OC Decontamination

The only reason ANYONE gets sprayed intentionally is so that they know what it is like so that they can reasonably be expected to function after (if) they get sprayed for real. If you're just after a little taste, spray some in an enclosed space and then close the door....or do like Capt_Charlie said and apply some like makeup :)

I still want pics! :D
If you have contact lenses, TAKE THEM OUT!!!! I did the dab a little in the eye for a class in High School, and didn't know to take out the lenses. The pepper soaks into the lens, and will not come out. Ever. I took the lens out, rinsed, the put the lens back in. The pain comes back.
Good luck to you and yours. I wouldn't dare spray myself on purpose. I got a downwind wiff once while a buddy was "testing" his spray out. That's enough for me. That stuff brought me to my knees and and I didn't even get hit head on. We didn't have any shampoo or water handy at the time. I had to stick it out for about 30 minutes before someone gave me a bottled water. Yes, my buddy is a moron.

2nd the part about removing contacts. Mine where toast. Had to toss them for a new pair.
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I am going to go with the bucket of water, running water and Dawn dish soap. The plan is to have a friend of mine spray me and I am going to try to take him to the ground (I work security, so that part of the training is rellevant (I know it is best to have a certificate, but I am not planning on carrying at work and, as I said, that training is not accessible right now). If anyone would like to know how it went, let me know.
Oh yes...

Yes, definitely a .wav file... sound...we need sound. Video of you crying and screaming would also brighten up my day :)

Good luck!
I want to be sprayed with it first so I know what to expect if I get sprayed with it or if it blows back into my face.
Me thinks somebody is gonna be very sorry!:D I have a number of friends that are LE and they have heard of or seen every thing from flushing your eyes with milk to putting your face in front of the AC on a vehicle. The general opinion is that different things work for different people. Never fast enough or good enough though.
A medic standing by - We had EMS at our last class to see if they could help with the decontamination and so they'd know what to expect when called to such a scene... Saline seemed to help some. Others it did not. I prefer cold water - gallon upon gallon upon gallon of it. Saline did nothing for me and it was by no means cold enough.

Second the contact observation - I wore a pair of old ones to see if they helped delay the effects. They did, but after it set in, had to get rid of them to get any relief - they soak up that oil! Permanently ruined too. Just plan on replacing any contaminated.
I'm a certified LEO OC Instructor, and normally run 3-4 cert classes a year. Last time I checked, I have over 50 sprays on the street or back in Corrections. Suffice to say I have a little experience with the stuff.

I think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Our department as a group uses OC a lot. We even place it in front of Empty Hand Techniques on our Force Continuum.

You've been given some good advice. In my experience, fresh air & cool water help recovery the best. I've tried all the aftermarket antidotes I've come across, and can't say I've found one that works better. No matter what you do, it will take you 45 minutes up to 2 hours before you'll be able to function.

I highly recommend you take the cert class before carrying the stuff. Remember it's a Use Of Force, and you will be held liable for it's use. You want to find yourself in a liability box fast, use a method of force without being able to document you've been trained in it's use.

I would recommend against being sprayed unless it's done in a classroom setting under the supervision of a certified instructor. You could experience anything from a medical or allergic reaction to a full blown panic attack (I usually see at least one panic attack in every class, some are real doozies). If he has any experience at all, your instructor has seen it and will be able to help you safely deal with it, and has the knowledge to help you through recovery...
Last time I checked, I have over 50 sprays on the street or back in Corrections. Suffice to say I have a little experience with the stuff.

You're that guy from that Steven Seagal movie, aren't you? The one who uses OC like it's breath freshener?

I always found dish washing soap, and cold water as effective as anything will ever be. (nothing helps alot in any case) And the solarcaine sunburn green gel does help afterwards quite a bit as someone else mentioned.

One thing to remember though, for the love of GOD if you wear contacts, take them OUT FIRST. I try to wear a very light colored pair of cheapo sunglasses when I'm out, just in case the backspray comes my way. (Without my contacts, I'd need a full auto to hit anything) :D
My neighbor at the old house was a vice cop, came home one day to find him laying the front yard in a pair of sweats with the lawn sprinkler running. he had been busting a pimp when the ho came out and hosed him down with OC. three hours later he was laying under the sprinkler waiting for the codiene to take effect. He threw that outfit away too, said no matter how many times he washed it, it still would burn his skin when he got sweaty.
STOP THAT Guntot!!!! I sprayed coffee through my nose onto my computer laughing so hard! The sgt don't like that...:D

Have worked with both the CN and CS at one time or another and have never understood why they don't combine the CS/CN and OC? With the tear gas type stuff you only have to hit the chest area and the perp walks around in his (or her) very own cloud of gas, mostly gagging. But OC has to hit the triangle between eyes and nose to be very effective.....
Thanks again for the suggestions. Well, here is how it went:

I used Foxlab's OC (what I will carry). I had to get sprayed indors due to the cold weather. I had a friend of mine spray me and then I tried to take him to the ground (I work for in security, so this is relevant).

Well, after getting sprayed, I couldn't see/see well for a while (I am guessing any where from 1 to 5 min and it took me about 30 min of washing my face with soap and a lot of cool running water (and dunking my head in cool water) for me to finally be able to function reasonably well. It took about 1.5 to 2 hrs before all of the effects wore off, most of which was walking around with a shirt drapped over me (some of it got on my lower neck from my accidental ducking the first time :p) walking around in the freezing, windy weather (only thing that helped the burning after it was mostly washed off). When I woke up this morning, my eyes were slightly swollen, but not too bad.

Moral of the story: me getting sprayed with OC is really not fun, but a good experience, in a painful burning kind of way.

Thanks for all of your input.
When I teach a POT or Corrections class, they always video tape it. Always good for a laugh.

On a similar note, a number of years ago a couple of our officers decided to test 12 gauge bean bag rounds. They set up a video camera, one put on his vest, and the other shot him.

They should have submitted it to America's Funniest Home Videos, they would have won the $10,000 in a walk.

This video has become a permanent part of our agency's lore & history...