. To those who accuse me of monday morning quarterbacking: what kind of idiot would you have to be to NOT assess and analyze any situation that has happened, in order to determine the best future course of action? I am not second-quessing Bill Ruger's decision as a business-man. I'm quite sure I would have done the same thing AS A BUSINESSMAN in his shoes. The thing is, I ain't in his shoes. I (as you) wear a different hat entirely, that of trying to save the freedoms we have in my beloved USA. I am trying to get you guys to agree in spirit that boycotts should be undertaken in an ongoing manner against not only antis in general, but also gun industry firms who appease. The flaw in your "stand-united" argument is that if we stand united as a big bunch of concession-makers, our rights will continue to dwindle over time as they have in the past. Listen to this axiom and think about it for a minute: IF SOMETHING DON'T CHANGE, AIN'T NOTHING GONNA CHANGE. If you don't start doing more to protect our rights (i.e. quit propounding the sheep attitudes of DC and Grayfox), then the continuation of decades of erosion will continue. Then you can take your grandkids shooting with the single-shot .22 stored at the range. Once we agree in principle that my logic is basically sound, then we can have a thorough discourse as to "what was done? how bad? relative to other firms? boycott feasible? advisable? or too tenous/mild an infringement?" Oh, and you still didn't answer my question. Why don't you be honest will your acqaintances here at TFL, DC and Grayfox, and tell us, yes or no: Have you ever cast a vote in favor of Bill Clinton as president? Just curious.

Grayfox, letters to them are a good idea, but let's think for a minute about how they operate as businesses. They get some outrage and fire the offenders (or retire them) who make concessions. And swear they won't do it again. Gee, thanks, it's too late for what you've already done. Then they get a bunch of letters condemning them, so they give a bunch of lip service about "you're so right, we were wrong, it's not gonna happen again". Does that right the wrong? No. Does it force them to actually do something that may be difficult for them (i.e. a legislative battle to repeal the offending law, which costs money and could hurt their image as a "reasonable" manufacturer)? No. They just give some lip service and go on their merry way, ready to do it again the next time. What will they actually do the next time? Obviously, they will pull a Clinton: do what they promised not to do, and then apoligize like crazy to their constituents (in this case, we the consumers of their products) until it's forgotten; and the cycle repeats itself, over and over again, until we have not rights. Look, I am all for keeping the gun industry as strong as is humanly possible, but why? It's because they have the economic muscle ($) to do what we want for our rights. So, when they take all of the enormous profits they make, and decide to engage in appeasement so that every senior VP can have the 5-figure Christmas bonus, instead of shelling out some cash to fight against every little infringement (lobbying is expensive), then they have sold our asses out. Big time! Can't you guys see that? They are the only one with big money whose interests run at all along similar lines to ours (they want to sell guns; we want to be able to buy and bear them). No anti group would ever push for anything remotely pro-gun. So, when the big boys like Ruger are wheeling and dealing at the capitol, we must make every effort to tweak their similar interest to "one and the same" interest as ours (i.e. NO concessions). In other words, we must try to channel their goals to be in line with ours through the use of our economic clout as consumers, and when necessary, boycotters. They will continue to engage in the appease-then-apologize Clintonian tactics UNTIL WE DRAW AN UNEQUIVOCAL LINE IN THE SAND. It works for Clinton because, unfortunately, the American public as a whole is dumb as a sack of rocks. But let's try not to be like them. Aren't we as freedom-lovers a cut above the general public in our intelligence and far-sightedness? Of course we are. Let's show it by nipping the appeasement support in the bud. Make them hurt. Buy the products of companies who sell guns and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with NRA's policies (who learned a long time ago that concessions do not work in stemming the insatiable appetite for gun control of the anits). Nuf for now.

[This message has been edited by Exiled And Addicted (edited March 08, 1999).]
You insist on making smarmy and not so veiled insults. I am 32 yrs old and have never voted for a democrat for ANYTHING from local up to national elections.

Rather than trolling and insulting folks that don't see a strategic approach your way...answer the question that I posed to you. You, as an attorney, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? How have you used your professional education and legal acumen to help RKBA?

