Obama's Patriotism?

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It’s too bad Republicans don’t have any issues they can win on.

Sure they do:

Obama's complete lack of any discernable qualification for the Presidency,

His ludicrous ideas to spend approx. $800,000,000,000 on more on foreign aid, including subjecting the USA to a UN administered tax to fund this boondoggle,

His twisted ideas about the second amendment "conferring" only a "right" of States to maintain a milita,

and so on.

Who are you to judge another person's religion?

You forgot to add, "...unless it's Islam."

Well, if Obama is not Muslim, how's that relevant? Are you saying that political commands embedded in a cloak of religion are beyond scrutiny or reproach, or should be? I don't recall you rushing to Huckabee's or Romney's defense..

He's pointing out how many Christians love to jump up and down about Islam's non-sense and the danger it posses, but when people apply critical thought to Christianity and dare to point the not so nice and peaceful parts of the Bible or how Science disproves the thing, it's some sort of evil Atheist conspiracy against America. :rolleyes:
This is the same type of non-sense as that Swift-Boat stupidity, where tons of chicken-hawks who were too busy to go the fight commies in Vietnam (Dick Cheney was prob busy picking trash after his 2 DUIs) went after someone who actually volunteered to go down range and took rounds, no matter what the circumstances behind his awards are (No, I don't care for nor did I vote for Kerry, I wrote in Willie Nelson).

Sorry, but you allegations about the Swiftboat vets are completely false.

The organization included dozens of Vietnam War vets who served with Kerry, and about half a dozen Medal of Honor winners. Most were combat vets. Hardy the "chicken hawk" type.

Both Bush and Cheney stated during the campaign that they respected Kerry's service and that they did not think that the Swiftboat vets campaign was appropriate.

And so now the hard left has to bleat about "Swiftboating" any time a negative campaign ad is run?
He’s WAY too religious for my taste but strangely enough he takes flack from his Christians

Good God...

Obama supports complete unrestricted access to abortion, at government expense if need be, he supports gay marriage, and an entire universe of additional hard-left ideas.

Yes, how passing strange it is that any Christian would oppose him for POTUS. They must be just a bunch of dim-witted racist fundies with no rational reason to oppose Obama. :rolleyes:

So where did you conceive of that amount CoolHand? Or is this just another case of Internet extrapolation where a number starts out any every poster has to increase it to provide their point with numbers.

Is spending billions to bring democracy in Iraq foreign aide? For I see no difference between giving multi millions to Musharraf, aiding Kosovo, and the remaining billions we spend in the name of foreign aide and spending billions in Iraq to bring them democracy.
Good God...

Obama supports complete unrestricted access to abortion, at government expense if need be, he supports gay marriage, and an entire universe of additional hard-left ideas.

Yes, how passing strange it is that any Christian would oppose him for POTUS. They must be just a bunch of dim-witted racist fundies with no rational reason to oppose Obama.

Oh I see.............I forgot that your interpretation of Christianity is the only valid one and that anyone who disagrees is obviously not a REAL Christian and who let those damn gays cause 9/11. Silly me. :rolleyes:

I can't wait until we adopt a Bible based Morality! And to think we let those silly Muslims monopolize stoning gays and adulterers and killing their kids for talking back. HA! We’ll show them what ignorance looks like!
He's pointing out how many Christians love to jump up and down about Islam's non-sense and the danger it posses, but when people apply critical thought to Christianity and dare to point the not so nice and peaceful parts of the Bible or how Science disproves the thing, it's some sort of evil Atheist conspiracy against America.

Except, of course, where was all the jumping up and down was Huckabee and Romney were being excoriated on their religious beliefs (evolution, Angel Moroni, etc.) and not the political tenets of their religions. Neither of you, or much anyone else, objected at that point. Your assertion is utter nonsense. Why are Christian sects' religious doctrine fair game, while Muslim political doctrine is not?
Oh I see.............I forgot that your interpretation of Christianity is the only valid one and that anyone who disagrees is obviously not a REAL Christian and who let those damn gays cause 9/11. Silly me.

