Obama's Patriotism?

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Here's an article on the flap about Obama's patriotism. :barf:


I guess I missed the memo that your patriotism is measured by whether you wear an American flag or not. It doesn't matter where you are politically, this is just disgusting.

Remember the gibberish that went out about him being a Muslim, etc, etc? And how many people fell for it without bothering to check the facts? I had like 10 people forward that stupid thing to me.

It’s too bad Republicans don’t have any issues they can win on.

This is the same type of non-sense as that Swift-Boat stupidity, where tons of chicken-hawks who were too busy to go the fight commies in Vietnam (Dick Cheney was prob busy picking trash after his 2 DUIs) went after someone who actually volunteered to go down range and took rounds, no matter what the circumstances behind his awards are (No, I don't care for nor did I vote for Kerry, I wrote in Willie Nelson).

Or who can forget when draft-dogging Dennis Hastert questioned combat veteran John Murtha's willingness to fight or when Jean Schmidt dared to call him a coward. Sheer arrogance……

Personally I'm disgusted that Republicans seem to think they own patriotism and that their God is somehow on their side.

DISCLAIMER- Yes, I am a liberal and I am voting for Obama, although I find him to be long on rhetoric and rather short on experience and substance; and I seriously doubt anything is going to change.

And on personal note: I don’t get why religious people have a problem with him. The guy is a hard-core Christian and can’t get enough church. He’s WAY too religious for my taste but strangely enough he takes flack from his Christians. Strange.........
And on personal note: I don’t get why religious people have a problem with him. The guy is a hard-core Christian and can’t get enough church. He’s WAY too religious for my taste but strangely enough he takes flack from his Christians. Strange.........

Simple: he has a terrorist/Muslim-sounding middle name, and some people's brains are just big enough to contain two drawers for classifying other people, "Us" and "Them".
I guess I missed the memo that your patriotism is measured by whether you wear an American flag or not.

That memo went out several years ago, I don't understand how you missed it. I'll have my secretary send you another one tomorrow. ;)
on the same memo

I guess the same memo allows Bush to not wear a pin on his shirt when he appears in shirtsleeves. Or when he is down on the ranch hunting or involved with one of his other rancher things.
If Obama was white and went to a church that glorified a white guy who called black people "brown eyed devils" his nuggets would get fried at the nearest McDonalds, twice. That is the problem, his church is seen as a separatist movement by some.

Since his church, and the church magazine which involves his daughters go out of their way to honor all white people are "blue eyed devils" Farrakahn, this will upset some people. Go figure.

Not holding your hand over your heart for the National Anthem is seen as bad form by some.

Wanting to ban all concealed weapons permits for ordinary people is seen as national socialism, or plain ole Nazi by some.

Wanting to ban weapons with no sporting purpose is a Nazi concept, and it is not unique to Obama, McCain and Hillary have the "germ" as well. That concept comes from the Nazi gun control law of 1938 that Senator Dodd brought back from the Nuremburg trials and trasnlated into English which became the Gun Control Act of 1968.

Barack does not believe the Nazi law goes "far enough".

When you vote to take away freedom, the fundamental freedom to defend your own life don't question the patriotism of others. Ask yourself what freedom means and which government official you are paying to do your duty, which is to defend yourself and your family.

Vote however you want, attack the views of whoever you please. Just remember that in a free country free speech works both ways.
Wanting to ban all concealed weapons permits for ordinary people is seen as national socialism, or plain ole Nazi by some.

Wanting to ban weapons with no sporting purpose is a Nazi concept, and it is not unique to Obama, McCain and Hillary have the "germ" as well. That concept comes from the Nazi gun control law of 1938 that Senator Dodd brought back from the Nuremburg trials and trasnlated into English which became the Gun Control Act of 1968.

Barack does not believe the Nazi law goes "far enough".

Wow. So basically what you’re saying is that anyone who favors gun control can't be a real American and shares an ideological bent with the Nazis?

So it's impossible for a reasonable person to support gun control and anyone who does is obviously an idiot?

You seem to be two-sides of the same coin as all the antis who just want to throw labels around (such as "assault weapon", "gun nuts", etc, etc), and assume that everyone who disagrees with you has something wrong with them (much as Jodie Foster, Sean Penn, George Clooney, and others do) rather than seeing that reasonable people who can see an issue differently.

Personally I'd rather win based on the facts and take someone who may be anti-gun shooting and show them what guns really are rather than jumping up and down and screaming about how I need an "assault rifle" to take on the "gu'ment" when their black helicopters land in my front yard

P.S.- In case someones tries to Swift-Boat me here on my credentials of support for gun ownership or my patriotism, I own a MAC-10 machine-gun, assault weapons and suppressors and make my $$$ humping an M4 & a ruck.
Beretta686 said:
It's impossible for a reasonable person to support gun control and anyone who does is obviously an idiot.


I'd say thats a fair assesment very insightful of you.
If he were really unpatriotic, it would be trivial to hide behind the lapel pin just to get votes.

Do y'all wear flags on your lapel every day? Does that have anything to do with your patriotism?
"Personally I'm disgusted that Republicans seem to think they own patriotism and that their God is somehow on their side."

I'm still bent out of shape at that draft dodging chickenhawk Saxby Chambliss for daring to question the patriotism of Max Cleland, a triple amputee who fought very bravely in Viet Nam. Too bad Max did not fight back after that scummy attack by Chambliss.

