Obama wants "don't ask, don't tell repealed"

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It took a conservative administration to prove that women and gays could be effectively deployed in combat situations.
Kinda ironic that.
Although I am too old to serve in the military I don't see the problem with this either. From the military guys I know, curtisUSAF covered it very well.

If gay guys want to see me nekkid, they can hang out (no pun intended) in my health club locker room. Or get a job monitoring the security cams over the changing rooms at Mall stores.

And people younger than me tend to be even more OK with the whole concept.
I see a lot "if they wanna look, I don't care" mentality. It goes way past that. Sexual-based crimes are very real and very common in the military and its a very big problem for unit cohesion as WhyteP38 said (DH was also Legal-O so we too heard many cases). Aside from the sexual physical crimes, there very well will be verbal harassment and might be a few cases of physical beat downs. I wouldn't count anything out. Been around the military long enough to know senseless things happen, both on deployment/cruise and in port. Do I care either way????...not really. I don't care until it affects me. Sure, probably a real out-of-sight out-of-mind way of putting it. But I've got other things to worry about.

AFN anyone?
Unit cohesion is a code word for "We have people here who just don't like their kind." Whatever kind that me be, be it blacks, women, gays, or what have you. Perhaps the real problem here is not with gays, but with intolerant bigots.

Saying that gays should be prohibited from serving because one gay man committed rape makes as much sense as prohibiting guns because on gun owner murdered someone.
Label it what you want - they get along or they don't. The group works better when they do get along collectively. Or they can all muck through and do their jobs and still hate each other. But people aren't on the clock 24/7.

Stars & Stripes reporting ___ taken into custody for ____. ___ was out drinking ....got in a fight....argument over...
RRRRIIIIIGGGHHHT. So, to use your reasoning, anyone who is a part of any group who commits a crime is an indictment of that group?

Your fill in the blanks can read:
Stars & Stripes reporting negro private taken into custody for sitting at a "whites only" lunch counter. Negro who didn't know his place was out drinking ....got in a fight....argument over...

Or any other group you want to marginalize. The ones who are complaining are the ones with the problem, IMO. It wasn't so long ago that blacks, women, and many other groups were segregated.
The political aspect of this discussion as it relates to Obama has evaporated and we are left with a social discussion on homosexuality and the military; and that, my dear friends, is off topic.

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