I can't wait until we adopt a Bible based Morality! And to think we let those silly Muslims monopolize stoning gays and adulterers and killing their kids for talking back. HA! We’ll show them what ignorance looks like!

Oh I see..........You think that because various Christian demoninations have differing views on issue like abortion, therefore no Christian is entilted to oppose Obama for any reason.

And if any Christian group, based on their own interpertation of the Scripture, does oppose Obama because of his stand on abortion and gay marriage, that means therefore they must be ignorant Christo-fascists.

Stoning gays? killing kids?, Your anti-Christian bias is showing quite plainly.
Obama's patriotism is typical liberalism, make sure you don't offend anyone with your love of country. Make sure you never take pride in any accomplishments or inspirations your country has provided to the world. Make sure the negatives always outweigh the positives, unless you're specifically mentioning liberal successes in the same breath. Just ask Michelle!:D
I am getting so sick of the Obama trolls on this site.

P.S.- In case someones tries to Swift-Boat me here on my credentials of support for gun ownership or my patriotism, I own a MAC-10 machine-gun, assault weapons and suppressors and make my $$$ humping an M4 & a ruck.
"Machine-gun?" "Assault weapons?" Are those ACME-brand assault weapons, or generic? Not convinced, that is the language of our opposition, of whom I suspect you are a member.
Stoning gays? killing kids?, Your anti-Christian bias is showing quite plainly.

Leviticus 20 (New King James Version)
13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them

2 Kings 2:23-24:
"And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them

Praise the Lord an Pass the Stones (no not Exile on Mainstreet)!

Not biased against Christians, I'm just don't like irrationality be it from Muslims, Hindus, Liberals, Conservatives, Gays, Straights, Gun-Owners, Soldiers, or anyone else.

Christians who think they own their bizzare morality and attack other Christians for it are a bit like Jessie Jackson going after conservative blacks such as Alan Keys, for being sells out or what not.

"Machine-gun?" "Assault weapons?" Are those ACME-brand assault weapons, or generic? Not convinced, that is the language of our opposition, of whom I suspect you are a member.

Oh. So if you use a certain word you obviously are a secret anti who is set here to destroy the gun owning community, by using critical thought and pointing out irrational gibberish. Damn! You caught me.

But you can come kiss my crossed rifles sometime if you'd like.
I like the way you keep dodging the question with irrelevancies. Again, where was your defense of Romney and Huckabee? And which countries have a Christian theocratic government and advocate stoning today? Which Christian denominations advocate the use of Old Testament punishments or imposition of Old Testament law? You deal only in red herrings.
Leviticus 20, 2 Kings 2:23-24,

You're trying to descredit Christianity by quoting sections from the Old Testament that have never been accepted as Christian doctrine by any mainstream demonination.

Do you really think mainstream Christian churches teach murdering gays? Amazing that you could hold such a view. I don't think that even the Westboro "Baptist" Church Wackos believe that.

Not biased against Christians

Your posts indicate that you definitely are.

Christians who think they own their bizzare morality and attack other Christians for it

You're they only one who has done that. You made up some wildly inaccurate view of mainstream Christian doctrine and then attempted to smear Christains with it.

Back on topic: there are many good legitimate reasons why mainstream Christians oppose Obama. Abortion is one issue.
That comment shows a complete lack of discernible research on your part

Obama has never:

Written or initiated any significant legislation while a US Senator, he hasn't even completed one term,

Managed anything larger than his Congressional Office,

Served in the military or undertaken any committee work that would give him any experience in military issues,

Served overseas in any capacity, or gained any particular experience in foreign affairs,


He is the most insubstantial, inexperienced person to ever have a serious shot at the Presidency in modern times.

