Obama wants federal concealed weapons ban.

I'm not worried about Obama. He's never going to make it in to office.

I sure hope your right. We need a great leader in our country right now and I am not sure that is what we have running. We can only hope that since the democrats have done so well controling the congress is that they are all out come re-election time. Obama supporters that own guns are like illiterates with Shakespeare collections. :p
Maybe he believes it is the right thing to do. That is what a leader does, what he thinks is right. Not just what a fickle population thinks in one poll.

That is a good point. I guess my question is, why would McCain think he can win the presidency considering that so few people support his positions?
Maybe he believes it is the right thing to do. That is what a leader does, what he thinks is right.

On the issue of the war, I could name several reasons why we need to not be there (I am conservative by the way), but as it is, a majority of American people do not support the war. So, if McCain thinks it is right to stay in Iraq, then clearly he is banking that Iraq will not be a dominant issue in the campaign. If it is, McCain will lose. I believe he will lose anyway because McCain does not energize the republican base which consists of "conservatives. This happened in 1996 when Bob Dole was nominated for the GOP candidate. Dole was a tax raising liberal in the minds of many conservatives, and many of these conservatives were not enthused by him. They stayed home and Clinton won a second term.

The GOP can continue to shoot itself in the foot because of its love affair with liberal candidates. However, they should not assume that conservatives will vote for their liberal candidate just because he has an R by his name.
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Obama will not be able to ban CCW's...

Don't be so sure. With a compliant democrat congress, he could possibly do that.

There is hope though. When the 2010 election comes around, the american people will already be sick of Obama as his true far-left nature will be visible and the conservatives will come out in force behind their congressional candidates.. hopefully giving control of congress back to the conservatives. Of course, this requires the GOP to support actual conservatives in 2010 instead of liberals in republican clothing.
Paranoid Schizophrenics also act that way.

"Maybe he believes it is the right thing to do. That is what a leader does, what he thinks is right."

That's also the position fanatics who believe they are the chosen one act. They believe above alll else that they are the chosen one with the solution regardless of the facts.

The idea of an election is to have someone who follows the intention of doing what the majority wants done. That is the premise of democracy. Doing your own thing is what they call dictatorships and monarchies where you get to do it your way and not care what the populist want.
That's also the position fanatics who believe they are the chosen one act. They believe above alll else that they are the chosen one with the solution regardless of the facts.

"I'm driven with a mission from God."
That's one big problem with Obama. He believes that only he knows the "right way" to solve problems. He was granted Divine Wisdom and will introduce "sensible gun control" to take care of us. Everyone else who has an opinon is wrong and he won't even listen to them.

A review of Obama's Congressional voting record shows he has voted for every Democratic Bill that has been introduced. I guess we must conclude that only the Democrats know the way and are the only ones smart enough to develop any solutions.
So much for Obama "reaching across the isle".:barf:
Quiet a few of the recently elected democrats are conservative, they aren't the same as the crazy east cost/west cost socilaistic psychopaths.
well what obama wants. doesn't mean it's going to happen. Look at his state and the mess they are in. One of the worst states for gun control. Meaning hardest to get a firearm. but with how many dead 30 a few weeks ago.

Seams like his plan for America is already failing. Just look at his state of IL
The problem is that no matter how bad it gets, it doesn't mean that the antis have any intention of reversing their stances. One doesn't need a more blatant example than Adrian Fenty. They've got the worst crime rate in the country yet he still thinks their policies are the best thing since sliced bread and (maybe not even) the Supreme Court telling him to scrap them is the only way to change things. If you're expecting anything but the worst from Obama then I'd invite you to think again.