Obama on Supreme Court Judges


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For those who think that they CANNOT vote for John McCain, here's Sen. Obama with Wolf Blitzer on what makes a good SC Judge:

On criteria for picking a Supreme Court Justice
OBAMA: Well, I think that my first criteria is to make sure that these are people who are capable and competent and that they are interpreting the law and 95 percent of the time, the law is so clear that it’s just a matter of applying the law. I’m not somebody who believes in a bunch of judicial lawmaking.

BLITZER: Are there members, are justices right now upon who you would model, you would look at? Who do you like?

OBAMA: Well, I think actually Justice Breyer, Justice Ginsburg are very sensible judges. I think that Justice Souter, who was a Republican appointee is a sensible judge. What you’re looking for is somebody who is going to buy the law where it’s clear. Now there’s going to be those 5 percent of cases or 1 percent of the cases where the law isn’t clear and the judge then has to bring in his or her own perspectives, his ethics, his or her moral bearings and in those circumstances, what I do want is a judge who’s sympathetic enough to those who are on the outside, those who are vulnerable, those who are powerless, those who can’t have access to political power and as a consequence, can’t protect themselves from being dealt with sometimes unfairly. Then the courts become a refuge for judges. That’s been the historic role. That’s what this role in Brown versus Board of Education. I think a judge who is unsympathetic to the fact that in some cases, we’ve got to make sure that civil rights are protected, that we’ve got to make sure that civil liberties are protected because oftentimes the pressures that are placed on politicians to want to set civil liberties aside, especially in times when we’ve had terrorist attacks, making sure that we maintain our separation of powers so that we don’t have a president who is taking over more and more power. I think those are all criteria by which I can judge whether or not this is a good appointee.

I'm for civil rights, but Ginsberg, Breyer and Souter wouldn't be my first choice. Scary...

full link:http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/05/obama_tells_cnns_wolf_blitzer.html
OBAMA: Well, I think actually Justice Breyer, Justice Ginsburg are very sensible judges. I think that Justice Souter, who was a Republican appointee is a sensible judge.

Souter was a Bush41 appointee... now he's a liberal icon. I suspect McCain's appointees would be in the mold of Souter. So, yes, Obama's apointees would be obviously left wing. There is no guarantee that we would fair much better with McCain. If you think that we would, then obviously you did not pay attention for the past 10 years as McCain cozied up to liberals while dumping on conservatives.
OK 40 plus decisions since October 2007

The SC made these 40 decisions over the last six months. Just which ones are the ones you don''t agree with. There must be some or you would not be complaining about the liberal decisions made by them.
obama once said he wants to make sure the little guy wins and justices do what feels right.....kinda screw the constitution and do what feels right type of stuff.....
Well, what a surprise. Osama bin Taxin abu Barak loves superlib justices.

I thought he was the candidate of change and candidate of unity? Right. The candidate of Carter and Kennedy.
"we’ve got to make sure that civil rights are protected, that we’ve got to make sure that civil liberties are protected because oftentimes the pressures that are placed on politicians to want to set civil liberties aside"

...If only he practiced that in all areas of his politics...:rolleyes:
Here is a pretty concise summary of people who have influenced Obama:


Where does this leave us? If all the facts cited here are accurate, here’s the complete picture:

Barack Obama was born of Communist activists, mentored by Communist writer and activist, spent his college days hanging around radical activists (this from Obama’s own book), worked as a radical community organizer learning the radical tactics of Alinsky, kept contact with radicals through the years, and today lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists, and has radicals working on for his campaign. Oh, and he believes opposition to the aims of radical activists will fail because the radicals embody the will of God.

I’m beginning to wonder whether simply pointing to the National Journal’s assessment of Obama’s voting record as the most liberal in the US Senate is strong enough. It appears to me that Mr. Obama embodies the fondest dreams of radical socialist organizers over the years — that someday, a candidate with enough broad, personal appeal would rise to lead the United States away from its defense of individual liberty, and into whole-hearted support of World Socialism. It’s even plausible — not proved here, certainly, but plausible — that Obama has trained his entire life for this role, and that he’s literally a plant from within the world of radical Marxism to help achieve their goal of world domination by removing the opposition of Marxism’s only effective enemy — the libertarian instincts of the United States.
why is he even so popular? because of his empty message for "change" or how his supporters blindly folow him like some type of god
why is he even so popular? because of his empty message for "change" or how his supporters blindly folow him like some type of god

He is popular because he is pretty and he sounds good. In a country that worships Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, this is the best we get. :(
He is popular because he is pretty and he sounds good. In a country that worships Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, this is the best we get.

Do you honestly think that?

It couldn't possibly be that of the three candidates left he is the most willing to bring troops home. Or bring transparency back to the white house. Or is the least entrenched in DC back room politics.

Oh, and he knows the difference between sunnies and shias.. what a detriment!
To clarify: Yes, I think that most Americans who support him do so not because of issues or philosophy or anything substantial but because of his style and charm and "character."

Then there are a twisted few who actually like his politics and positions on the issues - including his irrational fear of firearms, his hatred of personal freedom and his insane belief that the government can solve more problems than it creates.

Any person who votes on Obama must be in desperate need of a fairy tale too to go with bed time. Both Obama and Clinton feed on people's inability to reflect over probable consequences following certains actions. They are both getting their popularity by saying things like, "Vote on me and I will make it stop raining on the days you have had you hair done, and if you vote on me you can eat as much as you want without gaining weight."
Unfortunately thanks to Prohibition, the Depression, WWII, and the Cold War being consecutive events the notion that government is our friend has become entirely too entrenched in the minds of vastly too many people who don't know any better. A big part of the reason nobody took advantage of the 2nd Amendment to rise against socialism is that for 80 years or so the people figured they had worse problems than the destruction of freedom by elected enemies and instead focused on external ones. Now the sword of patriots has gone dull and rusted. It is little wonder that it is scarcely understood by the people and only distantly feared by the elected.
I suggest anyone that supports Obama join the NRA. Then read the American Rifleman.... Paying close attention to Obama's stands about being anti-CWP. He'll never get mine.
Yes, I think that most Americans who support him do so not because of issues or philosophy or anything substantial but because of his style and charm and "character."

I think many of his supporters are simply grossed out by 8 years of Bush.
Bush years

these last seven plus year have had a great impact on how Americans view our president. Among the many reasons to look at Obama is the possability of someone who is not promoting a more of the same rhetoric. McCain promises nothing new, nothing different, just more of the same politics that Bush has maintained since his inauguration in 2000.

Bush got him self into a lot of his problems with public perception of his abilities due to the incompetency of his buddies. He made horrible appointments to almost every position where some knowledge of the subject might have been more than a cursory need. Appointments that were made from paybacks and political cronies of Bush's career politics. Americans see McCain's 25 years in DC as the basic for him to surround himself with a similar group of good old boys who are no less incompetent.
Souter was a Bush41 appointee... now he's a liberal icon.

Yeah, and Earl Warren was appointed by Eisenhower. No way to predict what a lifetime appointee will get up to once he's (or she's) ensconced. Like children, Supreme Court justices don't always turn out how you'd like them to. Doesn't prove anything.
What it proves is that were are unwilling to remove and disbar judges who push things that are not compatible with the American Constitution and way of thinking.