Odd thing happened at the shooting range

Have not had a jam while shooting. I realize I have put a poor number through this gun. Any more problems and I will try bigger balls. We have a shoot coming up on the 27th. Will probably get 100 or more shots. I had a good time today, loaded and shot, only the one ball coming up. Will have to look into the chamfering. I have read about it but it seems to me it will make matters worse, opening up the chamber.
I'm only talking barely beveling the mouth of each chamber, like 1/64" to 1/32". On my Euroarms Remingtons they have a much longer tapered chamfering, almost belled to about 1/8" deep. I never shave a ring with them. The ball swages into the chamber. They came that way (all 6 of them).
You had said there is no chamfer on the chambers.
If the sharp edge is slightly relieved the ring cut off leaves a little lead squashed in side for a tighter fit.
Some times some small fit and finish gets missed, the last new Uberti '51 I bought did not have the arbor relieved where the hand travels.
Well, I did not chamfer the cylinders. I do not have the tools to measure one and I can't see one. If they come that way it may be but it is my understanding that is something you do or have done. Am I wrong? Been wrong a few times, have even been mistaken once or twice. I guess I should use and emoji :eek:

I do now understand how this will help rather than hurt, putting more lead in the cylinder.

As of this moment My problem was solved by fixing the rammer or I am in denial, more rounds will tell the tale.:confused:

I am headed to youtube to search chamfer.
The overhang of the edge of the chamber mouths can be created if the face of the cylinder is trued up on a lathe after the chambers are drilled.
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Now that I think I know what I am looking for, I believe I have the proper chamfer on my cylinders. Looking under the magnifier I can see that there is a very subtle widening of the the cylinders 1/64 is about right. Looks exactly like my 1858.
It has been said that Italian C&Bs make gunsmiths of us all. I've gotten to the "advanced tinkerer" stage of my apprenticeship.
Thanks for all the wisdom. Had a shoot today. Not sure how many rounds but my ball bag got very light. :D At least 75.

Not a single issue with ball creep. Just loaded and unloaded. Pretty sure it was just a badly cut ram rod.

My 6 year old grand son was the star of the shoot. He fell in love with my savage pump .22. Not sure I have had more fun. I have shot that gun my whole life, pretty sure it was my first shooter, handed down from my Dad. Spent the evening after the shoot giving it more attention than it has had in years. Stripped it down to the last screw and put it in the safe cleaner than it came from what ever store it was purchased, probably Sears.

I love this sport.