Obama wants federal concealed weapons ban.

It boggles the mind that a candidate running for President of the United States would advocate such unAmerican ideas. But, just when you think your mind can't get any more boggled, you find that some of the folks on this firearms site support Obama. :mad:
Are you just making this discovery now?
If so, what has taken you so long to find out how Obama stands on the gun issue?

I have so many reasons to vote against him that I had no desire to investigate him in detail until the Dem nomination was decided. I've sent money to McCain twice already and it won't be the last time. I consistently vote Republican for President and Senate because of the Supreme Court - again, no need to investigate because Democratic judicial appointees are a disaster and I want Republicans running the Senate Judiciary Committee. I'm willing to evaluate Democrats for other offices.

And in case Barack is reading this, I had bibles and guns before I was bitter.
nothing like a repeat after repeat on the same tune

so you can be sure the folks around here hear the same story a number of times. :p
well what obama wants. doesn't mean it's going to happen. Look at his state and the mess they are in. One of the worst states for gun control. Meaning hardest to get a firearm. but with how many dead 30 a few weeks ago.

Seams like his plan for America is already failing. Just look at his state of IL:eek:
Barack Obama:
Supports extending the assault weapons ban. Supports national law against carrying concealed weapons, with exceptions for retired police and military personnel. Supports limiting gun sales to one per month.

will the law apply to criminals??

ohh wait i forgot, criminals dont follow the laws anyway...
'Well what Obama wants does not mean it will happen'.

As an Australian I thought there was no way gun control could happen here. But you know what 'S@#$ happens'. You cannot run the risk of entrusting fundamental aspects of your liberty to candidates with suspect views.

I acknowledge however that you have a problem in the US now in that you have no candidates who are not in one respect or another suspect.
OBAMA wants your guns and your permits

No one should make light of OBAMA's plan to eliminate state CCW laws. He is a very serious threat to ALL Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.

Unfortunately, OBAMA has the gleeful support of the vast majority of American Sheep who do not support our views.
I haven't done any homework, but I would imagine that CCW permitees are responsible for less than .0001% of the total of nation-wide gun crimes....maybe even less than that! If Obama wants to ban the legal CCW permits, he had better come up with a valid reason!

I recall seeing the "FBI Top-10" list of guns used in crimes a few years ago. There were NONE of the so-called "assault weapons" listed, for they made up a VERY small fraction of the "Top-10"....and that was at the height of the hysteria-based "assault weapons" being the "choice of gang members and drug dealers"!

The #1 firearm used, and listed, was....the Smith & Wesson .38 special revolver.....not quite what can be thought of as an "assault weapon", but it WAS the #1 gun used in crimes!

I figure that, if Obama had his way, he'd probably want to ban all .22 rifles, for (in his way of thinking) they're not "hunting rifles".

I also figure that, if he had his way, he'd want to ban "hunting rifles" as well! After all, you don't NEED to hunt for food....just go to the grocery store! Besides (in his way of thinking), those "hunting rifles" are just too accurate, and could be used as "sniper rifles"!

Shotguns? Well now, shotguns are ALWAYS on the "FBI Top-10" list of firearms used in crimes, so....ban them, too!

Then he'd realize that all handguns are relatively easy to conceal....so, might as well ban them as well!

BB and pellet guns? "You might shoot your eye out!". Paintball guns? "They promote violence!"
Water squirt guns? "Can be filled with toxic liquids!"
Slingshots? "Easily converted to full-auto!" (Just kidding....but remember, Australia has banned them!)
Replica non-firing guns? "Look real, and could lead to criminal activities!"
Bows and arrows? "Deadly! Besides, no need for hunting for food with them!"

Yep, Obama preaches "change"! If he gets his way, it might "change" a lot of honest, law-abiding citizens into being "evil" criminals if they continue to believe in the 2nd Amendment "rights"!

I say BAN Barack Obama, and God Bless America!
Look at his state and the mess they are in. One of the worst states for gun control. Meaning hardest to get a firearm. but with how many dead 30 a few weeks ago.
It's not at all hard to buy a gun in IL. All you need to buy a gun in IL is a FOID card and the money. The state of IL does not register firearms, does not require pre-approved permission to buy a firearm, there is no list of banned guns, no limit on the number of guns bought in any given period, there is no mag capacity size limit.
I think the Republican party is going to be shocked when Obama wins. I think McCain has shot himself in the foot by sticking so tight to Bush's war plans, and hints not so subtley that he would expand the war to Iran.

I am not sure why McCain would choose to so vigorously support a plan that only about 25% of the people are in favor of.
What about CCW license in Il....hard or easy?
What did he write? To refresh your short memory he wrote "Meaning hardest to get a firearm."
It's not hard to buy a gun in IL.
If you want to talk CCW then don't think just because another state has CCW on the books that you're automatically going to get a CCW in that state.
I am not sure why McCain would choose to so vigorously support a plan that only about 25% of the people are in favor of.

Maybe he believes it is the right thing to do. That is what a leader does, what he thinks is right. Not just what a fickle population thinks in one poll.
It's not at all hard to buy a gun in IL. All you need to buy a gun in IL is a FOID card and the money.
And about five or six months. It took me that long to receive my FOID and I think that was five months after they cashed the check which was probably a good month or two after I mailed it in.

My hope is that a very positive ruling in Heller will prevent any such laws Obama wants from coming to fruition.