OBAMA wants Concealed Weapons Banned

I can't wait to see him take the oath of office. I'm sick of establishment insiders like McCain.

How is Obama different? He is lawyer like most politicians. He went to Ivory league school like many of our presidents. He has been a politician for most of his life at some level of government. Also, he has been in D.C. playing D.C. politics for few years now. There is nothing different about him as a politician. Hell policy wise there is nothing radical new for democrat there.
I doubt Obama would even try to pass such a non starter as a nationwide ccw ban. It would never even come up for a vote and he'd figure out quick that it would be a waste of political capital. Even if he DID push it, then fine, it gives us an easy bill to defeat.

He starts from an extreme position, and compromises to something likely to pass, like another AWB ban. That's how negotiations are conducted, and that's what he's doing.

Celebrating this is naive in the extreme.
Unfortunately, this entire thread is buried in Legal and Politics were very few will read it. They will learn Obama's gun positions after he has started action to take them away.

Think it can't happen? Ask the residents of Washington, DC where all handguns are banned unless owned before 1977 and kept unloaded and locked up securely.

Please put out the word about Obama. He WILL take your guns away!!
it's the naivete that bothers me most

It can happen.

To suggest that an elected Obama would not attempt to do so (ensuring his legacy?) is naive.
To suggest an undivided Congress would not pass it is doubtful.

What's that old saw about "....doomed to repeat it..."?

Didn't we do the same and get Clinton?

Ah, I waste my finger-time.....I must be naive thinking that some could understand these concepts before actually being forced by the rule of Law to face them.


"all my insanity is single-issue insanity"
One of the most interesting comparisons is that of Washington, D.C. with its gun bans since the 1970s, and the D.C. suburbs in Virginia, which has very little gun control. Even though gun ownership is high and there are few gun control laws in the Virginia suburbs of D.C., gun control has reached extreme levels the crime rate is much higher across the state line where gun ownership is almost non-existent.

Some try to turn this argument around, blaming crime problems in Washington, D.C. on weak gun laws in Virginia, but the reality is that Virginia with all of its guns and few laws does not have the crime problem that plagues Washington, D.C. and its gun bans. If guns are the problem, then why is it that those areas with the most guns have the lowest crime levels?
If our politicians effectively ban handguns for private citizens we can assume that guns are not a problem any more. So law enforcement and security personels guarding the president or goverment members will not need a firearm any more.

We need to make sure they will also be disarmed! They should be able to manage any situation using marshall arts and Tasers. :confused: :mad:
All this stupid proposal means is that the criminals will meet less resistance to their preying on victims if it were passed.
If our politicians effectively ban handguns for private citizens we can assume that guns are not a problem any more. So law enforcement and security personels guarding the president or goverment members will not need a firearm any more.

We need to make sure they will also be disarmed! They should be able to manage any situation using marshall arts and Tasers.

That'll be the day when the privileged elite have to live by the rules they set for us peasants. It's absolutely amazing how it is so well known: the corruption, the double-standards and the blatant sense of entitlement of ALL politicians and yet (very deliberately) nothing is done to try to stop it.

When the first opportunity arises (such as some prick shooting two or more people not inside of some ghetto hell-hole), Obama probably will use the momentum to attach the permanent AWB to some omnibus crime bill (or non-crime bill) already being warmed up in the bullpen, complete with porkbarrel bribes to the various senators and congress members...kinda like what happened in '94. But then again, McCain would probably do the same thing...only he would not be so out-front.