Odd carry choices?

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Give her a break-she's 77!
Carry a Broomhandle Mauser ? At Omdurman in 1898 a Lieutenant in the 21st Lancers did good work with one. I have a 1914 Mauser and a CZ-27, the latter looks it's seen some use and I suppose whoever carried it was unacquainted with modern ideas of stopping power and ergonomics but I doubt he felt deprived or undergunned.
Yes, the only woman in Game of Thrones who can enthrall with her clothes on.

And I watched Mystery Theatre on PBS just to hear her introduce the show.
I wish I could add some goofy gun to this thread...
I have carried my Coonan Classic concealed, but not much. I don't see where it is much of an addition to the topic. I have a shooting buddy that for quite a while carried a 5-inch M&P Pro with a 600-lumen weaponlight attached... and he carried this IWB. And I mean for months.
I have a friend who routinely packs a Broomhandle Mauser. He has other guns at his disposal but this is the one he chooses.
I'd like to understand the thought process. Maybe, to be honest, I suppose I'd just to like to hear some kind of real-world explanation that leaves me with some net result other than "he wants his friends to think he's a nut or he's trying to garner their attention."

Maybe it's something I have overlooked. Maybe his Father, Grandfather or Uncle took it from someone in a fury that saved their life. I don't know. I'm trying to understand. Because at first glance, it just seems like a guy who is trying to say "HEY! Look at me!"
Well I have a Top break S&W from 1880's 5 shot SA 32 short I drop in pocket some times just to be different 88gr lead bullet . I shot thru a 2x4 at about 20' So will put a hole in you. I carry to general store I live in country 17 miles to gro store . This store only 10

I have a 22 short Astra like the little Colt s . I carry with CCI . Just think its a long ice pick and empty it. :D
Once I was in a hurry and shoved an old H&R revolver into my pocket. It was loaded with 32 S&W long, even. It happened to be sitting out and I didn't have time to load anything else.
Back in the 1960s when spy and secret agent movies and TV shows were popular, there was one character who carried a Mauser Broomhandle. It was carried horizontally behind the back. He was "The Second-Best Secret Agent." The best secret agent was on another assignment. There was also a good scene in the movie with a Bren Gun being fired.

Can't think of any other unusual carry guns, at least in the movies. But I always find myself looking closely when a Colt pocket auto shows up in old movies.
I'd like to understand the thought process.

It's a purse to them. They're not carrying them for defense. They're carrying them as part of their attire.

They may argue up and down about how practical it is and how well trained they are, etc. Don't even listen to them. They know and you know it's a lie. It's for show, that's it.
I just ordered a pocket holster for my Ruger Birdshead Vaquero. Mine is .45 ACP but they have other calibers including convertibles.

Not really all that odd, but I have carried a Colt Army Special in .41 Long Colt. Also a P-08 Luger (in an El Paso Saddlery custom holster, no less).
there was one character who carried a Mauser Broomhandle.

His name was Vine, Charles Vine. "Licensed To Kill" and "Where The Bullets Fly". He was the second best secret agent (and thus had to try a little harder.)

Carried my PLR-16 with a full 30 round mag, around my neck, under a leather duster, when I got a call to pick up a drunk neighbor at a seedy area bar. This was the third (and final) time I did that, but this time it was in the worst of areas, therefore the weird change. I told an ingoing patron to ask for him and tell him his ride was here. He agreed. He then came back out and said "He wants you to come in and have a drink." I told him "I cant, and if he wants a ride, his ass better be out here in one minute!" I was sick to death of talking him down from his drunks-I'm not a babysitter. Told him that on the way home and he finally quit asking me.
BlueTrain said:
Back in the 1960s when spy and secret agent movies and TV shows were popular, there was one character who carried a Mauser Broomhandle.
Deaf Smith said:
His name was Vine, Charles Vine. "Licensed To Kill" and "Where The Bullets Fly". He was the second best secret agent (and thus had to try a little harder.)
As long as we're discussing movies, unusual carry guns, and characters who aren't #1, Jô "Cheeks" Shishido carried both a Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer and a Sigiura as the Yakuza's #3 hit man (one wonders who maintained the rankings...) in "Branded to Kill".

Furthermore, this is by no means the weirdest thing about this absolutely delirious movie. But I digress. ;)
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A long time ago, when I was heavily involved in the jewelry business, I carried an Iver Johnson "Enforcer" .30 carbine pistol (with 30 round mag) in my car.
My rationale was that if I were to be robbed, it would be on a lonely road by a following car. I wanted max firepower and penetration in the smallest package. I have since used it once or twice when the natives were getting restless and riots were possible.

I have also carried an NAA .22 short mini revolver when circumstances dictated.
Now, I carry an engraved Keltec P32 in my pocket, and a stainless P11 in the car.
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