Obama to make acceptance speech in "greek temple"

Friends, Romans, countrymen......

You think the European rock star hurt his image, wait until they get a load of CeasarBama.:D
A lotta guys might notice, the similarity between those columns and the Lincoln Memorial.
A lotta guys might also notice, that Obama is speaking on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.s "I have a dream" speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

But I'm guessing those guys aren't on this site today.

First of all, I don't like Obama. I am not voting for Obama. However, I recognize him for the very real threat that he represents.

Some of y'all say he has of cred(-idbility, -it?). The Democratic Party nomination is pretty significant. He beat out several people with significant laurels. He may not have "cred," but he has the ability to WIN.

Remember, that even amongst scandal, Clinton was able to beat Bush, a President who had been victorious in war. Previously, few or no Presidents who had had successful military campaigns have failed to be re-elected, but it happened to Bush.

For a guy with "no cred," it is amazing that he had led in the polls against McCain, no?

Of course, for how many gun owners was McCain their first choice?

Have we really fallen this far as a people?

I hope not---I have often times heard the saying, that Hollywood can make ANYONE they choose a star---I believe it more now than ever.

Pretty funny USA!

Well dipper, have you noticed how many gun people idolize John Wayne and think he is a great gun fighter and war hero? They think that he kicked butt day in and day out.

Obama: "We are the ones we've been waiting for". Sounds like he thinks he's at least somewhat god like.

I don't know. How many politicians have claimed to have "the" answer to America's problems and that America won't improve without them?

A lotta guys might notice, the similarity between those columns and the Lincoln Memorial.

Nice Buzz! I once saw a speech by a mayoral candidate in front of a building with a Greek facade and columns There was no indication he thought he was a god of any sort. The building was a post office. I have seen politicians from both parties (including Presidents) speak in front of churches, but they didn't think they were Jesus.
I don't care about a candidate's race or gender. I care about sound judgement and a committment to defend the Constitution of the USA. I am positive that Obama has neither.
HAHAHAHA, this is nuts! How transparant does a guy have to get?:confused: I watched part of the DNC and people were hypnotized, bedazzled, I don't get it I don't get it.....
I just have to say that I am extremely worried for our 2nd Amendment and other freedoms we cherish if Obama gets in...

For the love of Mike, can anyone tell me what “We are the ones we have been waiting on” means? It is the stupidest sounding phrase I have heard in a long time. It makes no sense at all. The only think I can figure out is that what he wanted to say is, “I am the one you have been waiting on.”

But, I hope that they keep running on hollow phrases against George Bush. They can't win that way.
All the pomp of the Nazi's rallies in the 1930's.

Here's a tip for Obama, should he win: Hitler had the floor in his office constructed on a slope, so that he would appear higher than the person walking in.
"Propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. If the means achieves the end then the means is good.........the new Ministry has no other aim than to unite the nation behind the ideal of the national revolution." Goebbels
If y'all think the Republican convention will be any less, you are kidding yourselves. I actually worked the 1984 Republican Convention in Dallas. It was like a cult.

The Democrats are going to see the Republicans as being just as silly, naive, and downright stupid as we perceive them. Propaganda will abound.
The Libs who've been posting to this thread are correct. Obama's using an "ancient Greek temple" motif because a lot of the government buildings in DC use this type of architecture. He's trying to juxtaposition himself with images of officialdom, just like the fake presidential seal and the foreign visits.

The subliminal message is: See, I'm not just a skinny kid who was a state senator four years ago. I'm a big-time politician who could credibly run for US President.

Don't forget, Obama has a psychoanalytical detachment from Americans. We're bugs in a Petri dish to him. He thinks he has us figured out and that he can just push our buttons. When it comes to Democrats, so far he's been right.

A common concern: that the stadium appearance plays against Obama's convention goal of lowering his star wattage and connecting with average Americans and gives Republicans a chance to drive home their message that the Democratic nominee is a narcissistic celebrity candidate.

It appears that there are some Dem's with enough brains to realize this could be a mistake. Too late now.:cool:
A gift from the Greek Gods

This could be a gift from the Gods, but not to Obama backers, rather to the Republican party. Perception is everything. I would assume that the same people that thought Obama's failed rock star European trip planned this little venue. Obama addressing his subjects like a god will go over well at the convention, but I don't think it's going to play well with middle America. But since I don't want him to win...that's a good thing.:)