Obama's view on "assault weapons"


New member
Just in case there's any question about Obama's desire to prohibit law-abiding citizens from owning so-called assault weapons, check out Obama's plans to ban guns if he's elected President:

Barack Obama: Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban
KEYES: [to Obama]: I am a strong believer in the second amendment. The gun control mentality is ruthlessly absurd. It suggests that we should pass a law that prevents law abiding citizens from carrying weapons. You end up with a situation where the crook have all the guns and the law abiding citizens cannot defend themselves. I guess that's good enough for Senator Obama who voted against the bill that would have allowed homeowners to defend themselves if their homes were broken into.
OBAMA: Let's be honest. Mr. Keyes does not believe in common gun control measures like the assault weapons bill. Mr. Keyes does not believe in any limits from what I can tell with respect to the possession of guns, including assault weapons that have only one purpose, to kill people. I think it is a scandal that this president did not authorize a renewal of the assault weapons ban.

Source: Illinois Senate Debate #3: Barack Obama vs. Alan Keyes Oct 21, 2004

For those of you who own evil black rifles, do you own them for the sole purpose of killing people, as Obama asserts? Is preventing law-abiding citizens from owning evil black rifles a "common gun control measures"? Obama seems believe that the assault weapons ban should be reinstated. But if the only purpose of evil black rifles is to kill people, do you have any doubt that Obama wouldn't use the same rationale for banning handguns?
For those of you who own evil black rifles, do you own them for the sole purpose of killing people, as Obama asserts?

But seriously, does anyone truly believe that Obama is not against things like "assualt weapons" or concealed carry? He clearly is against such things.
including assault weapons that have only one purpose, to kill people.

Uh ya, so what's his point? That the common people shouldn't have deadly weapons? Who should have them Mr Obama? Only the elites and their police state minions?
PS: This may not be a PC thing to say, but I have bought several firearms where their primary purpose was to "kill people." When I buy a weapon for CC the one thing that it is bought to do is stop and attacker. My desire/goal is not to kill them but the reality of the situation is that I will not be poking them with a stick. Most shootings will likely kill the attacker and I judge a gun by it's ability to do just that.

If I was ruling out deadly force I would buy mace or a taser.

So in reality, all my guns that serve no function at the range or while hunting are bought for their ability to stop an attacker which often equates to "killing people." That means my Rohrbaugh, Seecamps, J-frames, Kahr, and other guns are just as evil as a EBR.
For those of you who own evil black rifles, do you own them for the sole purpose of killing people, as Obama asserts?

I would not say it is the sole purpose, but it certinly is the primary purpose for not only evil black rifles, but also defensive handguns. I do own some guns whose primary function would be plinking, hunting, and sport shooting. But my Kel Tec P380 certainly is not for target shooting, its for shooting bad guys, and I have AR's set up for the same purpose.

If my guns would not kill people, I would not want them.
"For those of you who own evil black rifles, do you own them for the sole purpose of killing people, as Obama asserts?"

One of the big errors in fighting gun control is when we try to be defensive and deny truths. We lose credibility that way.
The fact is that these military rifles were designed to kill people.
And, the reason a significant number of American citizens legally own them is for personal defense (aka killing people).
And there is nothing wrong with that.

We have a right to defend ourselves. And, there is an obvious need to defend ourselves: all you have to do is watch any news broadcast or read any newspaper anywhere, any day.
When we choose a weapon to use to defend ourselves, we pick the best weapon for the job. One that was designed with that purpose in mind. And we should make no apologies for it.
The argument that guns are evil because they're made to kill people is inherently absurd. This society sanctions the execution of violent criminals, and indeed even reacting to a forceful crime with force. We don't like criminals preying on people and getting away with it. Thus if a criminal tried to rob an individual with a weapon and was killed because of it, the individual is held non-liable and even applauded for the action.

Is Obama trying to postulate that we shouldn't have the ability to meet force with force?