Another one of the "family values" Republicans in congress, Rick Renzi, has been charged in federal court in a 35 page indictment. Mr. Freedom Fries himself, Rep. Ney, just went from federal prison to the half way house. US Rep. Dirty Duke Cunningham still has about ten years to go in federal prison for soliciting bribes. Yep, these "family values" guys loved Jesus, the flag, apple pie, babies, motherhood and money, lots of money.
Another one of the "family values" Republicans in congress, Rick Renzi, has been charged in federal court in a 35 page indictment. Mr. Freedom Fries himself, Rep. Ney, just went from federal prison to the half way house. US Rep. Dirty Duke Cunningham still has about ten years to go in federal prison for soliciting bribes. Yep, these "family values" guys loved Jesus, the flag, apple pie, babies, motherhood and money, lots of money.

Just as long as they salute the flag.
Huh?? I thought O Bama was an Irish name.:D

Since Ron Paul won't be running on the Libertarian ticket, I'll vote for Obama, and work to protect my 2nd Amendment Rights through other avenues. The President is only one actor in the system.

Obama Bill

Read the Obama Global Poverty bill in the Senate. I posted in another thread regarding candidate choice. He is not my choice, even for as a city alderman.
If Obama was white and went to a church that glorified a white guy who called black people "brown eyed devils" his nuggets would get fried at the nearest McDonalds, twice. That is the problem, his church is seen as a separatist movement by some.

Since his church, and the church magazine which involves his daughters go out of their way to honor all white people are "blue eyed devils" Farrakahn, this will upset some people. Go figure.

Not holding your hand over your heart for the National Anthem is seen as bad form by some.

Wanting to ban all concealed weapons permits for ordinary people is seen as national socialism, or plain ole Nazi by some.

Here is a link to Obama's church website, he's been a member for 20+ years and attends regularly. Replace the word Black, or African American with the word White. Now let me know if you think the media wouldnt be comparing him to David Dukes and calling him a racist( WHITE POWER ARRIAN MOVEMENT HERO) IF HE WAS WHITE AND SAYING THE SAME THINGS.


For the last 8 years we have dropped a cinder block on our right foot and broken all of our toes. So is the answer to go get it treated?. Or Should we pick up another cinderblock and break all the toes on our left foot so it matches???

Obama is a super liberal, would you vote for Ted Kennedy if he ran?
Obama is worse.

A congregation committed to ADORATION.
A congregation preaching SALVATION.
A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.

Thanks for sharing that Blaster, I'd never seen it before. That church seems to have that Fundy stench to it.

I'd like to see him explain how many of the 10-points he supports and what exactly "Restoration", "Biblical Education" and "Economic Parity" is.......

Here's a rebutal site but I wasn't quite convienced.
I don't know about "fundy" but his church certainly has some political beliefs that relevant to his candidacy. Huckabee and Romney were excoriated on here and elsewhere for religious beliefs of their respective churches even if those beliefs did not have a political dimension. But you have apologists on here and in the media tripping over themselves to leap to the Messiah's defense. The political associations (Farakhan and Quaddafi) of his minister, with whom Obama says he is close, and the political exhortations of his church (black victimhood, white guilt and African nationalism) are certainly appropriate fodder for discussion and judgment.

By the way, this Messiah cult is getting unbearable:

A spry Farrakhan sings Obama's praises

By SOPHIA TAREEN, Associated Press Writer Sun Feb 24, 10:40 PM ET

"This young man is the hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better," he said. "This young man is capturing audiences of black and brown and red and yellow (Ed.: whites need not apply). If you look at Barack Obama's audiences and look at the effect of his words, those people are being transformed."


Farrakhan compared Obama to the religion's founder, Fard Muhammad, who also had a white mother and black father.

"A black man with a white mother became a savior to us," he told the crowd of mostly followers. "A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall."


Oh brother!:barf:
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Who are you to judge another person's religion?

Who are you to judge my "faith" that Apollo pulls the sun across the sky in his chariot?

All ideas and claims are subject to critical examination and standards of evidence. Any ideas found lacking should be subject to proportional ridicule.

It's bizarre that we're expected to afford someone's religious beliefs some sort of special respect, regardless of how irrational they are.

For example: let's be frank, Islam is a religion of war and certainly has "Bloody Borders" and people who say otherwise prob are victims of wishful thinking (at best). But because we have to show "respect" ; we can't go after the heart of the nonsense for fear of offending the moderate forms which gives cover to the extremists who think Allah talks to them and wants them to kill us infidels.

If I hear God telling me that I'm the messiah and that there's a space ship buried in my septic tank that will take me and my followers to heaven, everyone would think that I'm Looney Tunes and I'd prob be committed and rightfully so.

BUT, if I'm president and God tells me to go invade another country; or a multi-millionaire humble servant of God who God tells about up coming Nuclear Attacks, it's not a big deal and we don’t question their ability to see the world clearly.

P.S.- Before someone jumps up and down with the "Bigot" card, I'm NOT saying all Muslims are terrorists nor bad, rather I'm saying that their religion is the problem, not them.
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Who are you to judge another person's religion?
You forgot to add, "...unless it's Islam."

Well, if Obama is not Muslim, how's that relevant? Are you saying that political commands embedded in a cloak of religion are beyond scrutiny or reproach, or should be? I don't recall you rushing to Huckabee's or Romney's defense.
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