Obama's verbal slip fuels his critics

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I don't think he's a muslim. That would require believing in something.

I think he's whatever he thinks he needs to be in order to advance.

In Chicago, that meant an ultra-left wing politician attending a church preaching black liberation theology while attending fundraisers in the living rooms of 1960s radical terrorists.

That stuff doesn't help win a naitonal election, so he no longer wants to look like that.
Being mature and not smearing a candidate isn't the same as supporting that candidate. No one should have to explain this. If smearing Sarah Palin is wrong, smearing Obama is just as wrong. Doesn't matter if you like him or not; if he's bad, attack him on the issues, not on gaffes, slip-ups, and false rumors.

EDIT: playboypenguin said the same thing
If smearing Sarah Palin is wrong, smearing Obama is just as wrong.
Ditto, there's plenty to not like about the man without spreading propaganda. I have nothing for him myself, but this is BS, and BS smell just as bad from the far right...as it does from the far left.:rolleyes:
Apparently the 'quote' that started this thread was a fabrication? I retract my first posting.
So let me get this right.
In a firearm forum we are supposed to support Obama who wants to ban all our semi-=auto firearms??

There is a big difference between supporting him and opposing slanderous attacks using out of context quotes and clear verbal faux pas.
There is a big difference between supporting him and opposing slanderous attacks using out of context quotes and clear verbal faux pas.
Amen...I constantly find myself defending candidates and officials here on these boards that I personally dislike. I do so not because I support them but because I am so opposed to low road attacks.

It is so funny, this is the only board where I am accused of being liberal. On almost every other forum, and in my every day life, I am always being accused of having a conservative bent. On one other board I have even been called a "nazi" more times than once because I refuse to let people spout fabrications about Bush or McCain unopposed. It is a Disney/Animation collectors board. On the comic book boards it is almost as bad.
He says he is not a Muslim, thats really all we have to go on. It doesn't matter what church he attended or what anyone else says, only Obama knows for sure.
Yep, if elected Sen. Obama wants to hammer our 2A rights, as well as take us inexorably down the road to Socialism. But, let's all be politically correct, tolerant and "mature" and rush to his defense when someone says something we don't approve of.

Muslim name, muslim dad, went to a muslim school, good buddies with farrakhan. Maybe, maybe not, but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck?

He always says he is wrongly being judged by his associations, go figure.

Now wrongly judged by something out of his own mouth.
Christian church
Children Baptized in a Christian Church
Has/had a Christian Minister as a mentor

We can play this game all day...
Muslim name, muslim dad, went to a muslim school, good buddies with farrakhan. Maybe, maybe not, but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck?
More misrepresentation and mudslinging. Very mature. :rolleyes: :barf:

The first too go hand in hand. He has a muslim name because he had a Muslim father. He is a "Jr." remember. A father that took no part in even raising him.

He also did not attend a "muslim school." He simply attended a "school" in a muslim nation.

In a questionable thread you post wins the "least merit" award because it relies on simple manipulation, innuendo, and lies.
Yep, if elected Sen. Obama wants to hammer our 2A rights, as well as take us inexorably down the road to Socialism.
And that is what he should be attacked on!

But, let's all be politically correct, tolerant and "mature" and rush to his defense when someone says something we don't approve of.
I'm the least PC person you will ever meet, I denounce Obama's political views...and denouncing lies is something I do consider mature. His socialistic views are enough to bury him...why stoop to lies?...childish.:rolleyes:
Muslim name, muslim dad, went to a muslim school, good buddies with farrakhan. Maybe, maybe not, but if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck?

Not completely true. The school in question was actually secular at the time Obama attended. I don't necessarially like the guy, but do we really need to keep spreading propaganda? I feel we all have a responsibility not to.
So let me get this right.
In a firearm forum we are supposed to support Obama who wants to ban all our semi-=auto firearms??
Posters don't even support the NRA?

I don't recall the NRA having a policy supporting spreading lies and half-truths about Obama. Or do they have a statement or policy regarding this particular quote that I'm unaware of? Pretty sure it's neither of the above.

I'd be willing to bet the NRA would be more than satisfied with spreading the truth about Obama's anti-gun record, both statements made by him and actions taken.

Just guessing, though.

A quote taken out of context, and offered as undeniable evidence of fact is a lie.

Am i calling people who clipped this quote into the shortened form and denied people the context liars? You bet I am!



Is there ANYONE here who really wants to vote for Obama but can't because there are doubts about his religion? NO! there are many reasons not to vote for the hope peddling, inexperienced (I know, this one is debatable, but let me have it for just this post), cocky, elitist, spouter of nicities, empty suit.

Bringing up Islam as a smear is the height of stupidity. Not all Muslims hate America. Say it with me. Not all Muslims hate America. Good.

Not all Christians are good people. Look up northern Ireland and the IRA sometime.

Not all men in Ireland drink Guinness. (which is a shame, dark beer is a blessing from heaven)

People living in Boston can say "Park the car in Harvard Yard" quite eloquently.

Arguing a stereotype is just dumb.

Just like when firearm enthusiasts are painted as dumb hicks who can't count past the number of fingers and toes they received from their inbred birth .
More misrepresentation and mudslinging.

Nah, just funnin around(note the smiley) because you do come off sounding like a liberal. Sorry, my bad. I thought you could take a joke.
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