Obama's verbal slip fuels his critics

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The truth is coming out perhaps???

ST. LOUIS, Mo. - Sen. Barack Obama's foes seized Sunday upon a brief slip of the tongue, when the Democratic presidential nominee was outlining his Christianity but accidentally said, "my Muslim faith."

The three words -- immediately corrected -- were during an exchange with ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," when he was trying to criticize the quiet smear campaign suggesting he is a Muslim.

But illustrating the difficulty of preventing false rumors about his faith from spreading, anti-Obama groups within one hour of the interview had sliced it out of context and were sending it around via email. They also were blogging about it.

Mr. Obama, who is a Christian and often proudly speaks about how his faith has influenced his public service, said he finds it "deeply offensive" that there are efforts "coming out of the Republican camp to suggest that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith."
The truth is coming out perhaps???

Um, no.

Amusing too that the quoted story specifically talks about the quote being sliced out of context, but then you continue to do exactly that, by failing to post the quote in context as well.

Howsabout I add a healthy dose of context to this drive-by cut-and-paste post...there, that's better.

Basically the whole thing could have been avoided by the use of "air quotes" with his fingers, as that's obviously how it was intended.
Whatever happened to voting for or against a person because you believe or don't believe similar to them?

I believe X about abortion. McCain says X, Obama say Y. Vote McCain. If you believe Y vote Obama.

This is what is called "the politics of personal destruction" and I think people are getting sick of it.

Vote for the person who most closely matches your views. If you so choose there are a lot more than 2 choices. Write in your own name. Find someone you agree with and vote for them. Now there's a novel concept.

Your not going to change minds. If someone has stated "I'm voting for X" Virtually nothing will change their minds. People hate being wrong and close their minds and fight after a decision is made. The undecided are more likely to be turned away by petty stupidity.
Obama is a lot of things, many of which I have no use for, but he is not a Muslim.

I agree. I dislike the guy but even I can't pound on him for that minor slip of the tongue. You try being recorded every time you open your mouth with a legion of people looking for the first accidental slip up or confusion.

This is not like his rant in SF about people clinging to guns and religion, this means nothing.
So it's not okay for liberals to smear Palin, but it is okay for conservatives to smear Obama?

EDIT: Actually from the responses here it looks like that isn't the case for everyone here.
No, but the entire "Obama is a Muslim!" FUD that the Republicans have been pushing on people for months is. No different from "Sarah Palin wants to ban books!"

This was a slip of the tongue; no more, no less. Every politician is prone to occasionally make mistakes when they're speaking. McCain has much worse speaking skills than Obama, but that doesn't make him a worse politician.
Quoting him is smearing him??
Editing videos and cutting quotes to make them say something he did not say is smearing him. That is exactly what is happening here. He clearly did not make a "slip up" he made a clear and concise statement that was later edited and misrepresented.

The blind desire of some people to believe such things being so great that they would ignore reality or fairness is pretty sickening. It really is shameful how low the bar of credibility is for some people as long as they are hearing what they want to hear.
And, to point out that this isn't an ideological thing, or an Obama thing, I think it's just as inappropriate when Obama himself keeps using McCain's "$5M a year = middle class" quote out of context. Worse, obviously, because I hold candidates to higher standards than slack-jawed bloggers and forumers.
you think I made it up??
No, we think you are willfully perpetuating something that is clearly a fabrication, is easily seen to be false, and failing to take the time to get your facts straight before spreading lies or even correct yourself when wrong..
you think I made it up??

Oh, look, and there's a link to your source, which of course includes more of the context as well as a full transcript. Any reason you didn't link to that to begin with (in the OP), but rather just cut-and-pasted the limited and more out-of-context portion?

There are only two likely options here, malice or ignorance.
Smears aren't necessary or desirable in this presidential campaign. The choices are clearly delineated. Let's not get in the gutter, we'll just come out looking dirty. :(

Worse, obviously, because I hold candidates to higher standards than slack-jawed bloggers and forumers.
Well said, JC!
I cant wait to see him at the debates...where there are no teleprompters!
I do not think that will go very well for Obama unless it is very structured. He lacks the personality for the engaging, personable, one on one interactions required in a looser format debate...and let's not even try to discuss his sense of humor (or lack there of). If it is very structured it will probably favor him because McCain seems unable to memorize simple responses and comes across as old and dottering.
So let me get this right.
In a firearm forum we are supposed to support Obama who wants to ban all our semi-=auto firearms??
Posters don't even support the NRA?
So let me get this right.
In a firearm forum we are supposed to support Obama who wants to ban all our semi-=auto firearms??
Posters don't even support the NRA?
Not supporting someone and slandering them are too different things. Willfully spreading lies is never a good thing to do...especially not in the effort of demonizing one person in support of your own agenda. Anyone that cannot see that may not be mature enough to be voting in the first place.
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