Obama's Opinion of Heller


New member
I heard a few days ago that Obama supports the Heller decision. I'm skeptical because of his past voting record, etc.

Do you think he is pandering or does he really intend to abandon the anti-gun agenda if he becomes president?
Do you think he is pandering or does he really intend to abandon the anti-gun agenda if he becomes president?

Hahahahahahahaha! Has he ever done anything else than pander? Why would he stop doing what he's been doing all his life?
I heard a few days ago that Obama supports the Heller decision. I'm skeptical because of his past voting record, etc.

Of course he did; just as the rabidly anti-gun mayor Mike Nutter did in Philly.

Why? Because it fools a lot of dopey and intellectually lazy people into thinking he's not as bad as he really is on the issue. If you only pay attention to the sound bites, you might think he might have seen the light and changed his tune on gun rights. You are absolutely right to be skeptical. Dig a little deeper and you'll see that obama, like nutter, focus their support on the part of the ruling relating to "reasonable restrictions" on gun ownership. Their concept of "reasonable" is very different than the average gun owner, but they don't want come out and highlight that aspect of their position.
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What is it that people say?

If it sounds like a duck?

If it sounds like a duck, and if it's duck season, shoot it.

Note: I'm not advocating shooting any politicians. I am saying that you should open fire on their real position with your own words. That's all.
I can't wait for Obama to come out dressed up in a hunting getup to pander some more...

Will it be camo or blaze orange? What will he go hunting for? Being he's from a big city, Chicago, maybe someone ought to coach him to go "snipe" hunting. I'm guessing he'd fall for it.

I actually have hunted real snipe. They are very good eating, but let's not let that secret out to the Obama camp. OK?
I suggest we tell him that there is a large segment of the population that dress like their leader, Mr Fudd, and hunt snipe with a flashlight and a bag, late at night.

Elmer Fudd Suit: $129

Flashlight and Bag: $24

Barack in a ridiculous hat: Priceless...
I forget who, but when I was young a wise person told me "the thing that a person says that they dislike about others is really what they dislike about themselves."

Didn't Obama say about Hillary, "she will say anything to get elected?"
Obama supported D.C. in this fight as recently as a few months ago. He has an anti-RKBA record that is both recent and almost perfect in its extremism.

He will not only continue that record if elected. He will be appointing Justices who will support overturning Heller.

About the only good thing about Obama's anti-RKBA record is that it is both clear and there for anybody to see that wants to.
Do you think he is pandering or does he really intend to abandon the anti-gun agenda if he becomes president?

Listen to what he is really saying. He said he supports Heller but then he immediately says with common sense restrictions. Guess what he thinks are common sense restrictions! Does anyone really believe Obama wanted this decision? He is just trying to adjust so he can get votes. Obama is against gun rights...period.

Obama supported D.C. in this fight as recently as a few months ago. He has an anti-RKBA record that is both recent and almost perfect in its extremism.

Good point.
does he really intend to abandon the anti-gun agenda if he becomes president?
You can sort out who's who by the key phrase "sportsmen and hunters". If they say this, they're not supporters.
In evaluating a politician always go with what they DO and ignore what they SAY. By that standard O'Bama is lying. His record of actions is long, distinguished, and public. Only an idiot would believe what he says.
He refused to sign on to the amicus brief and that refusal is proof of his real position: So long as you have undergone the requisite rectal exams and background checks and paid your exorbitant licensing fee after taking an expensive state mandated training course which is available only for 2 hours on the 30th day of every other month you may exercise the right to own a functioning gun in your home for duck hunting or self defense, provided that when you are not doing either you keep it locked in a safe requiring 2 keys turned simultaneously 20 feet apart to open. And God help you if you don't turn in your gun before letting your license to exercise your rights lapse.

For a man whose election slogan is "Change" he sure isn't changing much on this issue.