Obama's Gaza Connection


New member
Seems that last fall BHO received $24,000 in campaign donations from three Palestinian brothers from Gaza. To cover it up they listed it as coming from Rafah GA and listed the zip code as 972, the area code for Palestine. If he ignores the laws so easily now, think of what he'll be like as POTUS. Very scary thought.
Federal Election Commission. You can look it up. Search zip codes with 972 on the site and it should come up.
I think there should be an investigation into this. There should also be an investigation into Alice Rocchio and Harry Sargeant III.

We have pretty clear laws about campaign contributions.
Palestinian Brothers in Gaza Illegally Donate to Obama $29K, Says Reporter Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM, Aug. 4 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Palestinian brothers inside the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip are listed in government election filings as having donated $29,521.54 to Sen. Barack Obama's campaign, according to WorldNetDaily's Jerusalem bureau chief, Aaron Klein.

I did PBP, I knew you would like World Net Daily as the source.
Well, I went to http://www.fec.gov/DisclosureSearch/mapApp.do and did a search for zipcode 972 and the results came up empty.

Federal Election Commission. You can look it up. Search zip codes with 972 on the site and it should come up.

I guess we can't look it up.

starts with 00972
starts with 972
contains 972, whoops, 18000+ results with zips such as 01002, 01379 but not 972 or a variant thereof.
Zip code 972xx is in Oregon, near Portland. And, according the GA state site, there is no town named Rafah.

This is clearly fraud.
May have made a mistake as there are only two brothers on the list that I see Hosam and Monir Edwan. Money was donated in Oct. and Nov. of 2007. Thanks PBP for the help in locating some of the info. I tried to provide a link to the page I saw, but I'm just not as com saavy as I should be.
Thanks PBP for the help in locating some of the info.
No problem. It took me a while to find it and then even longer to find a way to link it where it did not come up with a blank page.

This definitely deserves some intense scrutiny.

One thing I will say, and I am sure anyone else in here with an investigative history will agree with, is that we are looking at one of two things.

Either it is the worst cover up in history or it is planted information via false reports or a computer hack. It is just too obvious and wanting to be seen. Why create a false town, use a Gaze number, and then use all Muslim names? Then why do it in a state with small donation numbers and minimal ethnic names where it would stand out even more?

It is also odd that the information was first given to organizations like WND and other right wing sites that will run with information without proper verification.

Only time will tell. This has the potential to be a disaster for one side or the other.
Either it is the worst cover up in history or it is planted information via false reports or a computer hack.
Or, more than likely, poor scrutiny on the part of the FEC. Understandable, since the Democrat leadership has been blocking Bush's FEC nominees, guaranteeing that a quorum cannot exist. Wonder why the Dems would want to stifle oversight? Any guesses?
Or, more than likely, poor scrutiny on the part of the FEC. Understandable, since the Democrat leadership has been blocking Bush's FEC nominees, guaranteeing that a quorum cannot exist. Wonder why the Dems would want to stifle oversight? Any guesses?
Actually, that is very unlikely. If it was an issue of no oversight the information would not be published at all. Not published so clumsily.
I'd bet there is nothing sinister at all about it. The FEC simply made available the data given them. They don't have the resources to check up on every single donation. This thing was brought to light by a reporter, not anyone at the FEC. What do you expect from a product of one of the most corrupt political machines in the country anyway?
I'd bet there is nothing sinister at all about it. The FEC simply made available the data given them.
Exactly. False information could easily be supplied. This does not seem like a cover up as much as it does a plant of false information. It is blatant and meant to be found. It was designed to stand out.

As I am reading the internet I am finding stories regarding how this has been done before and how it was recently attempted but with Kenya being the connection and not Gaza.
You don't think it could naive Middle easterners trying to contribute to their favorite candidate? Yeah, I bet that is it. No one would contribute $32,000 for a joke.
You don't think it could naive Middle easterners trying to contribute to their favorite candidate? Yeah, I bet that is it. No one would contribute $32,000 for a joke.
It is more likely that these donations never happened. That is this is planted information. Someone made a false reporting and then leaked a story about it. It is just way to transparent.

Like I said, it is either the worst cover up in history or it is fraud on the part of someone trying to frame Obama. I think the people in Obama's camp would be savvy enough to do a better job.

With the proper connections it would be easy to track this information down and see if it is fabricated. I am betting real reporters already did so and found it to be a blatant hoax. That is why not even Fox News has touched the story.

I have a feeling I am going to be right on the nose about this one.

It is looking more and more like this is all the fabrication of one Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily.

Even Debbie Schlussel has accused this man of taking old stories, rewriting them, changing a few small details, and then blatantly making up the rest. It also appears he has an accomplice that helps support his stories with false press releases and reports named Maria Sliwa.

This man is obviously someone with a grudge and I am betting he has taken it one step too far this time.
That is this is planted information.
Just out of curiosity, how would one go about “planting” information on the Federal Election Commission's site? The source of this data is the official records filed by the campaigns with the FEC. Given the history of Al Gore and the illegal contributions made to his campaign by Chinese interests, and the way Obama has raised money willy-nilly on the Internet, I think it is highly probable that illegal foreign contributions have been made. This may just be the tip of the iceberg, seeing the obvious enthusiasm for Obama by foreign nationals.