Obama's view on "assault weapons"

So if the only purpose for evil black rifles is to kill people, which justifies the banning of civilian ownership of evil black rifles, what would stop Obama from signing legislation that (for example) classifies semi-automatic handguns as assault weapons?

Obama would ban semi auto handguns regardless of whether or not EBR's only purpose was to kill people.
Guns aren't designed to "kill people". They are designed to fire a projectile of some sort. What the user does with it is different. Same thing with a hammer, it is designed to hit nails with. If I choose to hit somebody in the skull it is not the fault of the hammer.

I dunno about this. I think that arguing that guns aren't weapons inherently sounds silly, and concedes that there may be something wrong with weapons. Guns ARE weapons. Some of them are designed primarily for non-weapony uses, but that doesn't change their primary nature.

As for hammers, here's one hardly for driving nails:


  • Hammer.jpg
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It matters not who is in the White House in SOME respects. For example, if there is a true economic collapse of this nation do you think they won't ban/restrict/limit/comfiscate firearms in problem areas? There are enough immoral persons (including persons who have done NOTHING in the area of personal preparation for disasters) who will be totally unprepared - and thus potentially violent. With our infrastructure collapsing WHO will be there to pick up the pieces? No one. I suspect lots of gun play in that scenario. Gov't likes to define and enforce peace. They do that by bringing more force to the table among other things. There are reported FEMA camps already established in this nation an Halliburton got a contract to erect more. For what purpose?

Obama has been brainwashed to think that weaponry in the hands of the public is an error. We need to be mailing him and e-mailing him to reconsider his position; just as we should be e-mailing the other candidate to follow the Constitution.

Personally, I'd prefer Ron Paul. He'd alienate ALL of the European oligarchy which economically we probably could not easily deal with - thanks to our membership in the UN, NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, WTO, etc.

I also work at a gunstore in the Detroit Metro area. Everyone is aware of the horrible economic conditions here but firearm sales are moving along. I don't think it's got a direct correlation with the presidential candidates but for a minority it does. I ask persons and their primary concern is economic collapse.

Too bad they didn't VOTE their CONSCIENCE all of these years... :mad:


a little evidence of the sorry state of affairs the last three Administrations (along with an ignorant public) have done to the formerly great USA:

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is laying off as many as 22,000 state employees. New York's governor is raising the possibility of selling — or more accurately, leasing — the Brooklyn Bridge. Nevada is burning through its rainy-day fund like a gambler on a losing streak. And Maryland is pinning its hopes on slot machines.

With the economy in a slide and the housing market in crisis, states are collectively rolling up tens of billions of dollars in budget deficits in one of the worst financial crunches in the U.S. since the 1970s.

The startlingly rapid drop-off in tax revenue is forcing many states to make some hard decisions: Raise taxes? Cut programs and jobs? Dip into reserves? Borrow money? Lease or sell state assets?
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This is news? Obama is a far left loon. All his policies and beliefs are going to be contrary to those that believe in the RKBA.
As usual, I'm confused.

Actually I consider myself a far left loon... and still can't figure out why most of the politicians that are way over here with me are into 'gun control' For me far let includes a persons individual rights....

Putting aside that I really like to go out and shoot the guns I own, and practice with them. .... I don't hunt ... have no need to kill small or large critters anymore....

Yes, the sole reason for owning guns is to kill.... if need be.
Obama never saw a law, or proposed law, banning or restricting guns that he didn't embrace. He's never seen a gun he did like. He reflects the heratige of his Chicago political background as far as gun legislation is concerned. Ban, ban, ban.......
He reflects the heratige of his Chicago political background as far as gun legislation is concerned. Ban, ban, ban.......
All the more reason why we should be flooding his campaign office (as well as McCain's)...
Yes, everything I have purchased was to kill people :D

It is what I do for a living :rolleyes:

Really, I hope to never to have to use them.....

But, my job is to protect the public :cool:
On the original post... I love Keyes. He's had a strange career and will probably never carry an election. But he's a great guy. Saw him speak years ago. And regardless of the people around him, family circumstances, media buffoonery, he's really on the mark in terms of common-sense-to-BS ratio.