Obama in November....

Obama has said a number of times he will leave it to the states to decide, so I don't really see him pushing any new gun restrictions. I would think even less restrictions than say the current administration.

Of course we can just instead try the scaremongering run around like headless chicken dance, but since we haven't had a progun president since the 60s I am not that really concerned.
Most people don't really care, and will not act

Until their personal sacred ox gets gored. And as long as they have their bread and circuses, they may not act even then.

Compared to what our Founders were willing to put up with we live today in an incredibly regimented nation under tyrannical leaders. Even though we do choose them ourselves, they rule us with what I think the Founders would see as a heavy hand. Not the heaviest hand possible, but a heavy burden nonetheless.

And the rate of adding new restrictions has increased in recent years, along with the cost of doing those things we are still allowed to do.

Just look at the number of people (percentage wise) that turn out to vote on a regular basis. Those people are at least interested enough to express their choices from those offered. The rest of us...we are too involved with our lives to be bothered with it. Until something directly impacts them. Do something that takes away or makes more expensive something they like to do, or have to do, and then they will get involved. Until then, as long as they are not going hungry and have their toys (whatever they are) they don't care.

No matter who get elected, some of the people will be upset with what they do. But remember that the President is not the king. He doesn't operate in a vacuum. remember 1994? Even though they passed the AWB, they went too far, and too fast. And the voters (us) sent them a message in that next election. Will they remember? Will we?
"Yeah, well so what, George Washington didn't recite it either. Or Jefferson, Adams, Monroe or Lincoln."
Actually George instituted the pledge for the Continental Army, although only roughly similar to what we say today. He definitely had the idea down though. It did not go over too well b/c most of the soldiers did not think united or confederated states were a good idea. George may have written version 1, I don't remember that part.

I believe Obama has previously refused to say the pledge b/c he believes pledging allegiance to a flag would be idolatry. You know those pesky ten rules those "crazy" Christians are always railing about. Really, most of the people railing on him probably claim to be Christian and know as little about Christianity as politics.

Don't get me wrong, Obama sucks, but you can't attack the man for actually following through on religious convictions you claim but fail to follow through on.
I believe Obama has previously refused to say the pledge b/c he believes pledging allegiance to a flag would be idolatry. You know those pesky ten rules those "crazy" Christians are always railing about. Really, most of the people railing on him probably claim to be Christian and know as little about Christianity as politics.

Don't get me wrong, Obama sucks, but you can't attack the man for actually following through on religious convictions you claim but fail to follow through on.

As convoluted as that is, it's simply not true. He didn't previously refuse to say the pledge. You may be confusing it with not wearing a pin, which isn't for idolatry reasons, but that the act was itself meaningless and not a reflection on a wearers patriotism.
Obama & Clinton

Things are looking interesting...
Obama & Clinton may be the Democratic nomines if:
[1] They can find a way to get rid of up to Thirty Million dollars Hillary is in debt.
[2] Oboma says he wants nothing to do with Bill. How is he going to keep Bill out of the picture?
Both Oboma and Hillary want to:
Ban our guns.
Rainse taxes, as we go into a recession.
Hillary wants Americans all to live in a government Housing Project.
Limeyfellow, Barack Obama's official site had him advocating BANNING ALL SEMIAUTOMATIC GUNS and in favor of a FEDERAL BAN ON CONCEALED CARRY. I am not making it up.:barf:

I just checked the official page. Looks like they have wised up and removed those official positions in favor of claiming they are for "commonsense gun laws" to protect "sportsmen."

Anyone who thinks this person will be good for gunowners is entirely ignorant of his positions. This person can't even state that is supports owning guns for personal protection, only "sport."