I have never seen you contribute anything of a legal opinion,or a novel legal approach to try. Of course you may not be able based on your statement "I apologize if this is redundant (I've haven't had time to read all the
. For lawyer who doesn't bother to read, I can only surmise that like all ambulance chasers you require an audience to witness your ad hominem slurs and aspersions in lieu of a position having solid foundation.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited March 08, 1999).]
DC, I didn't insult you. I asked a yes or no question. Now, finally, you have answered it. Thank you. My suspicions about your voting were wrong, but not about your beliefs. Had you answered the question earlier, I would not have had to repeat it. Like many in the general public, you infer many unnecessary things from a question instead of just answering it. Also, I never asked about Democrat voting or anything else; just about Clinton. For some reason which I don't understand, you're trying to turn this into personal attacks, which I would rather stay away from, as I see no point in that. You have still failed to explain (back to the subject) why it's a good idea to support gun manufacturers who promote concessions of our rights. If you have information of which I'm not aware that this is not true (it has been repeated as true numerous times about Ruger - that is hearsay of course, though), then why don't you simply share it with us here, now, rather than trying to ridicule me for not scouring every bit of heasay information popping up all of the internet every second of every day.

I'm not trying to insult anyone; If you take something as such, that is all you and you only, not me. How can a question be an insult? Despite your vague attempt to discredit me somehow with your big words, my foundation in logic is solid (nearly impeccable). As to what I have done for RKBA, the answer to your question (I don't have any problem being upfront with answers) is: one hell of an awful lot; too numerous to mention here, but includes notably, writing a doctoral dissertation on same and trying to promote effective boycotts (which encounter much resistance, I might add). As to the ambulance chaser remark, I wasn't going to dignify it with a response, but on second thought, the truth is I find it much easier to simply wait in the hospital's emergency room lobby; those ambulances can lose me at high speeds while driving my old pickup truck.

[This message has been edited by Exiled And Addicted (edited March 08, 1999).]

I am not going to continue this on the forum, if you genuinely wish to know more of my attitudes and beliefs, either take the time to read my posts (the search function is there) or send me e-mail.

Innuendo, parsing and inferences are still insults...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I apologize if I haven't read every word of every post in this thread. Quite honestly, some of them are simply too long to keep my interest. I have read enough to know that we all need to take a deep breath and discuss the issues, not the personalities.

To that end, I direct myself to Exiled. Moderation and unacceptable compromise must be judged in context. To me, George Bush crossed the line with the Assault Weapons ban; to you, I cross the line by not supporting your boycott ideas; to the Black Choppers crowd, you cross the line by not advocating armed resistance.

I am not all that concerned where a man or woman chooses to draw their personal "line in the sand" as you call it, as long as it's legal. What I look toward is that person's willingnes to accept the right of *others* to hold differing views.

There are many ways to address an issue. Were I to assume that I have discovered the right path for everyone else, I succumb to grandiosity of the highest order.

In short, I think your ideas for boycott are great...for you and whoever chooses to join you. As for me, I look forward to picking up my new Ruger bolt action .22 on return to Florida.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited March 08, 1999).]
I didnt think to ask DC about voting for Clinton.I would presume that no honorable person would have voted for Clinton.

Bill Clinton and Muhammed Ali resisted the draft.Ali did it by showing up and refusing to step forward.Bill did it with lies.I respect Ali and the price he paid for his beliefs.As a former military person I disagree with him but I respect the way he did it.

What does this have to do with Bill Ruger?
I dont know the facts in this case,but I have owned several Ruger Firearms and would buy another tomorrow.

Better days to be,

I'm glad to see you back, for a while there I thought you may have quit on us or worse we might have run you off. I assure you that was never my intension.

Nope, never voted for "slick". In fact I've been a thorn in my congress critter's sides since the beginning of the scandel. They know very well that I despise the SOB.

I resent being called a sheep, especially by someone who hardly knows me. The fox has sharp teeth and knows how to use them. He also has the intellegence to know when not to.

I still disagree with your boycott position. You have had your say and I have had mine. So, let us agree to disagree and be done with it.

I do enjoy a spirited discussion. I also give you credit for sticking to your guns. No doubt our swords will cross again. I look forward to it. :)