OC Decontamination


New member
I am considering getting some OC spray in the near future. I know that a class would be best, but right now that is not an option. Before I would carry the OC, I want to be sprayed with it first so I know what to expect if I get sprayed with it or if it blows back into my face. Here is my question: what is a good way to be decontaminated from OC? Thanks for your help.
OC Spray

We were instructed to flush the eyes with a steady stream of cool water. The effects usually take about 30 to 45 minutes to wear off. I have seen some decontamination spray for sale in Galls Supply , but have had no experience with it.
By the way, being sprayed is about as much fun as a root canal.:D
If you MUST spray yourself, try the following.

1. Wash face and hair with Dawn dish soap and cold running water.

2. Pry open eyes and flush with cold water.

3. Stand in front of a fan.

A word of warning, the OC spray I trained with had a minimum range of about 4ft. Be careful.
We used the "No more tears" baby shampoo (forgot the brand name of it) and cool water. Later, when you take a shower, you might get a second dose from OC trapped in your hair and such. That is, if you have hair.
Baby shampoo is the best stuff we have ever used - of course, that is still none too good.

Flush with cold water until it has washed away. A fan will also help relieve the burning.

Decontaminate wipes don't perform any better than baby shampoo, but they are convenient to carry into the field.

Time is the only cure. You do need to wash it (the oil) off, any of the reccomended work. The pain takes time though.

If I had to compare it to something it would be a third degree sunburn (the kind with blisters, and raw skin) that someone slapped, HARD.....
In my case, nothing. I am immune to it. Johnsons' baby shampoo, a hot shower and rubbing alcohol seem to work. Yardleys' of London lavender body lotion has worked well. Flush with water, lather and rinse, use alcohol to wipe down and then apply lotion as needed. The purpose of the hot water is to create steam for increased nasal function. You can apply Vicks cold rub inside your nose too. Sucrets lozenges will help the throat. Pepto-Bismol aids in stopping the burning if it gets into your mouth.
If anyone knows of something that's 100% effective, please!! Let me know!!

We carry canisters of "Cool It", which is supposed to reverse the effects of OC. It doesn't. Nothing does, that I know of.

The best thing I've found is Solarcaine sunburn gel with Aloe Vera and Lidocaine. It's a clear, green gel. It doesn't negate all the effects, but enough so that you can quit screaming like a little girl :D .
Well the best way to cut the heat while eating hot peppers n stuff is dairy products. usually dab a little cream cheese will cut the heat out for jalapeno jelly. I have heard sugar will work too.
So if you get some in the mouth try some whole milk (higher the fat% the better they say.) yogurt or ice cream. Kinda expensive for your body... However, if its worse than CS i would be rubbin my face in some Blue Bell....lol
+1 on ICE1210's post.

I'm an OC instructor and experience has shown that Dawn dish detergent does the best job of breaking up and getting the pepper oil off the skin speeding up the decon process.

Baby shampoo is favored by some because its formulation dosen't burn the eyes as bad, but it's not as effective at breaking up the pepper oils as Dawn is.

Decon products like "Cool It" and "Sudecon" are really two prong gimmicks. One gimmick is that decon agents are manufactured by the OC companies to rake in more agency $$ on purchases. The second gimmick is really an advantage for the agencies/officers that deploy them in the line of duty in that they can state in their UOF and police reports that they used decon agents on the suspects after spraying them with OC to mitigate any possible UOF suits/complaints.

The only real cure for deconning OC is getting it off the skin and allowing time to neutralize the burn.

Yeah, I'm with ICE1210. I've taken a good dose of OC (and we had to hold our eyes open...yeah baby) and that's pretty much what we did. Two buckets, one with Dawn and the other clean, cold water. A hose would help. A nice fan to cool the skin...not that any of it's going to help, though :D
Good luck.....and post pics when you're done!!

We use baby shampoo and lots of cool water, have a couple of C130 fans out back for them what think it helps. If you are careful you can actually put the baby shampoo IN the eyes to help break the stuff down. that is it's advantage.

Personally I see absolutely no reason to dose yourself with it.
Waste of spray, then again I think more and more that the spray is a waste. I manage to get hit a couple of times a month at work, think I'm building a tolerance to the stuff. Gonna put it on some burritos tomorrow and see how it stacks up with Dave's:D

Milk will help neuterlize the effects of the OC a little bit, Dawn and water will help wash the OC off (they use Dawn to wash crude oil off of birds, I don't know how well other soaps will work). I did it once and the best way IMHO was to pour milk on your face immediately after trying to get it in your eyes, then wash your face with Dawn and water, then using a big basin or filled sink, dunk your face in clean water and open your eyes under water. Then Milk again, and repeat. It will probably be real hard doing it alone, I would advise you having someone help. If WILL burn BAD if you get a good dose. Me and a two guys helped out a women's self defense instructor, who wanted to pratice what she preached. A full blast of OC when running at a trained women at 10 paces is very effective. However even she felt the effects of overspray,just not as bad as us. Its a sloppy, but effective weapon.
You know...the opportunity for a little fun is just TOO much for me...

I mean...we could have this guy walking around with a fruit salad on his face...
Of course, not that I would EVER suggest such a thing... :)

It just made me laugh to think about this poor guy walking around with some balogna or maybe some spaghetti & meatballs on his face... :D
I wouldn't spray myself with it.

Do you shoot yourself to see what affect your handgun would have????

Maybe for police officers during training; but not needed for a civilian who will probably never use it vs. an officer who will always use it.

I highly recommend getting sprayed. It helps you understand what to expect if you accidentally get sprayed.

That being said...make sure you have a person to walk you to a water hose...wash out your eyes with baby shampoo and water for at least 10 min. Then go to the shower and take your clothes off, and be real careful...cause the stuff can run down to your private areas and thats not fun at all.

Stand backwards to avoid that scenario.

And have fun, you'll never forget it :)
I highly recommend getting sprayed. It helps you understand what to expect if you accidentally get sprayed.
Not really necessary to go the full route, unless you're really into pain.
Have someone dab a small amount under your eyes with a Q-tip. Then try to imagine getting hundreds of times that amount in your face ;) .