Obama in November....


New member
Ok, I am not trying to start a war here but am interested in others thoughts.

What are everyones thoughts if (I sincerely hope not) Obama is elected in the up coming election. His thoughts on taxes are scarey but his thoughts and what he wants to do with gun control are down right horrifying.

Ban all CCW unless LEO.... That one alone is beyond comprehension to me. Crooks and some political ANTIs must be drooling at the thought.

I also think I read somewhere that he wants to do away with semi autos as well as bringing back the assault weapon ban.

I guess he didn't pay any attention to crime rates in Australia and England when similar laws were enacted.
You can bet that alot of folks are not paying a bit of attention to what he will do, just how he makes them "feel". Which is a recipe for disaster in any case. Campaigns based on one word meaningless mantras seem like something out of a bad fiction novel that ends with you closing the book and thanking providence that those things can't really happen and you sleep well. How are you sleeping now?
Well we will just have to fight a little harder. Might be a good thing too since many gunowners have become soft in defense of the RKBA in recent years. Personally I am not too worried about President Obama. Most of the Dems that will be elected to congress this fall will be pro-gun. They will keep Obama on a short leash.
There's a significant crew here that predicts that the UN will be invading us in February, should Obama get elected.

Pretty funny.
I'm honestly starting to believe

a big number of individuals across the country are really clueless on the entire series of election issues. Just about the time you hear something in the news that has been beaten to death as a campaign issue some group of voters show up and show they are clueless on the issue.

There are probably say twenty overall issues in the election. Most folks can not identify six to win a free lunch. And those folks are not to be confused with the ones who only know some misinformation they read ages ago and continue to believe that information as true. Examples we see constantly: McCain was not born in the US and can not be president; Obama is a Muslim preacher for his entire life; and the list goes on from there.
You should be more worried about Obama in January ;)

Don't worry, McCain recently made the same blunder in reverse.. "we're gonna win in January"

Ban all CCW unless LEO.... That one alone is beyond comprehension to me. Crooks and some political ANTIs must be drooling at the thought.

Seems the droolingest of them all are LEO though.
Bad Signs

I live in a rural, conservative town. I have seen Obama signs starting to pop up on lawns. I have yet too see a McCain sign. Granted, this probably isn't the best indication of things to come. On the other had, it doesn't bode too well for the GOP.
God Bless America

It sickens me to see a portion of the American public support someone that will not pledge allegiance to the very flag of the country he is hoping to be President of, nor wear a flag lapel pin..... and the list goes on.

I'm in hopes the vast majority will research for themselves instead of sitting on their easy chair and watching what the liberal press pumps out on the idiot box.

I'm concerned over the issues and stances he is taking but if for no other reason... I don't consider him an American. He just happens to live here. And if 'she' has never been proud to be an American until now.... BOTH of them should go find another country to live in.

In no other country can I imagine him getting away with what he says about the very government he wants to be a major part in. And I'm grateful he has that right. God Bless this Country!
I'm almost not surprised by Mr. Obama's behavior towards the National Anthem. Here people stand for the anthem but they only take off their hats and put them over their hearts "to respect the culture" (as the announcer at the rodeo said) of the Nez Perce and their national anthem they sing or whatever it is (prayer maybe?). Can't remember right now. Just remember looking around after removing my hat and placing it over my heart and seeing some high schoolers laughing and goofing off but being solemn and almost reverent of the chanting and wailing that followed.
And his view of who to pick for the Supremes is even scarier. He said in a recent interview that he would model his choices to the likes of Ginsburg and Bryan.

Then we will have draconian laws, oppressive taxes, gun bans, and no court to appeal to. This is starting to look pretty weird.
Look on the bright side, folks. If Obama (or any other politician, present or future) destroys the RKBA and American gun owners comply with the new regulations, then justice will have been served. What do I mean by that? Simply that people who tolerate tyrannical laws deserve to lose their rights. It's only proper that cowardice be punished with enslavement.

If you turn in your guns when ordered to do so, then you don't deserve to possess them. If you don't carry a handgun in a dangerous area because the "law" says you're not allowed to, then by your actions you are admitting that your life is less important than the whims of the people who wrote the anti-CCW laws. And so on.

Anyone who obeys other men without question is owned by those other men, much like a slave is the property of someone else. If you are neither willing nor able to say "No" when laws go too far, but instead must obey like a dog, then a dog is exactly what you are. ("You" is not referring to anyone specifically here.)

So, what I'm doing right now is buying as many ban-prone weapons (and ammo) as I possibly can while I can still get them conveniently. (The only reason gun laws are of any consequence to me is because they determine how easy it is to buy weapons of guaranteed quality.) Once I have enough weapons, ammo, mags, and spare parts to last me the rest of my life (and I'm already almost to that point), I'm keeping them until the day I die, regardless of what laws are passed.

This is why I'm not worried about an Obama presidency. Neither he nor anyone else can take our rights away. We have to give them up when told to do so in order to lose them.
It sickens me to see a portion of the American public support someone that will not pledge allegiance to the very flag of the country he is hoping to be President of.....

Where in God's name did you get that idea? Heck, it's easy to find video of Obama leading the pledge.

Good grief.
Where in God's name did you get that idea? Heck, it's easy to find video of Obama leading the pledge.

Because he doesn't watch the "liberal" press and only watches propaganda, obviously. The irony of that is wonderful.
Where in God's name did you get that idea? Heck, it's easy to find video of Obama leading the pledge.

Good grief.

Honest question, did he do it before or after running for president?
Honest question, did he do it before or after running for president?

The video on Obama's site is June 21, 2007, so after.

However, where is there any evidence that he EVER refused to say the pledge? It is a straight up lie.
Misinformation one more time

"It sickens me to see a portion of the American public support someone that will not pledge allegiance to the very flag of the country he is hoping to be President of..... "

this has been show time and time again to be nothing but pure BS. But regardless some must post it again just in case others are stupid enough to follow the leader and believe it this time.
"...will not recite..."

Yeah, well so what, George Washington didn't recite it either. Or Jefferson, Adams, Monroe or Lincoln.

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892.

The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Pledge as the official national pledge on June 22, 1942.

It's all a tempest in a teapot.

Yeah, well so what, George Washington didn't recite it either. Or Jefferson, Adams, Monroe or Lincoln.

Yeah, right.

And the next thing you'll try to tell us is that these men sometimes didn't wear flag pins on their lapels!

Shame on you!