He is merely a pompus gas bag with a line of overblown rhetoric that appeals to large swaths of the undereducated and non-thinking people.
I like the way you keep dodging the question with irrelevancies. Again, where was your defense of Romney and Huckabee? And which countries have a Christian theocratic government and advocate stoning today? Which Christian denominations advocate the use of Old Testament punishments or imposition of Old Testament law? Red herrings.

Well basically if you endorse the Bible you're kinda stuck with the whole thing, not just the parts you like, although it is funny to watch people do amazing rational aerobatics to rationalize the brutality with the God they want to exist.

About Romney & Huckabee?
With Huck (though I personally like the guy)-Well I'd have to say anyone who ignores the fact of evolution, and clings to an unsubstanciated myth in the face of overwhelming, objective, peer reviewed scientific evidence probably shouldn't have nuclear weapons at his disposal (especially if by default, he would welcome the Armagedon, since that means Jesus is returning), or the fact that he REALLY thinks he's going to fly off into the sky when Rapture arrives (I hope I can get his gun collection, when he flies off......).

With Romney- 'Cum on? The guy thinks there were millions of Jews in America chilling with the Indians, but somehow we can't find any evidence of them? But he takes some guy's word on it. Yeah, I want that guy to president. :rolleyes:

It's a question of judgement and ability to think critically.
About Romney & Huckabee?
With Huck (though I personally like the guy)-Well I'd have to say anyone who ignores the fact of evolution, and clings to a myth probably shouldn't have nuclear weapons at his disposal (especially if by default, he would welcome the Armagedon, since that means Jesus is returning), or the fact that he REALLY think he's going to fly off into the sky when Rapture arrives (I hope I can get his gun collection, when he flies off......).

With Romney- 'Cum on? The guy thinks there were millions of Jews in America chilling with the Indians, but somehow we can't find any evidence of them? But he takes some guy's word on it. Yeah, I want that guy to president.

And those are purely religious doctrines, not political or legal doctrines, such as jihad that is practiced today or stoning gays that is practiced today or Sharia law which is advocated by Muslim sects and nations today. So, you criticize Huckabee and Romney on purely religious faith bases, while Islam is to get a free pass on both its religious and political doctrines, and Obama is to get a free pass on the nutty, racist Christian church to which he belongs? How do you spell hypocrisy?
Apparently you didn't bother reading my previous post:

Who are you to judge another person's religion?

Who are you to judge my "faith" that Apollo pulls the sun across the sky in his chariot?

All ideas and claims are subject to critical examination and standards of evidence. Any ideas found lacking should be subject to proportional ridicule.

It's bizarre that we're expected to afford someone's religious beliefs some sort of special respect, regardless of how irrational they are.

For example: let's be frank, Islam is a religion of war and certainly has "Bloody Borders" and people who say otherwise prob are victims of wishful thinking (at best). But because we have to show "respect" ; we can't go after the heart of the nonsense for fear of offending the moderate forms which gives cover to the extremists who think Allah talks to them and wants them to kill us infidels.

If I hear God telling me that I'm the messiah and that there's a space ship buried in my septic tank that will take me and my followers to heaven, everyone would think that I'm Looney Tunes and I'd prob be committed and rightfully so.

BUT, if I'm president and God tells me to go invade another country; or a multi-millionaire humble servant of God who God tells about up coming Nuclear Attacks, it's not a big deal and we don’t question their ability to see the world clearly.

P.S.- Before someone jumps up and down with the "Bigot" card, I'm NOT saying all Muslims are terrorists nor bad, rather I'm saying that their religion is the problem, not them.

The thing that makes the least sense if you don't take the Bible literally and there was no Adam & Eve (which we can prove using DNA) and no original sin, why did God bother getting his son (or himself, since the trinity thing is a little confusing) tortured and killed, since there was nothing to forgive us for?

Or if there was something to forgive, why did he bother with the whole snuff film show, rather than just waving his hand and forgiving us? Who is he trying to impress? :confused:
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