OC Comparison tests?

Fred, it is not difficult to comprehend what happened, however, I have several friends who are street officers who have had excellent success with OC spray. I do not know what Deputy Herzog used, but it obviously did not work.

I would submit that guns sometimes do not work.
But since I personally know several street cops who have used the OC spray with excellent results, I am not going to let that one instance convince me that it should never be used.
Think as you will, and if you do not have confidence in it do not use it. However the police will continue to use it, and I will continue to carry it. I hope I never have to use it.

A security guards work in a hospital with mental and drugged people, is at least as germane as a street cops. In fact the guard has more liklihood that the person can ward off the spray.

I would be interested to know how Deputy Herzog lost his gun. I am not asking that to criticize him, but it is important to know. It seems that mistakes were made if he lost his firearm to someone who he was apprehending. That does not excuse the murderer.

Again, you are a free moral agent, and do not have to use OC spray, but to say it is worth nothing except as food flavoring is nonsense.
Now since I do not desire to get into a flame war this is what I have to say, and you can do as you will.

There is no sure thing - not OC, not tasers, not bullets.
No, but bullets are by far and away a more sure stop for homicidal psychotics. I have heard of bullets killing homicidal maniacs. I've yet to hear of spices or TASERS killing them. :rolleyes:
Why would a deputy use a less than lethal option for a deadly force situation? Training, orders from above, poor judgement? OC/tasers/etc. are for when a less than lethal response is called for or when depolyment early can prevent a situation from deteriorating further. They are not, nor ever should be, the answer to everything.