Odd-ball question v Florida

Personally, I wouldn't go anywhere near this. Folks that allow dogs capable of killing pigs to go running loose tend not to be the most reasonable, calm, and rational folks in the world, and allowing yourself to get dragged in to what is, at its heart, a property rights dispute between your boss and others seems just like begging for trouble. I see no reason to run in front of trouble and hail it down. Your boss must be an adult. It's his responsibility, not yours - and certainly not just because you own a firearm.
If the OP's employer asks him to come on the property to provide armed security for the animals, it could hardly be construed as any kind of trespass, let alone criminal trespass. Trespass is entering someone else's property without their permission.

The trespass we were talking about was shooting the dog while NOT on the employer's property - i.e. going and looking for the culprit.
Oh. I thought this might have been my friend, "Rich" that used to work at the Computer Emporium in Bushnell. He works in the Villages, now.

I haven't seen him in a few months. Cool dude. His brother's kind of a pain, though...:D

I agree with several other posts. Get the video. Call the cops. Sue the neighbors. Eat the pigs, if they get killed...Just don't offer the responding LEO any bacon. He/She may take it the wrong way.
goofy said:
Oh. I thought this might have been my friend, "Rich" that used to work at the Computer Emporium in Bushnell. He works in the Villages, now.

I haven't seen him in a few months. Cool dude. His brother's kind of a pain, though...

I agree with several other posts. Get the video. Call the cops. Sue the neighbors. Eat the pigs, if they get killed...Just don't offer the responding LEO any bacon. He/She may take it the wrong way.

haahhahahaha thats funny. Yeah, I do think I'm going to stay out of this one. Who knows what might happen. I've go enough on my plate with out this causing any trouble.

So theres a computer emporum in bushnell? Does that mean they have those automatic number adder-upper gizmos?
There is another problem I see... how long is your Boss going to pay for you to sit in his back yard and wait for the dogs to show up and attack the pigs?

Sounds kind of expensive for him and boring for you... I guess you might could do some of your computer work while you wait...

Even though I'm not a fan of government authorities, I think the bosses best plan is to get the county sheriff and animal control involved and you stay the heck out of it.
Here's a question for your boss...

If folks can build pens that keep dogs locked up then why can't he build a pig pen that will keep dogs out?
blume357 said:
Here's a question for your boss...

If folks can build pens that keep dogs locked up then why can't he build a pig pen that will keep dogs out?
That's irrelevent. The law doesn't require the pig farmer to build a pen that keeps the neighbor's dogs out, it only requires that he keep his own pigs in. The law requires the neighbor to keep his dogs on his own property.