I find this view very naive, as if simply complying with a perpetrators demands will result in the best outcome.

Further, the police aren't always able to defend every citizen from every criminal act. In riots and lootings post-disasters, the police have proved to be over extended in attempting to maintain the peace. What is the common citizen supposed to do? "Rob me, it's ok?"

Hell no, if someone tries to perpetrate a forceful crime on me, they'd better be damn sure it's worth a risk on their life.
Further, the police aren't always able to defend every citizen from every criminal act.

Nor are they even legally obligated to do so.

Clearly Obama is anti gun. Black rifles might be evil to him since they were designed to "kill people" and I would guess by his same assumption most of the purpose of handguns is that they were also designed to kill people. I can't argue that they were designed for that reason and wouldn't try. The LCP in my pocket right now isn't a target pistol. It is clearly a self defense gun and I'm willing to use it if needed in self defense.

I think the most alarming thing about Obama is that he is against the right of people for self defense. I've not doubt that he'd ban assault rifle and handguns in a second if he could.
We have a right to defend ourselves. And, there is an obvious need to defend ourselves: all you have to do is watch any news broadcast or read any newspaper anywhere, any day.
When we choose a weapon to use to defend ourselves, we pick the best weapon for the job. One that was designed with that purpose in mind. And we should make no apologies for it.

Absolutly agree

Obama seems to me to be an enemy from within here to set us on track with the rest of the miserable world.
Guns aren't designed to "kill people". They are designed to fire a projectile of some sort. What the user does with it is different. Same thing with a hammer, it is designed to hit nails with. If I choose to hit somebody in the skull it is not the fault of the hammer.
Obama will start his firearms ban by disarming everyone with a federal nationwide ban on concealed weapons permits.
He can hardly wait.....
Mr. Keyes does not believe in any limits from what I can tell with respect to the possession of guns, including assault weapons that have only one purpose, to kill people.

Um, yeah, isn't that the purpose of the Second Amendment? To give the people the right to defend themselves, to kill those that would oppress them? Does Obama intend that only those guns that cannot kill be legal? Kind of absurd, no?

The Second Amendment is about the means to kill people, not hunt deer.
Gun Control is a dead issue with the Dems....

The moderates in the Democratic party got tired of having their collective asses handed to them on election day for supporting "gun control" as a platform plank. I would be shocked to hear anything resembling the referenced conversation coming out of Obama's mouth. I would be almost as surprised to see any Dems in Congress proposing new measures as well.
"The moderates in the Democratic party got tired of having their collective asses handed to them on election day for supporting "gun control" as a platform plank."

Well, that's not entirely correct, although it is true that Democrat politicians tend to be more careful nowadays. If you go to the Democrat party official web site http://www.democrats.org/index.html and search for the platform (2004 is the most recent version available) you'll find this tidbit:

"We will protect Americans' Second Amendment right to own firearms, and we will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and terrorists by fighting gun crime, reauthorizing the assault weapons ban, and closing the gun show loophole, as President Bush proposed and failed to do."


Vague, yes, but clearly not something that most here would support. I anticipate that the 2008 platform will contain a similar statement.

The moderates in the Democratic party got tired of having their collective asses handed to them on election day for supporting "gun control" as a platform plank
The problem with that is that when Pelosi says jump they still respond "How high, my queen?" And guess what, she's a rabid anti gunner till the day she dies. Just because they don't actively pursue it doesn't mean they don't either apathetically or passively push it along. Even at best if they stay out of the vote they still don't vote against it, so they might as well be for it.

Until we chop the head off the snake permanently the problem is still there.
bama is one heck of a salesman - he got me to finally buy some evil black rifles.
I saw something on the news the other night that sales of semi-auto rifles was up as much as 30% nationwide handguns and semi-auto shotguns sales were also up.
So if the only purpose for evil black rifles is to kill people, which justifies the banning of civilian ownership of evil black rifles, what would stop Obama from signing legislation that (for example) classifies semi-automatic handguns as assault weapons?