Obama's Opinion of Heller


At least McCain stands by his convictions and never, ever waivers. His position on the Bush tax cut is just one example of McCain's conviction.;)
Do you think he is pandering or does he really intend to abandon the anti-gun agenda if he becomes president?

Just ask yourself, is this (Heller) the decision that Obama really wanted? Do you think he would appoint Supreme Court judges that would support RKBA?
When running for Pres. wouldn`t be to smart not to indorse all of the constitution. Gotta play both sides of the fence to get all the votes you can. Once Pres. watch how things go. Check his voting record on gun issues before he became Pres. candidate. Kind of "a no brainer" which side of the fence he`ll ride on if elected:eek:
The whole black thing bothers me. If I was black, and, I'd studied the racism for the last 200 years, and, that racism still exists, I would be furious at the gun laws that blatantly discriminate by race, or location.

If I was a law abiding citizen, black, and, was forced to live in a dangerous area, as my uncle did, like Fruitvale, I would be furious at not being able to get a legal CCW permit.

To put it clearly: a law abiding black citizen should have a fast track to getting a CCW, not restrained by the local sheriff. Why? If they are forced by economics to live in a high crime area, they have MORE need of the right to protect themselves and their property then the rich who have other solutions avaliable to them.

How can Obama sell out his own race, and constituents, by supporting gun ban laws?

I don't get it...
Obama is the most liberal person in the senate, and thats kind of scarry. At least Clinton (Bill and Hillary) were/are somewhat moderate.

Buy your 'assult weapons' and hi cap magazines now, becuase if Obama wins, we will have AWB part two soon enough.
Very good point Socrates. Would love to see Obama and alot of the other anti-gunners spend just a year living in an area where you better have a pistol in your hand when you answer your front door. Guaranteed more than a few would have a change of heart on the gun issue`s.
The NSSF is going to hold BHO's feet to the fire in a very public way.


The NSSF won't be the only organization to do so.

BHO will be caught between the proverbial rock and the proverbial hard place because the next lawsuit targets Chicago's ban.

He can't effectively straddle on this one, because Chicago is his home town and power base.

The NSSF is going to hold BHO's feet to the fire in a very public way.

I'd bet a dollar to a donut that Obama never even sees this personally. One of his constituents will most likely intercept it and fill in the blanks as he or she see fit.