Obama on Supreme Court Judges

The question to ask is, which of the presidential candidates is most likely to protect and defend the Constitution, without reservation
Since you qualified it with "without reservation" then the answer is: None of the Above. We did not nominate a candidate based on protecting and defending the Constitution, without reservation, and it's too late to get one now.
another blemish on his record

SECDEF if McCain plays the game where he does not follow the election laws he will give the Democrats an overpowering ability to show his willingness to not follow any rules. It will set McCain up for questions on every aspect of how he will do things as the president. If he will not follow a simply election rule what will he do when it come to following the Constution; disregard it as much or more than Bush did. :confused:
if McCain plays the game where he does not follow the election laws he will give the Democrats an overpowering ability to show his willingness to not follow any rules. It will set McCain up for questions on every aspect of how he will do things as the president. If he will not follow a simply election rule what will he do when it come to following the Constution; disregard it as much or more than Bush did.

The democrats didn't "do" anything. McCain shot his own foot. Obviously, this is something that will come up when they officially determine a nominee, but to date, the method of funding and reasons thereof were determined solely by McCain during the republican primary.

Blaming anyone but himself is foolhardy.
McCain did it I agree

SecDef I agree McCain did it to himself. I did not think my previous post implied the Democrats did it. I believe I stated how it will be used by the Dems if he try to slide around the campaign funding rules he previously agreed to.
I believe I stated how it will be used by the Dems if he try to slide around the campaign funding rules he previously agreed to.

No, you said "I'm not saying dems alone got McCain nominated but they helped."

Maybe you can see why I asked how they helped when you in fact did say that they helped?
No, you said "I'm not saying dems alone got McCain nominated but they helped."

Maybe you can see why I asked how they helped when you in fact did say that they helped?

I'm the one that said that. They helped get McCain nominated by voting for him in the Republican primaries while a lot of Republicans were stretched out among the other nominees. This has gone on for years. Republicans are doing it now trying to get Hillary nominated so we won't have to deal with Obama but so far all it's doing is keeping her in the race.
I'm the one that said that.
Oops, sorry about that.

They helped get McCain nominated by voting for him in the Republican primaries while a lot of Republicans were stretched out among the other nominees. This has gone on for years. Republicans are doing it now trying to get Hillary nominated so we won't have to deal with Obama but so far all it's doing is keeping her in the race.

Really? Can you point me to a link that shows that? Seems that the dems were too busy in their own primary to do that. Granted, there probably was some 1 or 2% crossover to mess with the republican primary, but I find it hard to believe that the percentage was more than the amount McCain won by. (or really even statistically significant)

The only thing I could find was this youtube, that that is about voting in the general, not the primaries.